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Search results for query: duckweed index Limnobium

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  1. I

    First attempt at fishkeeping and aquascaping - 60L tropical aquarium

    Thanks @dw1305 for the feedback! I was actually thinking about floating plants to provide more shadowed area (some of the plants I currently have apparently do not need that much light). I have not seen much in my local shop, so I was going to try online (Dennerle or Aguarium Gardens?). Should...
  2. dw1305

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    Hi all, It is a similar question to <"are these rocks suitable for my aquarium?"> If you already have hard, alkaline water? Then any limestone rocks you add won't make it any harder. It is the same with your substrate, once the H+ ions have all been replaced with calcium ions (Ca++) ions etc...
  3. dw1305

    Correspondence with the Neufeld lab. University of Waterloo

    Hi all, There is just a little bit more: Josh's reply: and my reply: Josh's reply: and my reply: And that is where we've ended (at the moment). cheers Darrel
  4. dw1305

    Fert dosing vs water change vol for new setup

    Hi all, It should say what the chelator is on the label? FeEDTA is the "normal one", but it may not be effective in harder water. FeEDDHA, or FeDTPA, would be better than FeEDTA. You can buy a chelate blend for home gardeners as <"Chempak (or Vitax) Soluble Iron">. All plants (including...
  5. dw1305

    Red root floater (Phyllanthus fluitans) and the effect of nitrogen (N).

    Hi all, This is in the tank, the same fertiliser mix, but a lower dosing, and no extra nutrients. Using the Duckweed Index the Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) is still fine, but the RRF really isn't enjoying itself. cheers Darrel
  6. dw1305

    Red root floater (Phyllanthus fluitans) and the effect of nitrogen (N).

    Hi all, Good question, I'm getting to that. The reasons was that I wondered if it might offer an <"extension to the Duckweed Index">. <"VIMI"> and the <"2 hour aquarist"> have been experimenting with the leaf colour in "Red root floater (RRF)" and whether you can make <"the plants redder">...
  7. dw1305

    What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?

    Hi all, Yes, that is it, a floating plant has access to <"atmospheric gases"> and will never be carbon limited. It is also nearest the light, so again lack of light shouldn't ever be an issue. The third thing is that they are <"plants adapted to very bright light">, so leaf scorch shouldn't be...
  8. P

    What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?

    Hi all, reading along in this forum quite some time. This is an interesting thread. Duckweed is not my thing. Tried Limnobium more than 20 years ago, but never survived. Back than I believed NO3 and PO4 was root of all algae bloom I had in my tank. Until in 2008 the approach of Estimative Index...
  9. dw1305

    PURE Aquarium

    Hi all, Yes, like a cross between a health supplement business and an <"unborn child sex prediction service"> - "you get your money back if we predict the wrong sex for your baby". The commercial issue with solutions like <"live food">, <"rain water">, using your <"tap water as a...
  10. T

    Dramatic TDS increase after fertilization

    Thank you very much for your answer. I'm on my way to do a 50% water change and will follow your advice : I will aim for 50µs. It will take several WCs but I don't want to shock my fish. I actually have read many of your posts on the duckweed index and it seems to be the smartest method when...
  11. dw1305

    Above 8

    Hi all, Red green colour blindness does add another <"layer of complexity">. I think so, they look paler green, that could just be a <"lesser need for chlorophyll"> or it could be the start of chlorosis (below). Certainly true, judging leaf colour is definitely easier with a larger leaf...
  12. dw1305

    Above 8

    Hi all, I think that makes perfect sense. One of the advantages of my <"original duckweed (Lemna minor)"> was that its faster growth rate allowed a quicker diagnosis of nutrient deficiency (and their subsequent recovery). As you have both old and new "duckweeds", what does your Lemna look...
  13. M

    Substrate Advice Needed - Established Tank

    Is this the information about our water I’m looking for? I have had plants in from as little as 2 weeks to as long as 4 months and I have seen a very, very small growth on the older plants which is why I was considering aqua soil as I want the plants and fish to thrive. I have a small amount...
  14. L

    Substrate Advice Needed - Established Tank

    Wow, that does look like a tall tank! I am 6ft and I think I would struggle to get to the bottom of that tank! Your fish look lovely. And breeding I think must be a good sign. How long have your stem plants been in the aquarium, and well have they been growing? Some of the broader leaf...
  15. dw1305

    Recently setup dirted tank...looking for thoughts/guidance on approach

    Hi all, You can use the <"Nutrient Dosing Calculator"> to work out an amount. Just choose "11% FeDTPA" as your compound, add in the tank size and aim for ~ 0.2 ppm Fe as your target. If you are an Excel user? The<"IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator"> will give you a lot more options. In...
  16. dw1305

    Algae - Where to start your fight?

    Hi all, Unfortunately only when <"new leaves grow">. Have a look at - <"Duckweed Index says Nitrogen please?"> & <"Plant deficiencies and the Fe Experiment">. The plant can't move iron (Fe) around the plant to new tissue, or store it for a <"rainy day"> - <"Should i start to fertilize?">...
  17. M

    TNC Complete dosing

    Hey Darrel, I only added these a week ago from an in-vitro pot so I don't expect them to look too great just yet although I will attach a picture for you of them. There does seem to be new shoots on a few of them which looks positive atleast 🤞 Even though I know floating plants are a huge help...
  18. dw1305

    TNC Complete dosing

    Hi all, What does the <"floating plant look like">? Because it has access to <"atmospheric CO2 (and first dibs on the light)"> any deficiency symptoms will be mineral nutrient (fertiliser) related. <"Global Monitoring Laboratory - Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases"> Have a look at <"What is the...
  19. L

    Help reading this picture

    I have some new to me, previously well cared-for, limnobium laevigatum in the tank. Been a few weeks. Overall some are growing like crazy, but I'm now seeing netting on some. @dw1305 's 'What is the Duckweed Index all about?' suggests Iron deficiency. Keen to nip this in the bud. I'm...
  20. dw1305

    Is Tom Barr's Approach Still The Go To Approach For Low Tech?

    Hi all, I'm obviously not an EI user, but I think that is the <"advantage of both Estimative and Duckweed Indices">, you don't need to worry about <"ratios or trying to measure"> the amount of nutrients in the water column. I think that where the <"Duckweed Index">* has an advantage <"over all...
  21. dw1305

    Dark Start and soaking wood

    Hi all, Yes, change some water. If you are adding ammonia (NH3)? Just stop, cycling doesn't really exist in the way <"that we traditionally thought it did">. If you have a substrate that is ammonia rich the dark start process will reduce the ammonia levels without encouraging a bloom of algae...
  22. A

    Cloudy Water Hazy Water and Algae!

    Hi all, As noticed sth new, and quickly shot photo of it. In fact I regret I haven't got a chance make a photo yesterday or the day before yesterday. One of my cryptocorynes released new leave. The new leaves looks very twisted, curled. Yesterday I received floater limnobium levigatum, added...
  23. dw1305

    What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?

    References and some background reading. There is a list of (mainly) Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) wastewater phytoremediation references at: <"Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) phytoremediation references">. I'll carry on updating this link as I get new references. Books Diana...
  24. dw1305

    What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?

    What is the future for the Duckweed Index II, is it a mix of floaters? You might remember @castle's Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) photo from <"earlier in the thread">. The other plant in the photo is Red-root Floater (Phyllanthus fluitans) - <"Phyllanthus fluitans - Tropica Aquarium...
  25. dw1305

    What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?

    What is the future for the Duckweed Index? The Duckweed Index has been developed over ~15 years, and while I don't expect any major changes, but there will be <"continuing tweaks to it">. The Duckweed Index has definitely gained a bit of traction, particularly among <"German Apistogramma...
  26. dw1305

    What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?

    Fertilisers and the Duckweed Index. Substrate In nutrient terms rooted plants have access to the substrate, and that is a world of <"unknown unknowns">, with a huge number of <"potential variables">. Nutrients that aren't available in the water column <"may be plant available"> within the...
  27. dw1305

    What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?

    We've talked about iron deficiency, but what are going to do about it? Because of the <"lag phase">, between adding plant available iron (Fe) and <"new healthy leaves growing">, I now use a tweak to the original Duckweed Index concept, where I add iron (Fe) (as FeEDTA, & magnesium (Mg)*,) on a...
  28. dw1305

    What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?

    ........... and why we need to talk about iron (Fe). Lack of plant available iron (Fe) is the most common deficiency among the immobile plant nutrients. There is a complete thread (by @KirstyF) at <"Plant deficiencies and the Fe Experiment">, but I'll add a summary in terms of how it effects...
  29. dw1305

    What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?

    Why a rooted emergent plant would have been optimal. In the last section I mentioned <"atmospheric gases">, and while CO2 was the focus, all aerobic organisms require oxygen (O2) and I'll say a bit more about oxygen now. It will only be "a bit", because this is a huge subject area and requires...
  30. dw1305

    What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?

    The "aerial advantage" and why it is so important. If we go back to the figure in the <"previous post"> we can see that plants are overwhelmingly constructed from structural carbohydrates, produced from CO2, water and light via photosynthesis. <"File photosynthesis equation.svg - Wikimedia...
  31. dw1305

    What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?

    We've just talked about nitrogen (N), but what about the other mineral nutrients? Plants require <"all fourteen of the essential mineral nutrients for growth">, just in widely varying amounts. From <"https://wiki.groenkennisnet.nl/space/CPC/11993210/3.1.+Minerals+in+plants:+a+brief+overview">...
  32. dw1305

    What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?

    The Leaf Colour Chart. The Leaf Colour Chart has its own thread - <"The scientific background to the "Leaf Colour Chart">, but I'll add in a summary here. The Leaf Colour Chart (LCC) is a visual guide of when to add nitrogenous (N) fertilisers, originally developed for Rice (Oryza sativa)...
  33. dw1305

    What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?

    What is the “Duckweed Index” all about? I’ve never written a proper “Duckweed Index” article, but, prompted by @GHNelson, I’ve written a short introduction. I’ll break it up into a series of posts (of which this is the first), mainly to avoid author (and reader) fatigue. There is a table of...
  34. K

    My first adventure into aquascaping - Aquael 125L Walstad

    I've got some red root floaters mixed in with my frogbit, maybe I can share some photos! What I'm wondering is how do I know my plants have all the 14 essential nutrients? How do I know if they don't have enough nitrogen? And what are my options are if they don't?
  35. dw1305

    My first adventure into aquascaping - Aquael 125L Walstad

    Hi all, Assuming that your plants have all the <"14 essential mineral nutrients">? Then it is largely a nitrogen effect <"Black leaf edges - cause?">. Have a look at @Parablennius <"Floaters"> thread. I choose a floating plant for the <"Duckweed Index"> - <"Echinodorus bleheri - slow...
  36. dw1305

    My first adventure into aquascaping - Aquael 125L Walstad

    Hi all, I agree with @_Maq_ , we just don't know what is happening in the substrate, other than as that substrate matures, and the plant roots ramify through it, it is going to provide a <"huge range of different environments">. Dr Stephen Tanner's article is well worth a read <"Aquarium...
  37. dw1305

    Testing nitrate and po4

    Hi all, The rationale behind both <"Estimative and Duckweed Indices"> was that you wouldn't need to test the water. Estimative Index (EI) was designed so that the level of mineral nutrients always exceeded the plants minimum requirement and growth was dependent upon CO2 level and PAR. The...
  38. dw1305

    Trusted test kits?

    Hi all, I've never seen one for sale, it was designed for Rice (Oryza sativa) <"Leaf Color Chart - IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank">, but there might be something similar for other cereals. <"http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org/qualityseedcourse4women/images/stories/module...
  39. dw1305

    Duckweed Index questions

    Hi all, I'd guess that they do, it is true for most plants, but I don't specifically know for Limnobium about root : shoot ratio. I actually don't tend to worry too much about root development, <"leaf size and colour"> are my main metrics, mainly because a quick look (<"or photo">) is all that...
  40. dw1305

    Duckweed Index questions

    Hi all, Pretty much, leaf size, as well as colour, is quite important - <"The scientific background to the "Leaf Colour Chart"">. Have a look at @Cédric's <"post and links">. The reason I like a floating plant is that it takes CO2 and PAR out of the equation, and the reason I settled on...
  41. Nont

    Duckweed Index questions

    Hi everyone, I’m currently use a complete fertiliser for my all of my aquarium, and I usually follow the dosage and frequency instructions on the bottle. I must admit that I have not a single idea of how chemistry works but I want to try out the duckweed index to reduce ferts expenses so I...
  42. dw1305

    PH vs KH

    Hi all, So in the case of <"sodium hydroxide (NaOH) injection"> and hydrochloric acid (HCl) addition, we are into a <"strong base & strong acid interaction"> and that makes it a lot more straight forward, because everything is in solution and we don't have any buffering. In this case we have a...
  43. dw1305

    Curious case of no Nitrates? Expert opinion needed.

    Hi all, I know <"it would make sense">, but I'd already started calling it the <"Duckweed Index"> before I changed over from Lesser Duckweed (Lemna minor) to Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum). I think, even though I'd written about the technique before 2008, that I only started calling it...
  44. dw1305

    KH, GH and aquasoil

    Hi all, It has a <"number of advantages">, so Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) is definitely my preferred "Duckweed". I'm <"obviously biased">, but it works. The only real revision I've made since I swapped from Lesser Duckweed (Lemna minor) is that I've been using a <"hybrid version">...
  45. M

    Planting density for start up tank.

    With regards to the plants you’ve mentioned darrel, would they be suitable for a 50l with lid for a betta? im hoping to do a soil substrate as seems the most natural and logical from a plant nutrition stand point from what I’ve managed to understand from the varied online information. like the...
  46. MichaelJ

    Tropica have adopted the Duckweed Index

    That is very nice Darrel. I am a big fan of the Duckweed index as you know. "When the nutrient level in the water decreases, it will grow much slower which makes it a great indicator of the available nutrients." In my experience (and opinion), the Duckweed index is not really about speed of...
  47. dw1305

    Tropica have adopted the Duckweed Index

    Hi all, All right, so the title might be <"slight hyperbole">, but the <"Tropica "Amazon Frogbit" (Limnobium laevigatum) page"> says: cheers Darrel
  48. dw1305

    Jungle flex 57L

    Hi all, Access to atmospheric CO2 was the main reason for using a floating plant for the "Duckweed Index". Any green, submerged plant should show the same deficiency symptoms, but you have the <"extra confounding"> <"factors of CO2 (and light) availability">. I'm seriously considering...
  49. Lapul

    Should i start to fertilize?

    I think i am going to insert in the tank some limnobium :) As far as FE, i can purchase easily Seachem Iron or Easy Life Ferro What do you think? Maybe Easy life is more tailored regarding my pH 7? Thanks Cris
  50. dw1305

    Should i start to fertilize?

    Hi all, Generally iron availability is much less of an issue in water with lower alkalinity. Because iron (Fe) is a bit of a <"two edged sword">, you could easily tip into iron toxicity in acidic, reducing conditions . Yes, a floating plant will take up all nutrients and act as a nutrient...
  51. dw1305

    Should i start to fertilize?

    Hi all, You get iron (Fe) deficiency in new leaves, because iron isn't mobile within the plant. Looking at your Bacopa that definitely suggests lack of iron. Everything else looks pretty healthy. Have a look at @jameson_uk (with <"traditional apologies">) two Amazon Frogbit threads <"Frogbit...
  52. palcente

    Targeting Potassium

    Anything special about frogbit/duckweed ? I have a heavily planted shrimp grow out tank with no substrate and just RO water (with some GH booster only) which shows deficiencies in the submerged plants while the floaters are thriving. It almost makes me think floaters are feeding off dying...
  53. dw1305

    NA Style ADA 60P

    Hi all, I've just found <"an old thread"> (from 2017) which suggests I may have been sublimely thinking about <"monetising the Duckweed Index"> for a lot longer than I had realised. From 2017 Now how to get the genie back in the bottle? Possibly <"Secret Ingredient Soup">? cheers Darrel
  54. dw1305

    Targeting Potassium

    Hi all, That was one of the main reasons for using a floating plant in the <"Duckweed Index">. A floating plant always had access to <"atmospheric CO2">, and that takes <"CO2 deficiency out of the equation">. Clive (@ceg4048 ) is convinced that most deficiency symptoms relate to <"lack of...
  55. dw1305

    Low Tech Ei

    Hi all, Because I don't regularly add nutrients I had one extended time period when I didn't add any fertilisers, purely <"because the floating plants never indicated"> that they were grossly deficient <"in any particular nutrient"> (or in all the nutrients generally). It has never happened...
  56. dw1305

    Who needs a tank for a dark start…. Let’s see.

    Hi all, Dodgy strips are a distinct possibility. Unfortunately nitrate (NO3-) is a difficult nutrient to <"test for accurately">, mainly because <"the solubility of NO3 containing compounds">. It was partially the inherent difficulties in nitrate testing that led <"to the development"> of the...
  57. dw1305

    What are the causes of diatoms?

    Hi all, I should have said that I don't think that the sensitivity to nitrogen levels of "Red Root Floater" (Phyllanthus fluitans) outweighs <"the problems with not being able to see iron (Fe) deficiency etc."> as clearly in a plant with red leaves. Potentially a mixture of Limnobium...
  58. dw1305

    N concentrations vs dosing targets

    Hi all, Sort of, but all the nitrate ions (NO3-) are the same, it doesn't matter where they came from, but it does matter where they came from in terms of their usefulness as an indicator of organic pollution. Oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N) are both <"highly reactive elements"> and have been...
  59. dw1305

    Plant deficiencies and the Fe Experiment

    Hi all, I'm pleased it has worked for you. I'm (<"probably absurdly">) proud of it, and, my ego and I, are going to have a much <"happier afternoon now">. The only exception we've found to the "pale new leaves = iron deficiency" is in @Hufsa's case. Her plants turned out to be <"manganese...
  60. dw1305

    Plant deficiencies and the Fe Experiment

    Hi all, I've been thinking about this, mainly in light of a more complete understanding of the Maize (Zea mays) photo, and because "Amazon Frogbit" (Limnobium laevigatum) is <"also a monocotyledon">. I think that the mode of leaf formation in monocots is actually the reason for the...
  61. K

    Plant deficiencies and the Fe Experiment

    It’s a fair point Darrel and I’ll run as long as I need to, to get valid results. I’m curious your thoughts on when is a new leaf not a new leaf? If a ‘young’ leaf is still developing, can you expect to see an improvement in that leaf ‘health’ in event that a non-mobile deficient nutrient...
  62. dw1305

    Plant deficiencies and the Fe Experiment

    Hi all, I'm not sure even two weeks will be long enough to see healthy new leaves grow. That was one of the reasons for originally using <"Lesser Duckweed (Lemna minor)"> in the <"Duckweed Index",> it has a very rapid turn-over of new leaves, meaning that it shows a very flexible response to...
  63. dw1305

    Plant deficiencies and the Fe Experiment

    Hi all, That is the real advantage of iron (Fe) as a diagnosable deficiency. Iron isn't mobile within the plant, so the plant leaf tissue gives an indication of iron availability <"at the time of its formation">, and that is <"an indelible mark">. You can still use the <"Duckweed Index"> to...
  64. dw1305

    Aquarium Plant Food UK Closing Down

    Hi all, I think I actually may <"have seen this"> without really twigging* what was happening. Initially I got a bit of a growth spurt (below), but subsequently the new leaves paled slightly. I didn't think too much more about it , but since then I've carried on with the <"hybrid Duckweed...
  65. dw1305

    Please read my floating plants

    Hi all, Yes, that is how it works, plants can shuffle mobile nutrients from older to newer leaves, and real deficiency symptoms only occur when the plant has really run out entirely. Yes and no, you can get a situation where a non-mobile nutrient is unavailable for a limited time period, <"and...
  66. dw1305

    The scientific background to the "Leaf Colour Chart"

    Hi all, That is <"pretty impressive">, and shows the plasticity in growth form that Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) can exhibit. That is one of the real advantages of L. laevigatum for the <"Duckweed Index">, it has the potential to get very large, very quickly, but isn't a <"turned up...
  67. dw1305

    Help with a couple of issues

    Hi all, Personally <"I use snails">, which I appreciate isn't an option for you (because of the Loaches). The liquid carbon may help with some algae, it <"is a biocide">, which is why it deters algae (and damages Vallisneria etc). Because I'm a snail fan, I've never really tried other...
  68. dw1305

    Persistent GDA on plants

    Hi all, That is it. The other thing I should have said is that it is <"only new leaves">, grown after iron (Fe) deficiency is <"no longer limiting growth">, that will be green. That was one reason I originally used Lemna minor ("Duckweed") for the <"Duckweed Index"> (I now prefer <"Amazon...
  69. dw1305

    High nitrate tap water

    Hi all, Perfect, that is partially why I prefer <"watching the plants"> to adding a set amount of fertiliser on a regular basis. I probably would let it spread a bit, it is a great nitrogen sink as @PARAGUAY says, and <"this is the why">: This is what it looks like, if you <"feed it...
  70. Mattant1984

    Am I adding enough??

    Hi Darrel, That's a serious price saving for sure!! I'm currently spending about £15 for 2 months on TNC!! So are you saying my tank would just need the 12g per week of Solufeed and that would cover all nutrients needed ?? Seems too good to be true lol Many thanks Matt
  71. dw1305

    Am I adding enough??

    Hi all, I bought the last lot from the <"Solufeed shop front">, it was £13.99 + p & p for kilo. I'd probably split it in to two doses, call it 6g a dose and <"dose it as a dry salt">. One advantage of this is that 6 g is that it is pretty much <"exactly a tea spoonful">. Dosing at 12g a...
  72. dw1305

    Frogbit leaves dying

    Hi all, OK, I'd probably leave it a little bit longer, keep on dosing and see if they pick up. One of the good things with Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) is that it doesn't need much structural tissue (the water does that bit) so it can rapidly respond to changes in nutrient levels by...
  73. F

    Fluval Stratum & Caribsea Eco-Complete?

    Thanks for the clarification Darrel and all of your help👍. How do you think my Salvinia Aruculata will work? I also have Red Root Floater on the way too but, won't have any Amazon Frogbit until my big tank gets here.
  74. dw1305

    Fluval Stratum & Caribsea Eco-Complete?

    Hi all, Yes, that is right. It was developed for Rice (Oryza sativa), and works pretty well for Duckweed (Lemna minor) and Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum), but <"isn't suitable for every plant">. Have a look at <"Glasshouse "floating weeds" tank."> It really has to be a floating plant...
  75. Talkingteacups

    a noob hoping I'm posting in the right place?[emoji1787]

    Thank you so much!! this is super helpful. I'll deffo be doing some more reading tonight! Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
  76. dw1305

    a noob hoping I'm posting in the right place?[emoji1787]

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. That looks fine, I'd be pleased with that. Some of us have much more <"jungly tanks">. <"CO2 isn't a pre-requisite for planted tanks">, many of us are low tech. plant keepers. In terms of plants the <"Tropica Easy"> category are plants that will grow without added...
  77. dw1305

    Are nitrates bad in planted aquariums?

    Hi all, I think that is a fair enough hypothesis, the environment is awash with <"unnatural levels of nutrients">. Personally I'm more interested in the <"lower limit of plant growth">, not the optimal level. The ability to <"persist at low nutrient levels"> was one of the reasons I swapped to...
  78. dw1305

    Help finding a plant that roots in super fine sand

    Hi all, Same for me, but there is a way where you can check whether it is the substrate, or lack of fertilisers, and that is to <"use a floating plant">. Have a look at the <"Duckweed Index">, it is a method where <"you add fertilisers"> only when your "Duckweed" growth slows to an...
  79. dw1305

    Amazon Frogbit

    Hi all, Best of luck, it will take a while unfortunately, whichever deficiency it is. The reason for this is that it is the new leaves that are chlorotic, meaning that the deficient nutrient isn't mobile within the plant and it is only new leaves, produced after that nutrient becomes available...
  80. dw1305

    Amazon Frogbit

    Hi all, I think what @John q and @Parablennius suggest is probably right. Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) is actually the <"plant I use"> to help and <"diagnose nutrient deficiencies">, via the <"Duckweed Index">. Have a look at <"Frogbit taken a turn">, it shows a complete cycle from...
  81. dw1305

    GSA- BBA Suspect Imbalance

    Hi all, In terms of the job they do? Then any (or all) <"of them">. I keep "Water Lettuce" (Pistia stratiotes), "Floating Fern" (Salvinia auriculata group) and "Amazon Frogbit" (Limnobium laevigatum). If I only kept one it would be Amazon Frogbit, mainly because it has a <"nice green...
  82. dw1305

    Lean Dosing conversion ?

    Hi all, That was the idea behind the <"Duckweed Index">, that the plants would <"maintain high quality water"> and that the only requirement for adding nutrients was to <"maintain some plant growth">. Because I want the plants to be able to respond to any <"increase in bioload">, I actually...
  83. MichaelJ

    Low Tech Fertiliser Dosing. Whats your technique?

    Hi Darrel, I might not be the only one being curious about what you are dosing so I thought I would ask. Do you target any specific ppm's with your fertilizers? what's your technique? :) Cheers, Michael
  84. dw1305

    Low Tech Fertiliser Dosing. Whats your technique?

    Hi all, Exactly that, I found a <"goldilocks zone"> where I had healthy fish and some plant growth. In some ways it is the path of least resistance, but <"I've scaled my peak">, it is just a pretty low altitude one. I'd agree that is a limitation, and also one that affects Amazon Frogbit...
  85. dw1305

    NA Style ADA 60P

    Hi all, A re branding, now that is an idea. The "problems" (purely in commercial terms) with the Duckweed / Frogbit Index are that: It <"works really well">. So once you have Frogbit in your tank <"your problems go away"> and you forget that they ever existed. You only have to buy the...
  86. K

    Lean dosing pros and cons

    Which, in effect, is a version of ‘lean dosing made easy’ 👍 I wonder if, in a tank with high light, Co2 and ‘difficult’ stems, whether there would be any degree of separation between the point at which such plants perform well and the point at which the ‘canary floater’ starts to suffer. i.e do...
  87. dw1305

    Lean dosing pros and cons

    Hi all, That was the original rationale behind the <"Duckweed Index">, just <"add "enough"> when the plants begin to signs of distress. All the time the plants are healthy (and in some form of growth), just carry on with water changes etc., but <"don't add any fertiliser">. I used this...
  88. Jaseon

    Algae ID/ solutions.

    Right lads thanks. Will pass the info on. Its kind of Ironic for TNC to call itself complete.
  89. dw1305

    Algae ID/ solutions.

    Hi all, If you look at the new leaves (like the one on the right of the plant, and the one left centre) they are really pale and almost translucent. I'm pretty sure that you also have a nutrient deficiency, and it is likely to be <"either iron (Fe) or manganese (Mn)">. This is <"iron...
  90. dw1305

    GSA and plant deterioration - increase macro dose or supplement PO4?

    Hi all, Turn up the <"intensity a bit"> and that will at least take low light away from our possible causes of poor plant growth. If the plants really do look pale? You could try a bit more magnesium (Mg), you can buy it easily as "Epsom Salts" (MgSO4.7H20) for baths etc and that is 10% Mg...
  91. Paulus

    Algae won't go away and i am running out of ideas tracing the cause

    First of all: Thanks everybody for the feedback :D:angelic::thumbup: Lighting was new with this tank build/setup. My old tank was a diy led with some extra cheap flood lights. At the start of the new tank i had 3 weeks dark start (because of waiting of the plants and other stuff). And the...
  92. dw1305

    Algae won't go away and i am running out of ideas tracing the cause

    Hi all, I'd guess that it isn't a nitrate (NO3-) effect as well. As @PARAGUAY says the plants look a good green and usually the <"degree of green coloration and fixed nitrogen availability"> are closely related. Nitrate testing is quite <"problematic at low levels">, which is why I tend to...
  93. dw1305

    Consistency Deficiency

    Hi all, Yes, that is it. The original ideal was a rooted emergent plant, something like <"Cyperus papyrus">, because of their potential to oxygenate the substrate, and filtration via a <"planted trickle filter">. I soon appreciated that neither of these was going to be desirable, or indeed...
  94. dw1305

    Water parameter & plant help!

    Hi all, Possibly not, you are right on the edge of the pH hardness availability zone for FeEDTA. Have a look at our <"pink tint thread">. Plants need trace amounts of the microelements, so usually the difference is between some or none. Iron (Fe) deficiency is one of the few deficiencies that...
  95. dw1305

    What are the best plants for Nano tanks?

    Hi all, That is actually a good thing, it just shows you <"have lots of nutrients">, but I agree Duckweed is a <"pita to get rid of">. There is, <"Amazon Frogbit is my preferred "Duckweed">. It was a shame I didn't call it the <"Frogbit Index">, but I'd already <"started writing about it">...
  96. dw1305

    What are the best plants for Nano tanks?

    Hi all, Those and <"Cryptocoryne x willisii">, <"Bolbitis heudelotii > & Limnobium laevigatum. You can use <"Ceratophyllum demersum "> as your fast growing stem "stem", it doesn't have any roots, so is easy to thin, or remove. The same applies to the <"Amazon Frogbit">, easy to remove, but...
  97. dw1305

    Consistency Deficiency

    Hi all, It looks like an iron (Fe), most likely, or manganese (Mn), less likely, deficiency. Because the new leaves are smaller and paler than the older leaves it will be one of the <"non-mobile nutrient"> where lack of causes chlorosis in new leaves. @Happi might have some ideas? Have a...
  98. dw1305

    Lean dosing pros and cons

    Hi all, It could be <"molybdenum (Mo)">. I haven't ever done this very scientifically, with the original wastewater work it is <"plenty of everything">, and subsequently it has usually been in planted tanks with some livestock present and/or a <"commercial fertiliser mix">, with both urea and...
  99. dw1305

    Lean dosing pros and cons

    Hi all, It does, that is why I use it for the Duckweed Index, in preference to the original duckweed, Lesser Duckweed (Lemna minor), which was always slightly yellow in soft water even when nitrogen levels were higher. It had to be a floating, or emergent, plant to access the 400 ppm of CO2...
  100. dw1305

    Lean dosing pros and cons

    Hi all, That looks pretty conclusive. I would expect the Tonina to green up as well, but the yellow leaves remaining yellow and the new growth green. Green new growth will take a while to appear because of Tonina's <"slow growth"> rate. I can see the healthy new leaves on the Cuphea can't...