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  1. sa80mark

    Golitha Falls

    Very very nice tom, one day I will learn how to take proper photos
  2. sa80mark

    Ada 60p lighting options

    The 600 are said to be brighter yes, there is a member on here (I cant remember who :( ) ran 2 500's on a similar size tank if I remember right and they were far to bright so yes 2 600's will be more than enough
  3. sa80mark

    Cheapest way to add pressurised Co2?

    Big clown is the man to confirm this (I hope ) bit I remember reading somewhere that 21.8x1/14 is indeed the right one I think/hope this helps DIN477 (DIN 477) German Standard Cylinder Valve Outlets & Connectors - FTI
  4. sa80mark

    Ada 60p lighting options

    If it were me I would go for 2 grobeam 600 with controller these will give good spread and offer more than enough light
  5. sa80mark

    Ada 60p lighting options

    Theres a few shops in germany that sell them and I might be wrong but I believe they are only available in 110volt so you would also need a transformer to power one in the uk
  6. sa80mark

    What fish will go with...

    Trigonostigma heteromorpha Harlequin rasbora very underated and under used imo
  7. sa80mark

    60P IWAGUMI Mountain Scape

    Very nice, love the hardacape :)
  8. sa80mark

    Cheapest way to add pressurised Co2?

    Aslong as its din 477 then yes it will fit, im going to use pub gas bottles on my tank as there silly cheap :)
  9. sa80mark

    premature complete diy optiwhite build

    No nothing special or posh just this one :) HA6 Marine silicone aquarium water fish tank RTV translucent clear top quality | eBay
  10. sa80mark

    premature complete diy optiwhite build

    Thanks guys :) the silicone is a bit messy in a few areas but nothing a sharp blade wont sort :) Strange the pics arnt showing I use my phone to veiw ukaps 99% of the time and never had a problem
  11. sa80mark

    premature complete diy optiwhite build

    After sitting on my hands all weekend due my sons birthday this afternoon I managed to get some glass stuck together :) im happy but the misses looks like a pitbull chewing a wasp because I decided the workshop was to cold so I built it in the kitchen :) Enjoy
  12. sa80mark

    under tank mat, what are they and were to buy ?

    Here you go :) AnyFoam: Discounted sheet foam offers: soft, medium, firm, recon, packaging, closed cell, ethafoam, acoustic, fireseal sheets.
  13. sa80mark

    Cheapest way to add pressurised Co2?

    The co2 art ones fit no adapter needed ;)
  14. sa80mark

    Protip: If you're not Plantbrain, stop posting like you are

    Some of the latest post seems to have turned this thread around to a ukaps love in :) which is damn right this forum is without a doubt the best I have ever found and ever been part off, I am terrible at writing posts, giving opinions and advice basically although im english I am terrible with...
  15. sa80mark

    under tank mat, what are they and were to buy ?

    Thanks ali, I was looking for yoga mats and camping mats but cant find any in white Alastair :) thanks mate just looked for some and found a place that does white and its only £5 :)
  16. sa80mark

    Cheapest way to add pressurised Co2?

    I run a 2kg fire extinguisher on my 30l and its lasted well upto now I would expect around 12 months from it :) theres a few people who use the 500g and can last a few months but its kind of an impossible question to answer as it will all depend on your bubble size, bubble rate and so on, As...
  17. sa80mark

    CO2 and am confused

    Hi cj Co2 for me is an absolute must I love the challenge off high tech, co2 setups can be as cheap or as expensive as you wise, when it comes the mini setups they seem a good idea but the cost of refills is ridiculous I was spending £12 a week on co2 bottles for a 30l tank if you can I would...
  18. sa80mark

    Re-using old filter media?

    Ive reused filter media for years with no issues, if its ceramic type I boil it for a few minutes no idea if this would really kill any badies but it gives me peace of mind :) you could always use 50/50 water bleach mix and soak it over night then rinse and keep rinsing until the bleach smell...
  19. sa80mark

    "Green&Grey" (300l) - Last day video

    I agree with all the above, truly unique tank the red is so vibrant it just jumps out and grabs your attention then the ammania takes your eyes to the back of the tank, really really nice I would love to have this in my house Cant wait to see what you come up with next :)
  20. sa80mark

    1300 litre chocolate lake

    Thread alignment ? in my younger working days I was a cycle specialist ( my first proper job title lol :) ) at halfords and used to get quite a few bikes with this as a recurring problem and 9/10 it was misaligned threads due to manufacturing errors so it might be worth having it checked out
  21. sa80mark

    New LEDs coming to the market?

    Wow those aquabars are cheap, 2 of them work out cheaper than my planed diy led set up :o
  22. sa80mark

    under tank mat, what are they and were to buy ?

    Yes that could work :) ive got a roll of 3mm at work thanks oldbloke :)
  23. sa80mark

    Green Spot Algae, Anubias Nana Petite

    From my all be it limited experience if you dont wipe the leafs quite regularly you will get algae on them pretty much whatever the light is, a simple test is to wipe the leaf gently and see how slimy/sticky/grimy it is then give it a proper clean, it should almost feel rough to the touch...
  24. sa80mark

    Green thread algae

    No idea to be honest mine was easily managed so I never looked into any other method
  25. sa80mark

    under tank mat, what are they and were to buy ?

    Apologies if this is in the wrong section I couldnt find anywhere it fitted Does anyone know what th3 tank mats are made from ? The sort you get with dennerle tanks etc, are they foam, neoprene ? Also does anyone have any idea when I can buy some in white ? Mark
  26. sa80mark

    Green thread algae

    My hc was hit hard with green thread in my last scape keep up the water changes and manually remove as much as you can and it will soon dissappear :) a tooth brush is amazingly good at removing the algae just spin it on to the toothbrush like spaghetti on a fork :)
  27. sa80mark

    River Monsters Marathon

    You have to love a bit Jeremy wade :) also another one worth watching is monster fish on nat geo with the legend that is dr zeb hogan
  28. sa80mark

    life after dexter and breaking bad

    Me and the wife have got into by any means aswell, really good, also been watching homeland thats brilliant and boardwalk empire starts again soon :)
  29. sa80mark

    All in one fert dosing/overdosing

    Heres a link to the neutro+ that gives an idea of what it contains http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/neutro-medium-p-6381.html?cPath=544_208
  30. sa80mark

    All in one fert dosing/overdosing

    Im using neutro+ in my current tank im dosing 4ml per day in 30l + filter volume and from what ive read it gives everything dosing ei does, Im no expert but I would hazard a guess that your ferts are not the issue, I would look at co2 distribution and co2 levels have you tested you ph to make...
  31. sa80mark

    this needed PR...

    Id like to see them carry alistairs new tank like that lol
  32. sa80mark

    56G Sarawak Blackwater Riparium

    Ive bred many betta in my early days and B schalleri is one that I managed to get 4 spawns from, they aren't supposed to be that difficult to bred but I struggled for a while and tried many different things to induce spawning, what I found worked best is stained water ph around 6 and plenty of...
  33. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    Brilliant thanks everyone :) youve all been a huge help
  34. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    I might have read the wrong box at the bottom it says 500w ?
  35. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    Lol hes already like that now with his xbox Will I need to upgrade the psu for these cards its says its 120w max output ?
  36. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    Yes its running now, its got windows 7 ultimate on it :) upto now its playing solitaire very well lmao
  37. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    Good stuff, was worth the gamble then and the best bit is I got him down to £50 and got a 24" monitor and wireless keyboard and mouse :)
  38. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    Just to make myself look even thicker :) im guessing that would be the blue one ?
  39. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    Ive picked up the computer and the motherboard is msi h61m-p21b3
  40. sa80mark

    premature complete diy optiwhite build

    Thanks everyone :) the job im on has run over so im still away from home but the misses phoned earlier and my glass and (her words) " 2 tube shaped things with a point on" after laughing pretty hard I guessed she meant my silicone has arrived :) so all being well I will be home tomorrow and will...
  41. sa80mark

    Too much CO2?

    No, its fine just pump it in :) my 30l is just over 3 weeks old now and ive been pumping in co2 at a rate that can only be described as huge :) im getting great growth, no algae, no problems at all apart from hair grass blades browning off presumably changing to emmersed growth
  42. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    Lol mans magic fix, whack it :)
  43. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    Fun begins.... Is that when you hit it with a very big hammer :)
  44. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    Wow :) thank you for that, its a lot simpler than I was expecting :) Mark
  45. sa80mark

    Mark Evans-120 x 55 x 55cm.... 'Convalescence' The joy of shrimp

    Truly inspiring tank, the growth is something for all of us to aim for :) I love this picture, what is the plant in the picture ? Crypt parva ?
  46. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    That would be great thank you :)
  47. sa80mark

    premature complete diy optiwhite build

    They are a nice bit of kit very expensive for one of use though :(
  48. sa80mark

    premature complete diy optiwhite build

    Yes I know how hard bending stainless can be I was going to try this method bending stainless steel tubing - YouTube
  49. sa80mark

    premature complete diy optiwhite build

    If only ali, unfortunately its quite expensive unless you buy in bulk :( Im going to make 2 sets I think one full length spray bar and a standard Shepherds hook
  50. sa80mark

    premature complete diy optiwhite build

    Its alot easier than people think, I built loads of tanks when I was breeding fish as it worked out massively cheaper, the only bit ive still got some researching to is the led build I think ive got it all sussed but need to do the maths bit, how many leds what divers etc
  51. sa80mark

    premature complete diy optiwhite build

    Not beveled no, polished edge, I did consider a 45 degree bevel so the edges met on the 45 but with it only being 6mm thick I was a bit concerned that the edges would be to fragile :) I've got a 90% complete list of components and materials I will be using so when I get home tomorrow night I...
  52. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    Music to my ears :)
  53. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    Good stuff, so presuming I get a new card and it is a simple plug in job, is it pretty much plug and play or is there much setting up involved
  54. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    Is that good or bad ? One thing I have learnt today is I hate computers :) you have a learn a new language to understand then lol
  55. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    Just got a text reply from him " im not sure of the brand but it has 1 mini pci slot and 2 standard pci slots " Im not sure if that helps any ?
  56. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    Brilliant thanks tom I will give him a ring tonight and find out what it is Mark
  57. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    £75 with 22 inch monitor, apparently it was custom built 18 months ago and is direct x 11 compliant, what ever that means
  58. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    No idea on graphics card all he knows is "built in graphics card"
  59. sa80mark

    any gaming pc boffins

    My son is wanting a gaming pc and ive been offered one and need to know if its any good ? When its comes to computers my knowledge stops at how to turn it on and off :( Windows 7 ultimate 8 gig ram 500 ghd Cpu 620 2 core This will be his first gaming pc hes only 13 so it doesn't need to be...
  60. sa80mark

    premature complete diy optiwhite build

    Long awaited upgrade As some of you know ive got a dennerle 30l cube which seemed like a good idea when I bought it but as always happens I wanted more :) ive been toying with the idea of an optiwhite for sometime and gone through the I must have ada stage, anyway ive decided as im a carpenter...
  61. sa80mark

    Plecos in planted aquaria

    Ouch not good, I used to get alot from them when I bred fish but that was 6 years ago now, the only other place I could suggest is rare aquatics in crewe, along way from cornwall but they do mail order and have a great reputation
  62. sa80mark

    Plecos in planted aquaria

    Ben Have you tried trimar in Camborne ? Not sure what there like now but they used to be pretty good Mark
  63. sa80mark

    A 'little' box of chocolates, licorice n allsorts - baby chocco fry

    Absolutely superb mate, very inspiring, what is the emersed plant in the last pic ?
  64. sa80mark

    Unbalanced planted tank... but why?

    Im the opposite of big clown I cant comment on vallis but my jave moss is in a 30l tank and is fine with liquid carbon at 3x recommended dose :)
  65. sa80mark

    Easy Aqua regulator fittings?

    If the fluval 88g is the same thread as the 20g fluval then no it wont fit, fluval use there own thread size that doesnt match anyothers, atleast thats what I discovered when searching for spare canisters when I was the 20g fluvals
  66. sa80mark

    125L Iwagumi. "New beginning"

    Very nice, some nice buys there :)
  67. sa80mark

    hair grass issues, riccia question

    Thats interesting mate, when I got it I followed a video from the green machine, removed the wool trimmed the roots and cut the grass to 1 inch, maybe i should have trimmed more, the green growth has been over the last week some blades are 3 inch now, im due a trim of the moss so I will chop the...
  68. sa80mark

    hair grass issues, riccia question

    Im having a problem with my hair grass ( Eleocharis acicularis ) does anyone have any idea where im going wrong ? None of my other plants are showing any bad signs, no damage, no algae etc Tank details: 30cm cube tank 11w cfl t5 ( 6 hours a day ) Pressurised co2 Inline diffuser Drop checker...
  69. sa80mark

    Dual stage CO2 regulators for Aquaria- CO2 Art?

    Theres a couple of people on here using them, ive no experience of them so cant comment but you should be aware there not dual stage, there a single stage regulator confusingly refered to as dual gauge, there is a big difference Mark
  70. sa80mark

    Proper attempt

    Sent the same time as tim lol :)
  71. sa80mark

    Proper attempt

    No you cant convert then bar is the measure of pressure and l/min is flow rate
  72. sa80mark

    125L Iwagumi. "New beginning"

    I believe so yes I came across it on another forum in a post about modifying eheim, when I get home ill see if the bookmark is on my laptop :)
  73. sa80mark

    125L Iwagumi. "New beginning"

    Another solution which might suit you would be to buy 2 eheim 2215 replacement motors and keep you cylinders etc this way you could upgrade both filters for aroun £80,
  74. sa80mark

    125L Iwagumi. "New beginning"

    As said above eheim 2217, im using one on my tank and love it, cant fault it at all
  75. sa80mark

    tds help

    Im not 100% and will probably be wrong but as far as im aware you cant convert tds to hardness
  76. sa80mark

    Best way to keep plants until you're ready to plant?

    I floated mine in a bucket on a windowsill they were still perfect 4 days later
  77. sa80mark

    Moss ID, confirmation please

    Try this link its pretty helpful :) List of Aquatic Moss. How to grow Aquatic Moss. Info on Java Moss, Christmas Moss, Taiwan Moss, Peacock Moss, Stringy Moss
  78. sa80mark

    Overworked and underpaid...

    Im a self employed carpenter and although I have days/weeks where I can work 18 hour days I love it, to me its like a hobby I get paid to do, im fortunate that I have some very loyal customers that keep me busy and do a lot of contract work for a big shop fitting company so for me no 2 days are...
  79. sa80mark


    Co2 and flow is critical in my first 30l scape I had algae problems that was down to poor flow in areas of the tank even though im running a 1000lph filter, now on my second scape ive sorted theres issues out and all is good so far, Its been discussed before about how these display tanks run...
  80. sa80mark

    Shrimp soil

    Good to know thanks tim :) definitely worth keeping an eye on this
  81. sa80mark

    Shrimp soil

    How long have you been using it tim ? Any break down yet ? I only ask because when 8 asked the seller he told me it was "compressed soil from forests and not baked" so I wondered how solid it would be
  82. sa80mark

    Any good book recommendations ?

    Ive just bought Ecology of the Planted Aquarium by Diana Walsted apparently its a must read
  83. sa80mark

    Shrimp soil

    Ive got this in my ebay watch list and was going to ask if anyone on here knew anything about it, I asked the seller some questions but got very unhelpful answers
  84. sa80mark

    Moss wall

    Heres a simple one that works well My DIY Java Moss Wall - DIY - Do It Yourself - 127010 Theres also a load of examples on youtube Hth Mark
  85. sa80mark

    Ecology of the Planted Aquarium, Diana Walsted

    Fantastic thanks tom, cant believe I didnt check amazon :(
  86. sa80mark

    Ecology of the Planted Aquarium, Diana Walsted

    Does anyone know of somewhere in the uk that sells this ? Theres none on ebay and im all out of ideas Mark
  87. sa80mark

    Tropica App

    I have it on my phone and although I dont use it to the letter ( im doing 80% water changes daily for 3 weeks now) I think its pretty good, as Alastair said the links to info and reminders are a great idea, with my next tank I might follow it and see the outcome but for beginners I think its...
  88. sa80mark

    Appreciate your advice

    I far from an expert on these sort of things but a few things that stand out are, you say drop checker is yellow,a drop checker is only used as a guide and doesnt really give a good idea of co2 levels the best way is ph testing but as you run co2 24/7 thats a bit difficult, Next you dont say...
  89. sa80mark

    Journal Starting point Wabi-Kusa

    That light tube is pure genius :) its kind of like those ships in bottles gets you thinking about how you scaped it, really well done Mark
  90. sa80mark

    Dong Hu Gorge

    Very clever use of rocks, the idea is brilliant and the moss should really set the scape off, definitely one to watch :) Can you give some more info such as tank size etc Mark
  91. sa80mark

    Gravel cleaner for deep tank

    The only one I know of that is that depth is this Sera Vacuum Cleaner (sludge dirt cleaner gravel water fish tank aquarium syphon) | eBay
  92. sa80mark

    40 liter

    Seems pretty reasonable I had prices from 3 companies for the glass tobdo a 60x40x40 and they came in from £64 - £79 (my brother in law can do it for £78 but thats 8mm thick :)
  93. sa80mark

    grasslands nano thread closed.

    Bloody hell tim you have been a busy boy this week, looks much bigger than 60x20x20, very nice
  94. sa80mark

    New scape "Rocky Moutain"

    Very nice idea, quite simplistic and understaded, it should look very effective once the hair grass has grown in, keep us updated with its progress :)
  95. sa80mark

    1300 litre chocolate lake

    Thays where I went wrong I moved in with her before I got my tank :( lol For me number 3, I get the impression the highest bit of the wood would be above the water line ? Would look great with moss etc growing down it to the water :)
  96. sa80mark

    First super fast iwagumi

    15 mins... unbelievable, it took me 7 hours just to get my rock how I wanted, looks great, what size tank is it ?
  97. sa80mark

    Juwel Rio 240l lighting

    I might be wrong but have a look at I aquatics im sure they do juwel compatible bulbs
  98. sa80mark

    90 cm fresh start. Thread finished.

    Fantastic thanks tim :)
  99. sa80mark

    Out of Africana - shrimp nano

    Brilliant, they do look good :) ill get some ordered
  100. sa80mark

    90 cm fresh start. Thread finished.

    That dragon stone looks great not the usual colour or maybe thats just your lighting, the blyxa looks great ive got it right on the top of my plant list for my next tank