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  1. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Day 12: (Star date -314268.24) There's large signs of runners within the hairgrass. The HC continues to grow too. Stems seem to be taking the longest to adapt but some weren't 100% when they were planted TBH. Still doing the daily 50% water changes then dosing 1ml of both EC and TPN+. The clear...
  2. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Thanks Paulo, the lilly pipe and intake was the nanoware set from TGM. They make a huge difference.
  3. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Oooh I'll keep an eye out for that, thanks.
  4. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    I forgot to remove it, whoops. Can't I blag it and say it's a 3rd from the right and is glass ware so you hardly notice?! :wink:
  5. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    Quick photo...
  6. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Day 10: Status quo really, some of the hairgrass is sending out some runners. The worst signs are on the stems as the lower leaves are going a bit brown, but nothing major. Still at 50% water change and 1ml of EC and TPN+ per day straight after water change. A couple of quick shots. A couple...
  7. Superman

    New pheonix 60x30x30 scape.

    This is the best bar far garuf and would give you endless possibilities when planting. If you don't keep it like this send me the rocks and the wood and I'll do it!
  8. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    I've been properly thinking this evening about this. I might start from scratch but using the same tank, going for a nature style setup only housing Ottos and CPDs. I could use the crypts I have now to create a few rosettes around some wood which would have the left overs from my java fern...
  9. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    I'm getting a bit bored with this tank now tbh. There's slowly an increase in BBA. I think the tank is too much like a jungle now and could do with a replant, whilst I'm also thinking of replacing it with an optiwhite as I'm no longer a fan of the bow front style, but that's an expensive option...
  10. Superman

    18x12x12 new project

    Having loads of plants in the early stages of a tank can help the uptake of nutrients in the water. It also helps having a fast growing stem plants. If you don't have a large collection of plants it could cause algae unless you keep on top of things with water changes.
  11. Superman

    18x12x12 new project

    Looking good. My only concern would be the lack of biomass of plants and that could cause algae problems.
  12. Superman

    saintly's "Prairie Lands"

    Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi Hehe, cheeky shrimps. My LFS has an open night next week, hopefully when I'm there I'm going to discuss a few things with them, maybe the possibility of doing a display tank when they setup a new planted one. The only problem is that they already have beautiful...
  13. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    I've realised the importance of pin type instruments. I'm using tweasers at the minute but I have to get my hands wet! After today's water change (and a few hours after), recorded 1.0ppm of Nitrite. Whilst this might not be accurate, I'm pleased that I at least have some Ammonia -> Nitrite...
  14. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Day 8: I've been really enjoying setting up this new tank, I can't wait to get home each day to do the water changes and dose (am I mad?) I think the HC is growing in, not 100% sure tho as I see the tank every day. The hairgrass is starting to show the change to immersed growth as some of the...
  15. Superman

    my first nano 'Swan H'

    It's been a great read this journal, it's certainly helping me with what to expect from the ammonia leeching into the tank, knowing I have the same sized tank, but with a larger filter. I've been in discussion with a LFS about ordering a set of CRS from them and knowing that your tank took about...
  16. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Day 4 Update: Things are going well. Water is looking a bit green, but it might be the green colour from the plants. Still doing the 50% water change. The plants still look about the same.
  17. Superman

    New pheonix 60x30x30 scape.

    Recently my postie has been putting the cards through the wrong door. I rung the depot and they said they had a parcel for me for about 4 days. They said without the card I could take proof of address and proof of ID.
  18. Superman

    New memeber.... small planted tank journal :)

    That's a cracking start. Whilst many use a bowl to fill up the tank, the best method for me is using a plastic carrier bag and pouring in slowly on top of the bag.
  19. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Great minds eh?! lol :D I put it there for a couple of reasons, one was that it fitted better in the front and two I thought it would help the flow around the tank. I'll see how it goes, but I'm expecting the back areas to be more bushier in the future, so the pipes might not fit anywhere...
  20. Superman

    Opti-white Nano - "Red Canyon" - broken down.

    Re: Opti-white Nano - "Red Canyon" Looking good steve. I found that the arcpods are a bit too purple for me, although seen as you've got two it might be a bit too late! Should look good once filled in a bit.
  21. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Day 2: The lilly output is mixing up a bit of the AquaSoil in the front right corner so have turned down the output a bit. I'm pleased that everything has stayed put in the soil. Lights are on for the first time (for a proper photo period) and will be keeping it at 6 hours per day now. I...
  22. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    I recently got some of the same hairgrass from TGM and its taken really quickly even considering it was grown emmersed. I had in the past cut it harsly before planting and it just failed on me. I planted it in clumps for now for it to settle in but will replant in a while - even those these are...
  23. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Thanks for all the positive comments. I think it'll take a while to get to where I want it to be, but should be fun getting there. I found that the hose goes nice and tight over the connector but will be ordering some hose clips later today to make sure. I'm more concerned about the hose coming...
  24. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    Right so planting time... I had a nice trip today to TGM as thought it's always best to pick your plants in person. Plus was nice to pop in for a cuppa. As stated earlier in the thread, I picked up Hemanthus callitrichoides "Cuba", Eleocharis Parvula, Hemianthus micranthemoides and Ludwigia...
  25. Superman

    Tonys 'Nano Rouge' 14L

    Re: Tonsers 14L Nano Rouge I caught one of my harelquins jumping once, don't know why it did. I've also had a CPD jump on me too.
  26. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    It is 1.5" deep at the front and I need that depth to support the hardscape. Whilst it does look a bit excessive, once things grow in you won't notice the amount of substrate. Yup, waiting for this filter is eating away at me.
  27. Superman

    "Novus Aevum" - 14ltr

    This is my first true "scape" and would love to take you through my journey of setting it up and maintaining the tank. So the scene... I've had the 12"x10"x8" Optiwhite from AquaEssentials since Christmas and have been researching since then of how to scape it. This is my first true "scape"...
  28. Superman

    Tonys 'Nano Rouge' 14L

    Re: Tonsers 14L Nano Rouge Looking good, although I'd be a bit concerned once the harlequins get bigger.
  29. Superman

    Dan's Little Mountain replacement

    Agreed, wait till you see my nano with them!
  30. Superman

    Osaka overhaul

    Good stuff. Keep it going.
  31. Superman

    saintly's "Prairie Lands"

    Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi Wow, that's a lot of plants to use. That'll take some time to pull away from the rock wool. Enjoy.
  32. Superman

    1600 Gallon 5 meters long planted behemoth

    Wow, I love the walls. It'd be good to know how that was done.
  33. Superman

    90cm/150litre - "Patience"

    Looks good steve, look forward to seeing this grow in. I'm sure the carpet will look ace squared.
  34. Superman

    Mini M V3

    Great start, as you said needs more plants but thats a good start.
  35. Superman

    L Plates

    Re: Rambling Rams If it's advertised as a Juwel Hi-Lite then it should be T5. Measure the diameter of the tubes that'll let you know.
  36. Superman

    Neil's NEW 60cm Nature Aquarium v3

    I've just this second taped mine up.
  37. Superman

    Tourney's Osaka 260 journey

    Where did you get your dosing pump from?
  38. Superman

    Neil's NEW 60cm Nature Aquarium v3

    Chin up fella, we all make mistakes. I did the total opposite with you and killed all but 3 of my harlequins. I felt so distraught with myself but will never do what I did again!
  39. Superman

    Dan's Little Mountain replacement

    Looks brill, it'll be interesting to see how you plant it. Please could you explain which sand is which?
  40. Superman

    Stus Rio 125 re-plant journal

    The photo gives the impression that the tank is huge and not a Rio 125. I like what you have done and the hairgrass on the right looks fab. I would be inclined to start getting that a bit along the front but a much shorter plant in height, but that's just me.
  41. Superman

    The Forgotten Valley - 60l

    Boom! B-E-A-You-tiful.
  42. Superman

    Once upon a time at the riverbank - Final update

    Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr Looking good. I could do with a tidy up on my scape soon as the crypts are getting a bit out of hand. At least I know how they grow now.
  43. Superman

    Tonys 'Nano Rouge' 14L

    Re: Tonsers Nano Rouge Keep up the good work, each photo gets better.
  44. Superman

    Tourney's Osaka 260 journey

    I think the idea would be to make the mixture from what you are already dosing, unless you go the DIY TPN+ route. I'm hopefully going to start auto dosing like you and Paulo soon too.
  45. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    Thanks for the positive comments. Recently, I've trimmed the fern down to replant the new shoots as it was getting rather messy (although looked good from a distance!). My co2 bottle ran out over the weekend and collected a new one last night for £20 so the lights have been off for a few days...
  46. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    Thanks for all your comments. Whilst I sit here, I don't fancy doing anything major to the tank, don't want to upset it! I'll just remove the wood to replant the ferns.
  47. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    Yes you should do that thread! Burn baby, burn. You-kaps inferno! (It's not that bad when you give it a quick burn)
  48. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    Bugger me! Please let me know what you did in Photoshop!
  49. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    So its been a while, been concentrating on setting up my CPD breeding tank. Recently, I added 3 Red Pencilfish along with another 3 Ottos. They've settled in well and in particular the pencilfish have coloured up really well. Plants wise, things continue well. I've had no massive problems...
  50. Superman

    Tourney's Osaka 260 journey

    If you can get the bubbles going up the filter inlet then your onto a winner! Looking good, just be careful with lighting until everything settles due to the low plant mass. When I replanted I dropped it to 6 hours and stepped it up over a month to the usual 8 hours. Looks good tho.
  51. Superman

    Tourney's Osaka 260 journey

    That's a nice diffuser! Keep an eye on the bubbles, they should be misting from all across the ceramic ring. It looks like its coming from an area. To combat that, clean it using 50/50 water/bleach. Then rinse and soak over night. Also try and get the mist the go all across the tank using the...
  52. Superman

    600l dutch inspired scape

    Re: 600l dutch/iwagumi inspired scape I've put links to the seller on ebay who I got my equipment from. I'm not sure what 'brand' that is, but there's some on the AE website http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/index.p ... cts_id=651 @ £50 http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/index.p ... ts_id=1338 @...
  53. Superman

    600l dutch inspired scape

    Re: 600l dutch/iwagumi inspired scape If you go down the Fire Extinguisher route, then that's like £20-£35 depending on where you get it (Dan Crawford on this forum sells them). Regulator to fit it ~£50 Solenoid - To switch it on and off ~ £20 Then something to put the co2 in the water...
  54. Superman

    600l dutch inspired scape

    Re: 600l dutch/iwagumi inspired scape Wow, liquid carbon would cost a bit on a tank that size. Considered pressurised co2? Its cheaper in the long run.
  55. Superman

    my first nano 'Swan H'

    maybe the light clamps mean that it's not good to fillnear the top?
  56. Superman

    Help - My Osaka 320 - My Tank Needs you

    Nearly, the big rock and that dark overhang on the right are pointing the same way. You need to do what Garuf has drawn, point them in opposing ways.
  57. Superman

    Help - My Osaka 320 - My Tank Needs you

    Don't despair keep going as each photo gets better and better. I agree the Garuf there's a bit too many rocks there. Although the largest one is looking good and like the overhang created on the right. How about moving the big rock (left middle) to right of middle, lift the overhang bit up...
  58. Superman

    my first nano 'Swan H'

    Wowo, that makes a big difference. With your P. Helferi, I might suggest that you plant it deeper in the substrate, as its looking a bit too tall. I remember, I removed the lower leaves so I could plant it better.
  59. Superman

    my first nano 'Swan H'

    Yes, the common understanding is that they're not accurate. In addition, I remember from cycling my tank that if you were to add an ammonia remover from the tank it would either - change the ammonia into something that is undetectable but still harmful to fish. or - it would still show ammonia...
  60. Superman

    my first nano 'Swan H'

    Top tip: ignore test kits. It'll be the leaching from the aquasoil releasing ammonia but the mest thing to just to ignore the test kits as in the long run they cause you more problems than they solve. Best thing is to look for signs of whats going on with regards to your fish, plants and decor.
  61. Superman

    my first nano 'Swan H'

    When/if you get easycarbo on your skin it does irritate a bit - it does me. Best to keep an eye on the cat although, I would of those that it's diluted in the water it should be ok.
  62. Superman

    saintly's Pastel Shades

    Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white I notice you've shown a stanley knife blade, please can you explain how you used it and why? Was it just to split the rock wool portion up before you remove the wool?
  63. Superman

    my first nano 'Swan H'

    I love the these nano's and whilst I'm going to use it as a breeding tank for a while, I'm itching to set it up as a scape but am taking the time to take in information. I do agree with you that there is a higher need to have planting tools even more so when in nano's that you'll be dealing with...
  64. Superman

    New 60cm Scape

    Its going to be pretty basic... - Sponge air driven filter - Java Moss along the bottom - Arcpod 11W light - Heater (if required) I'm going to do a breeding thread in the fish bit on here, so keep an eye out for that when it starts.
  65. Superman

    New 60cm Scape

    Yes, ordered all the kit today to setup my nano as a breeding tank. Fingers crossed it'll work as apparently, from reading the internet, they're one of the easiest to breed. Plus I need to recoup some of the cost of the ones I've got. In my haste to buy them, I think I paid over the odds.
  66. Superman

    New 60cm Scape

    Give me a while and you might be able to get some CPDs from me. They're fab.
  67. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    Thanks Thomas, at least its a small bit of algae compared to what happened before. I know what you mean about the Pencilfish and CPDs, they both tend to hide for most of the day but when they come out when the lights on they're beautiful.
  68. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    Post Christmas update... Things seem to be going well, still having some crypt melt but nothing too much. Maybe it has been down to the fact that I've not been around to dose as much. Although on the previous days I up the dose to compensate. I'm still getting surface scum and returning from...
  69. Superman

    Scott's boring aquascape aka 'undergrowth'

    Re: Scott's boring aquascape They are characters aren't they?! They have two speeds; stop and super fast
  70. Superman

    Goody's return to tanks,1st journal,two tanks.

    Re: Goody's return to tanks,1st joural,two tanks. With regards to the surface scum, I find that if you keep using kitchen roll after a while it won't come back. Its only there when the plants have just been planted or had a rearrange.
  71. Superman

    Help - My Osaka 320 - My Tank Needs you

    The link was ok for me
  72. Superman

    Help - My Osaka 320 - My Tank Needs you

    If I could offer some advice if this is your first time.. Whilst I'm not really a "scaper" as yet as learning to grow plants in an aquarium at the minute, all I can recommend is that you do everything right from the off and if you cut corners, you could be a left with an algae problem that...
  73. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    Thanks for all the positive comments. I'm no longer of the belief that the wood "stands out" as you say Thomas but each to their own. Having the fern around it and the anubias at the bottom, I think is good. John - thanks for the comment about the Staurogyne sp., I'm not wanting it to "carpet"...
  74. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    Right, so time for another update. After the TGM demo day where managed to leave with a pot of Microsorum Pteropus and two pots of Echinodorus Quadricostatus (after seeing it in their display tanks). In addition, I also got a loads of toxic cuttings from John Starkey on the way home on Sunday...
  75. Superman

    'In Reverie' My Rio 180 Journal

    Good going, that setup feeling of a tank is a very special one. Everything you've planned falls into place. TGM do generally grow on the tropica pots a bit more before you get them so they will be more developed. They're generally my first port of call for plants if I can find them locally. The...
  76. Superman

    Ray's 90cm - Growing Pains Over?

    Re: Ray's 90cm Asian Theme Journal - Look - No Aglae! This looks beautiful Ray, I like the arrangement between the sand at the front and then the areas of plants. Keep up the good work.
  77. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    I do know what you mean, I'm trying to find something to go on the left hand side, given that, I do want to give some swimming space for my harlequins to play in. So maybe nothing a bulky on the left hand side. I'm enjoying things more now, playing with things to get things just right and I'm...
  78. Superman

    The Green Machine - New display tank pics as requested

    Just changed my desktop background to that photo! Looks great, can't wait to see it next week.
  79. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    Weekly update... Everything's going well, had to remove some nerite snails due to death but have replaced those two with 5 Staghorn Nerites. Plants are continuing the grow and have had a bit of a rearrange to clump similar crypts together. I've also removed my moss as it wasn't growing and...
  80. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    Thanks for noticing that I meant SHRIMP rather than SNAIL!
  81. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    So week 2 update... Firstly, I must start with the clarity of my water. I wouldn't like to say that Purigen was the pure cause but the water clarity has certainly improved since I added 200mls of it into my external filter. The 200mls was added so that it would fit in with my JBL Cristal Profi...
  82. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    The spot on the tail is an O2 bubble :D
  83. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    Thanks for the comments people. I've notice a little white growth on the wood but will remove that ASAP. Just looks like bacteria fuzz. Caught my Ottos on my macro lens... Macro video --->
  84. Superman

    saintly's "The Miracle Mire" scape over

    Re: saintly's ??????? scape It's one of John "The Shark" Starkey's sayings lol
  85. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    Thanks Thomas, I've found that I've always had good results from Crypts and that's why I've turned to them. There is some mosses attached to the wood, so once they get a hold on, the wood won't be standing out as much. I think, once I've had a tidy up/rearrange, maybe it won't stand out as much.
  86. Superman

    saintly's "The Miracle Mire" scape over

    Re: saintly's ??????? scape I love the Thomas the Tank Engine influence - really toxic. lol
  87. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    One week in update... Well, this week has seen me keep on top of a few incidents of crypt melt, which to be honest hasn't been much. I've managed to maintain my dosing regime this week which is a good start! Today was water change day and managed to add 200mls of Seachem Purigen to polish the...
  88. Superman

    Sedona - 20L (Liza's Tank - Update)

    Re: Liza's 20L Nano Tank Looks really nice.
  89. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    Again, thanks for the comments. Fingers crossed, crypt melt isn't too much at the minute but then most of these crypts were already in my tank but just shoved in a corner - rather amazing really when you see how many plantlets there were. Yes, it is named after Cribs Causeway in Bristol...
  90. Superman

    My first planted tank, a 200L set up.

    Your discus look great. Although aren't the cardinals/neons the natural fish food for the angels? Maybe that's why they're hiding! Heard of stories of people coming down the next day with only one of those left in the tank :shock: . Or am I mixed up with fish types?!
  91. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    Thanks Dave. I know what you mean, I too would like to move to more of a structured layout. I think that'll come over time once I've worked out how things grow for me. At the minute it is set out as small at the front to taller at the back.
  92. Superman

    Superman's Replant - 180l - Crypt's Causeway

    So, after a few months of chasing after problems in my tank, I've turned to a new vision of what suits my needs. That is, a lower tech tank requiring less high demanding plants and turning to crypts et al. Tank Details: Juwel Vision 180 (90cm wide, bow front) 4x39w 90cm Arcadia Luminaire - Only...
  93. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    Thanks Sam. Well, last night/today is seeing a totally different look. I'm sure Steve will vouch that I said "I'm not a fan of wood", so therefore my tank now has some wood in it :D :D :lol: Thanks to those who have agreed swap deals and have some really nice mosses and crypts on their...
  94. Superman

    The Crypt's Place.

    Just seen this for the first time and ... WOW. I'm moving to a simple-ish mainly crypt setup. What do you dose and how often?
  95. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    That might be the way, I'll go.
  96. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    I've had just about enough, green water has appeared again over the weekend - can people with a planted tank have a life? Every time I go away at a weekend, something goes wrong. I know that's a trend but what the hell can I do?! There's the return of the "brown fuzz" around the HC and P...
  97. Superman

    7gal Shrimp only - "Forgotten Glade"

    Re: 27 litre - Shrimp only tank. Looking fantastic Steve, keep up the good work.
  98. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    I'm going on a three day cycle... Day 1 - 50% W/C & Macro, EasyCarbo Day 2 - Trace & EasyCarbo Day 3 - EasyCarbo only Small amount of surface scum is back, but everything seems to be responding well to post blackout. Most established plants are pearling a lot but the newly planted ones are...
  99. Superman

    Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

    So after green water issues in my other thread, my harlequins are shoaling nicely so took a quick photo (bit dark I know!)
  100. Superman

    dsandson's 60l Iwagumi-esque mountain scape *update*

    Re: Dsandson's 60l Tetra Aqua Art tank Looking good, I'm not really a fan of sand for me, but this might change my mind! After having algae issues myself, the only thing I might suggest is that you plant more to increase the plant biomass to try and limit algae.