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"Novus Aevum" - 14ltr


29 Jan 2008
This is my first true "scape" and would love to take you through my journey of setting it up and maintaining the tank.

So the scene...

I've had the 12"x10"x8" Optiwhite from AquaEssentials since Christmas and have been researching since then of how to scape it. This is my first true "scape" with my 180ltr being mainly a test and learn tank.

I've been looking into all of the tanks on here and have taken the elements I like to hopefully create my own style as I wouldn't like to copy someone.

It took me a while to arrange the rocks (as normal I guess) which is difficult in such a small tank.
I've chosen the plants for their small size to help with the sense of scale within the tank.

As always comments are welcome.

Details will be...

Tank: Opti White 12"x10"x8"
Filtration: Fluval 105
Lighting: 11w Dennerle Overtank Nano Light
Substrate: Aquasoil Amazonia powder
Ferts: Tropical Plant Nutrition Plus (TPN+)
CO2: Easycarbo
Hardscape: Mini Landscape rocks
Flora: Hemianthus micranthemoides, Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba', Eleocharis parvula, Ludwigia arcuata, Staurogyne sp.
Fauna: Crystal Red Shrimp once the tank has settled.

I'm currently waiting for delivery of my filter from ebay once that's here, I can order the plants.

Quick preview of the hardscape...



Re: Superman's Nano - 14ltr

Looks great!

Do you really need that much substrate though? I can understand the sloping effect gives it depth (from a frontal veiw) but how deep is that at the front?

That said, I love it. Nice rocks and good positioning to my innocent eye!
Simon D said:
Do you really need that much substrate though? I can understand the sloping effect gives it depth (from a frontal veiw) but how deep is that at the front?
It is 1.5" deep at the front and I need that depth to support the hardscape. Whilst it does look a bit excessive, once things grow in you won't notice the amount of substrate.

SteveUK said:
Very nice Clark. I bet you can't wait to get some water into it
Yup, waiting for this filter is eating away at me.
Re: Superman's Nano - 14ltr

Have you put the tank in a dwarf's room or something? It looks way bigger than 14L in that picture! :lol:
Re: Superman's Nano - 14ltr

looks good! however with that amount of substrate it probably only holds 10L :lol:
Re: Superman's Nano - 14ltr

I've got 5 ltrs of a/s in my tank of the same size.
Nice tank, Clark. It'll be a good one.
Re: Superman's Nano - 14ltr

Superman said:
Whilst it does look a bit excessive, once things grow in you won't notice the amount of substrate.
very true, i set up a 35l arcadia a few months ago, and the substrate was 4 inches off the top at the back! i used rocks to hold it all in, the sense of depth was truly amazing!

tank looks ace clark.
Re: Superman's Nano - 14ltr

Like the rock work, but at first glance the substrate does seem very deep at the front. Will wait until you get it planted 🙂
Congrats Clark another winner 🙂
Re: Superman's Nano - 14ltr

Hi clarke,

rock placement looks quite good,are you happy with it ? or are you going to play around with it,

good luck with it, regards john.
Right so planting time...

I had a nice trip today to TGM as thought it's always best to pick your plants in person. Plus was nice to pop in for a cuppa.

As stated earlier in the thread, I picked up Hemanthus callitrichoides "Cuba", Eleocharis Parvula, Hemianthus micranthemoides and Ludwigia Arcuata.

Hopefully you'll like the planting, it was a nightmare to get the glassware connected and I'm not a fan of planting HC but it seems to be looking good. I'm leaving everything for a while to settle in before pruning etc.

Anyway, photos...

Final rock placement...

After planting the HC...

After planting the hairgrass...

All done...

