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saintly's Pastel Shades

Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

some very very kind words there :D thanks. just a lucky rock layout though

im thinking i shall go with the gumi. im late in placing a plant order this side of crimbo, but come new year it shall be up and running.

i might go glosso instaed of hc, e acicularis, parvula, blyxa (to be kept under control?...never grown it) e tenellus.
Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

Hi Mark,it was nice to finally meet you last friday,well you certainally have lost the fishing bug and got the plant bug but still with the fish :lol: ,to be frank Mark i think you have taken to aquascaping amazingly well,you are doing some nice work at the moment and i think if you keep producing work like this you will go a long way,the only thing i think is missing is the need ofr more substrate,take care john.
Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

bless ya john, the substrate is jbl flora boost? (something like that)...anyway ive put ADA AS on the top and the re-located the the rocks to there original position
. i'd post the image but its the same as the current one only higher :D

im thinking i can fire this scape out quickly and then do the wood style. i plan on a large scale iwagumi in the 120cm after the current " The Miracle Mire" i just love gumi's
Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

OK, I'm only going to post a couple of images from this newly set-up tank :D

I've been hard at it again today.

plant list....

Tropica stuff from Aqua Essentials http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/index.p ... &cPath=255

moss and blyxa from some very good UKAPS members ;)

5 pots glosso
5 pots rotala rotundifolia
3 pots bacopa australis
3 pots Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'
2 pots eleocharis acicularis
riccia ( because my mother loves the plant, tank is at parents)
moss (nice one :oops: not sure which one it is....looks good in moss tank)

now some of these I've never had experience with so I'm just as interested as you to see how this pans out. it's high maintenance again, put that's what i love :D

hard scape....

borneowilde wood from Aqua Essentials http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/index.p ... 11_238_322

Dragon Stone from Aqua Essentials http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/index.p ... ts_id=1102


eheim 2028 second hand from Markuk (thanks mark)


The plants...




After preparation...


as you can see i'm planting real heavy again, like George often says cover most of the substrate.....! i covered 100% of it, its stuffed! there was another 2 smaller containers with the riccia slates in and the gloso cubes.

Planting time...

just a teaser really



That's as far as I'm taking you :lol:

thanks for looking!

Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

looks like a promising start once again.

with regards to the woods,are the individual pieces held together by the stone on top are are the joined?
i had a bit of a :oops: :oops: moment and though i better ask.
Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

I would guess the stanley blade was to seperate the glosso plantlets but Saintly will confirm. I gently drag my tweezer tips through the roots to remove the rockwool.

Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

Sweet mate :) The wood is ace, and its going to look so much better when the moss fills out. Hard to tell from the pics, but it could be flame moss..
Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

JAmesM said:
Sweet mate :) The wood is ace, and its going to look so much better when the moss fills out. Hard to tell from the pics, but it could be flame moss..

thanks james, it might be flame moss. i was sent some. it kinda went up, looked lovely

SuperColey1 said:
I would guess the stanley blade was to seperate the glosso plantlets but Saintly will confirm. I gently drag my tweezer tips through the roots to remove the rockwool.

i was going to do the whole "individual plantlet" =thing but the emerged growth was that good and tight, there wasn't way on this earth i was going to plant individual so in blocks it went. I've done it before and was fine. i've even seen amano tanks (newly set up) with glosso in big clumps.

Nick16 said:
looks like a promising start once again.

with regards to the woods,are the individual pieces held together by the stone on top are are the joined?
i had a bit of a :oops: :oops: moment and though i better ask.
looks like a promising start once again.

thanks, the wood is deep into the substrate and weighted down slightly.

Superman said:
I notice you've shown a stanley knife blade, please can you explain how you used it and why? Was it just to split the rock wool portion up before you remove the wool?

as i mentioned above just cut the glosso into portions and plant the wool too, it soon spreads. so what you see in the images is how i planted it.

now what you cant see from the pics (because i didnt post that one ;) )is the back is stuffed to the brim with stems. infact i had some left over!


with regards to the woods,are the individual pieces held together by the stone on top are are the joined?
i had a bit of a :oops: :oops: moment and though i better ask.
Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

Looking good, will look amazing I'm sure when it's grown in. It's intetesting to see you're not using Anubias or Ferns especially that are often used in island scapes like this.
Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

Thomas McMillan said:
Looking good, will look amazing I'm sure when it's grown in. It's intetesting to see you're not using Anubias or Ferns especially that are often used in island scapes like this.

cheers Thomas, i considered ferns and anubias, in fact anubias still might feature(the mini stuff) TBH, its more of a plant growing exercise more than anything, trying new ones see what they do. that kind of thing.

George put me onto the idea of small tank...practice, big tank...display. he's right. if this end's up looking good....bonus. if not, at least I've learnt a few new plants. this is my downfall at the minute, with only a year of experience my knowledge of plants and the placement is limited when it comes to ventures and aquas capes. i cant keep scaping with the plants that i know.

so for me, it's head first as far as the plants go, the scape?...i just look at the ticket, look at tropica catalogue, aquatic plant central, aquajournals and figure out where it may look at its best in the aquascape. I'm not going to be producing scapes that i feel comfortable with I for maybe 1 more year, I'll cram in as much as i can to this year like i did the last. :D
Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

Nice play tank mate. You'll have lots of fun, I'm sure.

I like the photo presentation. You have too much spare time!
Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

hellohefalump said:
looking forward to seeing updates on this :D

thanks helloherfalump, there'll be more pics soon.

George Farmer said:
Nice play tank mate. You'll have lots of fun, I'm sure.

I like the photo presentation. You have too much spare time!

thanks mate, just wish i had a couple more to practice in. 8)
Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

did you plant with the rockwool or did you serperate it out slightly?
Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

If you go forthe 'dwarf' anubias this is the time to do it. It grows really slowly compared to larger anubias. Someone will say all Anubias grow slowly but my larger ones grow pretty quickly to the point where I have sold on about 25cm worth of rhizome over the past couple of weeks from the 1 tank!!!

I find that one reason is they get overshadowed really quickly and get easily lost.

So if this is a practice tank it will give you the opportunity to buy some and get it growing so that if you use it in a 'working' scape you will have much more to work with. Can get pretty expensive to buy a large amount.

Tom Barr spoke a long time ago of it being a possible plant to try as a carpet!!! If you can get enough growing could be a good experiment for the future :)

Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

Looks great Mr Saint, i'll look forward to seeing this one mature. :D

By the way, i like the UKAPS logo placed on one of the tank shots. :lol:
Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

TDI-line said:
By the way, i like the UKAPS logo placed on one of the tank shots. :lol:
Looks great Mr Saint, i'll look forward to seeing this one mature. :D

By the way, i like the UKAPS logo placed on one of the tank shots. :lol:

i didnt even notice that :wideyed: yeah, it looks like UKAPS own tank. thanks buddy.

SuperColey1 said:
If you go forthe 'dwarf' anubias this is the time to do it. It grows really slowly compared to larger anubias. Someone will say all Anubias grow slowly but my larger ones grow pretty quickly to the point where I have sold on about 25cm worth of rhizome over the past couple of weeks from the 1 tank!!!

i'm toying with the idea, now would be the time to do it i guess.

SuperColey1 said:
So if this is a practice tank it will give you the opportunity to buy some and get it growing so that if you use it in a 'working' scape you will have much more to work with.

good point, i already have a load of it, from garuf. so i could introduce it like now.

Nick16 said:
did you plant with the rockwool or did you serperate it out slightly?

rockwool inclusive. it does no harm and keeps it all together. if you look at oliver knott tanks, i think he does something similar, also with HC i think.
did you plant with the rockwool or did you serperate it out slightly?
Re: saintly's 60cm opti-white

TDI-line said:
By the way, i like the UKAPS logo placed on one of the tank shots. :lol:

Now there's an idea!

Looks like the start of another good scape, need to define the midground more, but i suppose the stems are going there? Or have you not put them in on that last picture? Oh what the heck we need more pictures!

Ps. i caught with Sam today :lol: