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  1. Callum

    Name that Fish GAME.

    Freshwater Toadfish :D
  2. Callum

    Name that Fish GAME.

    Correct :D
  3. Callum

    20L Emersed Tank

    There isn't much standing water any more and i am misting with a mixture :D
  4. Callum

    Name that Fish GAME.

    Yes :)
  5. Callum

    20L Emersed Tank

    So i set up a 20L emersed tank a couple of days ago and took some pics on the day of set up. Substrate is just a simple soil based compost but i mixed it with some old Dennerle deponitmix that i had lying around (had no other use for it) and capped with a little gravel. It's in my bedroom and...
  6. Callum

    25L Iwagumi Journal *UPDATED*

    Thanks for the help, I'll look in to those fish.
  7. Callum

    25L Iwagumi Journal *UPDATED*

    Ah, thanks for the advice, I'll buy some different hose.
  8. Callum

    25L Iwagumi Journal *UPDATED*

  9. Callum

    Name that Fish GAME.

  10. Callum

    25L Iwagumi Journal *UPDATED*

    CO2 system is a fluval 20 kit I had lying around. Will be running with an inline atomizer in my external filter.
  11. Callum

    25L Iwagumi Journal *UPDATED*

    Little update. Yesterday I bought a fluval 205 (I know this is a little overkill for a tank so small but I was able to get it cheaper than the Hydor Prime 10 so I thought why not?) So I will have to get a couple of inline taps to reduce flow if the filter doesn't come with them anyway. Since the...
  12. Callum

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Happy new year all!
  13. Callum

    Asian spirit

    Agreed with mark, starting to take shape, good job!
  14. Callum

    From San Francisco to St Albans

    Welcome to UKAPS and hope you enjoy the UK :)
  15. Callum

    Which Co2 Set Up?

    Going for plan A.
  16. Callum

    New toy - EOS550D, now with photos.

    Puzzlewood is not too far from me, may have to make a visit in the new year :thumbup:
  17. Callum

    Plastic Fantastic

    Re: Drifting Lovely looking tank, has developed hugely an is definitely at its best right now :)
  18. Callum

    Attempting my first Dutch style scape

    Looking nice, excited for more pics!
  19. Callum

    125L First tank, low turned high tech, plant and pic heavy

    Re: First ever tank Pun intentional? ;)
  20. Callum

    Should I Use Rainwater?

    Ok, thanks for the help :)
  21. Callum

    25L Iwagumi Journal *UPDATED*

    Ferts arrived today
  22. Callum

    Should I Use Rainwater?

    And water changes will not cause too much trouble?
  23. Callum

    Should I Use Rainwater?

    So I've recently put some Colombo flora base in my 25L tank. I haven't filled it up yet put it claims to reduce the ph to around 6.5. This is a huge problem for me as my tap water comes out at about pH8. This will surely cause some problems with water changes. My rain water is around 6.6-7pH and...
  24. Callum

    Another day in paradise. The final picture.

    Re: My new scape. Still looking great :)
  25. Callum

    learning it from scratch

    First one looks good, as long as it will fit the length of your tank. You will also have to make sure you get the right bulbs as you will often get blue bulbs with these units. An advantage is that is has 2 power switches so you can vary the lighting as you may find 3 bulbs too much for your...
  26. Callum

    Hi. Another newbie

    Welcome! And you should go for a fire extinguisher system, check this out viewtopic.php?f=37&t=7776
  27. Callum

    Fluval Profile 850 (230litres)

    Re: My new Fluval Profile 850 (230litres) Also maybe try with a plain background. It will make the plants stand out better. Black would probably be best but white can work nicely too :)
  28. Callum

    125L First tank, low turned high tech, plant and pic heavy

    Re: First ever tank This was very helpful, good job Troi :thumbup:
  29. Callum

    learning it from scratch

    Hi Jay, good looking plan here I look forward to seeing the development. Substrate wise you could get Colombo flora base. I got some for christmas and its great, it's like ADA aqua soil but a little cheaper. There are some nice T5 lighting units on eBay and allpondsolutions. If you're using CO2...
  30. Callum

    What did you get for xmas? (fish related or other)

    Also got the December PFK mag, enjoyed George Farmer's article on CO2
  31. Callum

    25L Iwagumi Journal *UPDATED*

    No I did not know that :I but I plan to cover everything so should be ok :)
  32. Callum

    25L Iwagumi Journal *UPDATED*

    Just realised how similar the scape is to the one in the guide :o
  33. Callum

    25L Iwagumi Journal *UPDATED*

    Been spending my Christmas evening fiddling with the hardscape (thanks to reading TGM Iwagumi Introduction). I've found a scape which i quite like the look of. I'm also thinking of using the Amano moss technique (chopping it up and smearing it in the cracks of the rocks). Took a couple of...
  34. Callum

    What did you get for xmas? (fish related or other)

    Colombo flora base, CO2 drop checker, dry ferts, new light unit and a penfield jacket. Also the DVD of the best film ever made IMO (the shawshank redemption). More fishy presents to come on the 27th :D
  35. Callum

    25L Iwagumi Journal *UPDATED*

    Very helpful, thanks. May have to invest in some larger stones.
  36. Callum

    Shrimp like Database.

    Ok, merry christmas! :D
  37. Callum

    25L Iwagumi Journal *UPDATED*

    Re: 25L Iwagumi Journal *UPDATE* Father Christmas chose wisely and decided to get me some Colombo Flora base (looking good!). So I thought i'd do a little update on the tank. IMG_4067 by callum fish, on Flickr Putting the flora base in IMG_4068 by callum fish, on Flickr Spreading with a...
  38. Callum

    Shrimp like Database.

    Snowball shrimp? :D Yellow shrimp would also be helpful as i'm looking to keep them but they're pretty similar to red cherries as far as i know, so no pressure ;)
  39. Callum

    Will Carbon and Zeolite Remove Ferts

    Ok, thanks Mark :)
  40. Callum

    Will Carbon and Zeolite Remove Ferts

    As the title says, will carbon and zeolite in the filter remove fertilisers from the tank? I will be using the EI dry ferts method.
  41. Callum

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Merry Christmas :D
  42. Callum

    Dyeing cat litter

    When i say it's pretty risky i mean i personally would not do it. But as danmil3s says, your other projects show that you will do a good job and if you wanna go for it then give it a try!
  43. Callum

    Dyeing cat litter

    Yeah, I agree with the others, it's pretty risky. If you really wanna go through with it you could try and get some organic powdered dye.
  44. Callum

    Shrimp like Database.

    Just gets better and better :clap:
  45. Callum

    Shrimp like Database.

    Thanks, helped me out :)
  46. Callum

    Fluval Profile 850 (230litres)

    Re: My new Fluval Profile 850 (230litres) Looking forward to seeing it "filled out". Got any more pics? :D
  47. Callum

    Shrimp like Database.

    What camera did you use to take them? :o :clap:
  48. Callum

    Shrimp like Database.

    Very organised and helpful :) Perhaps add Green Shrimp, Amano Shrimp (Caridina japonica) and Yellow Nose Shrimp (Xiphocaris elongata).
  49. Callum

    Rio 125 - Orphans Island. 5 Week update, plenty of pics!

    Re: Rio 125 - Orphans Island. 4 Week update, plenty of pics! Love it, my new years resolution is now gonna be to give my rio 125 a makeover :D
  50. Callum

    Hello from Adelaide South Aussie

    Welcome :) plenty of information here so dont worry about setting up your first planted tank!
  51. Callum

    My Planted Aquarium

    I actually really look the like of the aquarium but if you want to grow tennellus you could try and get some special substrate to aid superior growth. Also, i know you can't scape too much because of the hood but perhaps move the wood towards the back a little and group it together then place...
  52. Callum

    looking for cheap solenoid valve

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CO2-magnetic- ... 35b4c88149 Cheapest i found, not sure if it's the right size (not experienced with this sort of co2).
  53. Callum

    what do you think of these tanks?

    Tank looks good and at a good price. Customer service is generally good with All pond solutions but i bought a hang on filter off them last year and it was pretty badly damaged, so just be aware and search the tank over before filling up!
  54. Callum

    Juwel rio 125 filter

    If you mean can you control how much flow the create then i'm not sure if there are adjustable flow powerheads out there... if there are then they may be a little more expensive. Allpondsolutions have good deals on standard powerheads so check out their site or you can buy through their ebay.
  55. Callum


    Looks like the girl's on fire :shock:
  56. Callum

    Hello from Glasgow

    Welcome, what sort of fish are you looking to keep? :)
  57. Callum

    My 130ltr Tank - *Updated Pics*

    Re: My 130ltr Tank - Lots of Pics Of course get rid of the algae first. What i meant to say was if you don't see any change after a long period of using EI then you can try upping the light by an hour and see what difference it makes.
  58. Callum

    My vivarium (pic heavy)

    So beautiful :D it's a shame i don't have the money to set one up myself!
  59. Callum

    Join the club

    Haha, that looks great. I've got a small spare tank hanging around so might give this emersed growing stuff a go :shock: :D
  60. Callum

    My 130ltr Tank - *Updated Pics*

    Re: My 130ltr Tank - Lots of Pics What substrate are you using? Also you could try upping your lighting a little (leave it on for say 9 hours) to keep up with the Co2 and ferts, but you'll have to be careful with the algae. Otherwise, looking good :)
  61. Callum

    Spray bar or Lily Pipe?

    Ok, thanks guys :)
  62. Callum

    Spray bar or Lily Pipe?

    Does no one know which has better flow? :(
  63. Callum

    Spray bar or Lily Pipe?

    So I'm going to buy a 300L/H external filter for my 25L planted tank and I'm planning to have some sort of inline CO2 but I'm not sure which would be better for circulation of the tank? Spray bar or lily pipe? I will probably make the lily pipe myself and I can always reduce the flow of the...
  64. Callum

    Hi there!

    Just some RCS at the moment but going to get some yellow cherries in the new year :)
  65. Callum

    Juwel rio 125 filter

    Awesome, never knew this was possible, i'll have to try it myself :D
  66. Callum

    Which Filter?

    I'm looking to buy a cheap external filter for my 25L high tech planted tank and so far the best NEW filter i can find is this http://www.aquariumonline.co.uk/hydor_p ... 01220.html Anyone had any experience with it? Or can someone reccommend me a good, cheap external filter for a 25L? I am...
  67. Callum


    Amazing tanks :D check out the "Get Inspired and Make Something" thread, it's got some really good sites like this one.
  68. Callum

    Juwel rio 125 filter

    I think the Juwel Rio 125 filter might be 600L/PH and in my one i just have to remove the pump too before getting the filter pads out. If you wanna improve flow you can either get a new external filter (aim for 1200L/H) or get an extra powerhead and put it on the opposite side of the tank from...
  69. Callum

    Will this work?

    Well the "Walstad Method" (by Diana Walstad) is using any sort of organic soil as a base layer and i use this myself in my 20gallon tank and it works pretty well - it would work better for me if i had better flow and CO2 injection but it works better than normal gravel...
  70. Callum

    Little help please

    If you're on a budget then you can buy a T5 ballast (netpetshop.co.uk has great prices) and do a DIY hood. If you wanna go really cheap then you can buy a standard ballast and do all the wiring yourself but you need to know what you're doing so you don't kill yourself! If you want the full unit...
  71. Callum

    Will this work?

    Should work as long as it's organic. It will also soften your water and make sure you cap it properly otherwise you get dirt settling on plants which is just a pain. Good luck!
  72. Callum

    Today's little project

    I just push them far in to she substrate. You could try siliconing them to a piece of slate or glass and covering with substrate :)
  73. Callum

    Today's little project

    I think it looks great, but perhaps spread the rocks apart a little. It will also look a lot better when you get those plants to carpet as the rock and substrate won't blend so much. Perhaps try and get some stargrass (heteranthera zosterfolia) in there :) Are you using CO2?
  74. Callum

    Hi there!

    Welcome to UKAPS :) what sort of shrimp are you looking to keep?
  75. Callum

    Colourful shrimp!!

    Haha, "Certificate of disauthenticity". Pretty cool all the same.
  76. Callum

    Adding nitrates

    Hi, regarding dry ferts and EI check these links out: http://www.ukaps.org/EI.htm Explanation of dry ferts and EI http://blog.fluidsensoronline.com/calcu ... ive-index/ This calculates how much of each nutrient you will need. http://www.aquariumplantfood.co.uk/fert ... icals.html And this site...
  77. Callum

    New member

    Welcome along :)
  78. Callum

    Which Co2 Set Up?

    Been reading over your comments a couple of times and they have been a great help, thanks! Will see how much money I've got after Christmas and take it from there :)
  79. Callum

    Which Co2 Set Up?

    PS: There's a plan C :lol: :crazy: plan2 by callum fish, on Flickr
  80. Callum

    Which Co2 Set Up?

    Anyone had any experience with this external filter? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0688485908 (on a bit of a budget here)
  81. Callum

    Which Co2 Set Up?

    How much better would plan A be better than plan B? Just slightly or a lot better?
  82. Callum

    Which Co2 Set Up?

    What do you mean by an in line tap on the outflow?
  83. Callum

    Transparent Tank - the end

    Re: The Transparent Tank Challenge Love how you can see the development of the tank, great journal! Tank is looking lovely, keep it up. I'm not an algae expert but it might be black beard algae? (Don't take my word for it). Callum
  84. Callum

    Which Co2 Set Up?

    That would be ideal but i cannot find any 250L/H external filters :(
  85. Callum

    rookie scape

    Love it, especially good for a first try!
  86. Callum

    Which Co2 Set Up?

    No one else can help? :(
  87. Callum

    Which Co2 Set Up?

    Might I add that the filter in plan A will turn over 150L/H and the internal filter in plan be will turnover 200L/H
  88. Callum

    Which Co2 Set Up?

    Will it work better in general?
  89. Callum

    Which Co2 Set Up?

    So i have a couple of ideas for setting up Co2 in my 25l tank. Here are the two plans: (excuse my paint "skills" :lol: :oops: ) whichco2 by callum fish, on Flickr As it's a 25L tank plan b would look quite ugly since there woul be a filter taking up a large amount of the tank. Plan A...
  90. Callum

    Thought I'd better say Hello!

    Welcome along! :) Lighting wise, if you're on a budget have a look at allpondsolutions: http://www.allpondsolutions.co.uk/aquar ... hting.html T5 lighting is your best bet. Talking substrate there are a few options: ADA is worth it if you can afford it but it's expensive. I've heard Colombo...
  91. Callum

    new member from kent here

    Welcome along mate, nice shrimps you got there :D
  92. Callum

    New member from Dunfermline

    Welcome along Mitchell, fellow young'un ;)
  93. Callum

    New joiner

    Welcome along, good luck starting your new tank :)
  94. Callum


    I have a 20 gallon set up with organic potting mix and it works a treat :) cannot stress how important it is to cap properly othwerwise you get bits of dirt flying around the tank and settling on plants.
  95. Callum

    How Much Flow?

    How much water should my filter be pumping out per hour in a 25L high tech tank?
  96. Callum


    Walstad uses miracle gro organic potting mix but it doesn't really matter what you use as long as it is organic. Non organic soils might have chemicals that will harm you fish. Make sure you cap the soil really well with a thick layer of gravel - nothing worse than getting dirt on your nice...
  97. Callum

    Yellow Shrimp (Neocaridina heterpoda var. yellow)

    Ok thanks I did not intend to keep them in the same tank so don't have to worry about that :)
  98. Callum

    25L Iwagumi Journal *UPDATED*

    Re: 25L Iwagumi Journal Gonna use dry ferts and I'm gonna use API root tabs. In real life the rocks don't look nearly as merged but I guess I might get my hands on some ADA soil. Ah well, it's my first attempt at an iwagumi, it's not gonna be perfect straight away! ;)
  99. Callum

    25L Iwagumi Journal *UPDATED*

    Re: 25L Iwagumi Journal Thanks i'll check it out... And it's the pics.. looks much different "in real life"