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Asian spirit

Agreed with mark, starting to take shape, good job!
Beautiful 😀
I might of missed this Viktor, but could you tell me what tubes you are using?...do they look like this in real life?

I do like the colour rendition :thumbup:
Callum said:
Beautiful 😀

Thank you 😀

Mark Evans said:
I might of missed this Viktor, but could you tell me what tubes you are using?...do they look like this in real life?

I do like the colour rendition :thumbup:

Cheers Mark, i do use Osram 865HO T5 tubes. We love this however they are very bright. I am having hard time to capture this tank as it looks in the real life. The room is dark and the 17-40 f4 lens is not too good with low light.
mitchelllawson said:
Hate tank that look like this, they make me to jealous 🙁

Nah, no worry they give some work to look like this. 😉 Just finished a looooong battle with BGA. 😀

I am glad i can share these with you guys. I got so mucch inspiration here, hopefully some of these stuff help others too.
Don't mind at all 😀

One thing that springs to mind, and a very small one is the turfs of moss in the path. They seem a bit out of context with the rest of the 2 islands. Is the plan to make them more in line with the islands.
This is only a very minor thing if any, as I really think its an amazing scape.

How do you find the "holes" you planted the stems in at the back? Is it giving any problems flow-wise or other?

But please share more photos. Great quality
AndersH said:
Don't mind at all 😀

One thing that springs to mind, and a very small one is the turfs of moss in the path. They seem a bit out of context with the rest of the 2 islands. Is the plan to make them more in line with the islands.
This is only a very minor thing if any, as I really think its an amazing scape.

How do you find the "holes" you planted the stems in at the back? Is it giving any problems flow-wise or other?

But please share more photos. Great quality

Thanks for your comment :thumbup:
The tank started very slowly at the beginning, because of that many plants not trimmed yet like the mosses.
Sure that need some work. I think i need to work on the path and these mossy parts. On the back the master plan was to have the stems trimmed like the left side. HM blend nicely with Rotala Sp. Green. I thougth Rotundifolia will give a nice color as the last stem in the row. But that is not visible yet. I may will try a different stems behind the Sp.Green.

Hydrocotyle blend nicely with the stem forest on the center back. That's the effect i planned for the stem plants.

So a couple things needed especially need to work on the trimming and the small details, but i am quite happy that after 2.5 months even with this super slow start the tank is getting close to the form what was my original idea.

No prob with the hole on the back. Stems of course rob a lot of flow, but with the added in Koralia and the left lily on the front gives enough flow around the tank.
I had to learn that beeing a father slows me down a bit at least on my home tanks 😀

Did not had enough time on the maintenance. This tank is getting to the stage when much more trimming needed and some fine adjustment as it's slowly gets to the point when i had to shoot "the photo" for the contests. Running out of time....

Anyway i trimmed the tank today mainly the stems and the hydrocotyle sp a bit. The photos were captured without tripods now so the quality is not that good. Luckily the tank was captured yesterday before the trimming, so you can see what i did with the stems in 5 minutes today.

Bushy forest....

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

some trimming on the back and the center part

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

lovely view from the ground

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

on the top with stars... 😉

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr

the residents, love them!

Asian Spirit by viktorlantos, on Flickr
Both new and old are lovely lookings scapes as always viktor. Any tips on how to cut stems.. mine never recover fully for ages!!
The old scape in this tank is very similar to my new scape I'm starting, bet it won't look a patch on yours though!!! 🙁
What are the fish with red spot tails? They are very cool!
wearsbunnyslippers said:
Those sawbas are gorgeous fish!

Lovely layout!

Thank you 😉 Yup i love them. Very friendly ones and once they color up they looks pretty nice also blend well to a scape like this.

easerthegeezer said:
Both new and old are lovely lookings scapes as always viktor. Any tips on how to cut stems.. mine never recover fully for ages!!
The old scape in this tank is very similar to my new scape I'm starting, bet it won't look a patch on yours though!!! 🙁
What are the fish with red spot tails? They are very cool!

Thanks for your kind words. Well on stems i shoot them with enough light and CO2. Other than that nothing special. Currently ADA fetilizers, but they can be EI or anything else which you feel comfortable with.

They started slower on this tank i felt they are stressed for some reason. Probably the tap water was hard and with the 40/50kg of Seiryu stone this gone up even harder at the beginning. All water changes i do now with 100% RO, but still hardness is changing between the WCs. This was slow for 2 months, but since then i had to trim it weekly.

I always wait for the stems to grow up to the surface, then just trim 5-10cm max from the height in this stage. This way it looks brill on a longer term.
Yeah the fish name was misspelled: sawbwa resplendens is the correct one.

We keep them in our store too, but this is very far from as it looks in a planted tank with more light.
Will try to make a vid on them in the following days. 🙂