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  1. J

    60cm nature scape v2

    Beautiful Sam, you have no problems growing plants bud :D
  2. J

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' :shh: :lol:
  3. J

    Substrate choice - all-in-one

    AquaSoil is known to break down to mud after a few months to a year, but Oliver Knott's NatureSoil and Flora-Base have a different structure which isn't so easily crushed, and even if crushed it doesn't go to mush. FB, NS and AS will all lower the pH and soften the water for roughly a one year...
  4. J

    Aquatic shop in London where ADA Aquasoil can be purchased?

    Re: Aquatic shop in London where ADA Aquasoil can be purchas Colombo Flora-Base and Oliver Knott's NatureSoil (available from sponsors) are preferred as they contain all the same goodies as ADA but not as much ammonia, plus you also get much clearer water from first fill, and there is no...
  5. J

    F1 GP Who do You support

    Alonso FTW!!!!
  6. J


    Doesn't look like it :(
  7. J

    Mmmmmm! Cake!

    Cool :D Happy Birthday!
  8. J

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2

    Haven't had a good slaughter-fest in BF2 tor ages... might reinstall it over the weekend :D
  9. J

    the pacific

    Nope, its exclusive to Sky Movies :( For the moment it just says coming soon on the ads, not checked their site though...
  10. J

    Hanging planters, use emmersed plants on a aquarium.

    No ETA but they will soon be available from one of the sponsors in sufficient quantities :shifty:
  11. J

    Hanging planters, use emmersed plants on a aquarium.

    Kits coming soon :shh:
  12. J

    ADA vs Oliver vs Columbo vs Red sea ??

    Nature Soil has been around for quite a while now, and yes Oliver does use his own substrate when he can (check his site for many examples). He didn't use it at TGM simply because TGM do not sell NatureSoil. Its like using a Tropica plant when he's scaping an AquaFleur tank, just wont happen.
  13. J

    Aquatic shop in London where ADA Aquasoil can be purchased?

    Re: Aquatic shop in London where ADA Aquasoil can be purchas There are better alternatives to AquaSoil for far less money anyway.
  14. J

    Steve's Opti-white Nano - Ikita Kaseki

    萝卜的味道。 :eh:
  15. J

    Bulbs for T8 36"

    As Clive said, there's no good or bad choice when it comes to bulbs - plants grow the same whatever the colour rendition. Buy the ones that are more appealing to you and your eye. Various colour combos can be seen here: viewtopic.php?f=50&t=555 :)
  16. J

    Is this guy bonkers?!

    Damnit, I have 4 bottles of the stuff just going to waste too :(
  17. J

    lily pipes

    You'd be surprised at how many people break these pipes because the hose fits so tight Nick, so no, no leaks at all. Remember to heat the hose up before trying to attach them - a cup of very hot water is ideal.
  18. J

    My Private Island - 240l tank

    Re: 240l tank rescape (name coming later) I've just drooled all over my keyboard.. Such a stunning tank...
  19. J

    320l Discus tank, becoming planted !

    Also, what time do you put co2 on Tom? 1 hour before or more? Tony is going from 24/7 to on 5 hours before lights, I've just gone from 3 hours before to a full 7 hours before lights on as a trial run, obviously this is overkill, but I do love a little overkill now and then... especially if it works.
  20. J

    Tanks in a greenhouse!

    Yeah, I feel for you brother :( I've seen a few marine tanks done in full glass conservatories in the past, but they have radiators and underground heating installed, along with auto venting for hot days. I could be possible, but I think you'd have more success if you kept the tank in an...
  21. J

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape :lol:
  22. J

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape Do you get funny looks from the boys on site when you tell them you spent all night playing with your wood? :lol:
  23. J

    'patience is a virtue'

    :lol: Looking good Tim :)
  24. J

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape Changed my mind, that's sick! Go with it :thumbup:
  25. J

    320l Discus tank, becoming planted !

    Cheers Tom, I'll give this method a go for a while and see what results I get. Tony, let us know what you're going to do too bud :)
  26. J

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape Put me down for 12-16 weeks :shh:
  27. J

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape Bah, forget the wood. 18 pots of hc, a couple of weeks - scape done! :thumbup:
  28. J

    Tanks in a greenhouse!

    You'll find out when you're married :shh:
  29. J

    320l Discus tank, becoming planted !

    Its not that shocking is it? :lol: You say to change water 1 hour after lights on, but this would upset co2 balance even more wouldn't it? :eh: You've been running co2 for several hours before lights on, slowly building up co2 levels in the tank, lights come on, then 1 hour later you change...
  30. J

    keymaker's composition studies

    Amen brother.
  31. J

    Nicks 4x2x2

    Looking good Nick :) I'd trim the grass about 4 - 6 weeks after setup, then again at around 12 weeks. After that its a case of trimming when you think it needs it. The early trims will help encourage the plant to send out more runners.. How have you planted the java fern?
  32. J

    320l Discus tank, becoming planted !

    Well that shut me up! :lol:
  33. J

    320l Discus tank, becoming planted !

    So when is it preferable to do a water change, Tom? Before co2 on, or after co2 off? And what about running co2 24/7 like Tony does?
  34. J

    320l Discus tank, becoming planted !

    I had it explained to me perfectly once, but can't find the message! Grrr... how the comparison works with 24/7 co2 and ro water with slow fill etc. vs timed co2 and tap water I'm not sure. But plants will continue to use co2 for a period after the lights go out, then they eventually start...
  35. J

    320l Discus tank, becoming planted !

    Read the above post bud :thumbup:
  36. J

    320l Discus tank, becoming planted !

    Think of co2 like a drug. After a full day wasted in the clouds on far out hippy stuff, plants will have one hell of a shock if you take away their super duper dope man. You need to ween the plants off the co2 slowly, then hit them with it again the next day.
  37. J

    320l Discus tank, becoming planted !

    You want to try to do any water changes before lights on, not after lights off :thumbup: I got in to that mess when designing with an American client who kept me up all night working. I found it much easier to do w/c after lights off at around 1 or 2am, but it just went from bad to worse. Going...
  38. J

    320l Discus tank, becoming planted !

    By doing this though, you are upsetting the balance of co2, so you should make sure no light is getting to the tank and the w/c is done a good three or 4 hours before lights on.
  39. J

    320l Discus tank, becoming planted !

    From my experience, objects in front of high flow will suffer with BBA more than anywhere else. Possibly due to a plants inability to uptake anything in this flow (?). General maintenance is also an issue yes, as Tom Barr has previously said, BBA will hit any tank if you don't stay on top of it...
  40. J

    320l Discus tank, becoming planted !

    PO4 only helps with GSA iirc Paulo.. BBA is a flow/inconsistent co2 issue.
  41. J

    picture backgrounds

    I haven't used the Gimp in over ten years, and in Photoshop there must be hundreds of different ways of doing this, but by far the easiest is to simply increase the canvas size, selecting black or white as the fill colour. Job done :)
  42. J

    My 370l planted tank

    Nice :thumbup:
  43. J

    What/who are you listening too?

    Stu Hamm is the best bassist alive today :thumbup:
  44. J

    FIssidens Fontanus ??

    Fissidens can be a funny thing sometimes.. takes an age to get going, then all of a sudden it can grow at a silly pace, especially after a good trim. As others have said, it loves a nice yellow drop checker and good light, but will tolerate many conditions. Are you sure you have Fissidens...
  45. J

    ADA vs Oliver vs Columbo vs Red sea ??

    Re: ADA vs Oliver Knott The Red Sea stuff is great - I used it on Without Foundation and had great results.. Bags are small though - I think I used 3 on a 60cm tank, from http://www.aquatics-online.co.uk/catalo ... strate.asp
  46. J

    60 cm - Old fashioned Dutch style scape

    Oooh, vast improvement in plant health and colour :) Tell me bud, what's on the side glass? Algae or is it an illusion? And that fissidens... that can't all be from the little amount I sent you, surely, Shirley? :lol:
  47. J

    Got to be fake but clever anyhow...

    Don't see that everyday! :lol: I hate magic because I always get headaches trying to figure out how they do the tricks they do! :crazy:
  48. J

    How its made - Oliver Knott's NatureSoil

    Colombo's Flora-Base (and many others, like GEX) are also made at the same production plant as Nature Soil, yet Flora-Base (which is Fine) is almost half price... Wave £100k+ at them and they will make the substrate to your requirements, bag it in whatever design of bag you like and ship x...
  49. J

    Tanks in shed with no heating!

    *Takes notes* The wife wants three tanks gone, so the shed may be the perfect answer! :lol:
  50. J

    Sakura Sencha - Neil W's Nano

    Re: Sakura Sencha - Neil W's Nano (updated 02/03/10) Glad you got it ok Neil, looking sweet bud :D
  51. J

    Oliver knott/colombo flora-base ph drop!

    This should be fine, you get much larger pH swings in the wild, so nothing to worry about. It stabilizes over time with water changes too, so make sure you keep them up. If introducing new fish to the tank, do it at a time before the co2 has come on to avoid any massive shock or excess co2...
  52. J

    Where do you have yours?

    2 in the living room surrounded by kids toys, and 1 in the bedroom, surrounded by err, other toys :lol: Don't be dirty you lot :angel: Here's a naff pic of my 4ft community tank 24hrs after a small rescape by me, and a few minutes after a large rescape by the plec :roll:
  53. J

    UKAPS visit Tropica, Denmark 2010

    Awesome :D I would have tried to run off with an 8ft Echindorus personally :lol:
  54. J

    60cm nature scape v2

    As I told you earlier Sam, this is looking great bud :thumbup:
  55. J

    New Featured Aquascape....

    Nice one Andy :thumbup:
  56. J

    Back to Nature

    Re: Galaxy paradise (宇宙天堂) Schweet 8)
  57. J

    Rotala sp. green - with a bad case of the bends!! help!

    Try lowering the light intensity over the plant for a few days and see how it responds...
  58. J

    Rotala sp. green - with a bad case of the bends!! help!

    Not sure, probably not though. Under lower light conditions it will grown mostly straight. The creeping comes from good light iirc.
  59. J

    New firefox update causing plugins to corrupt websites

    Google Chrome is what you need :D
  60. J

    Rotala sp. green - with a bad case of the bends!! help!

    This is perfectly normal with sp. Green :) Its actually one of the things which makes this plant really special. The really hard part is finding a way of using this to your advantage, like draping it over some hardscape, or even allowing other plants to support it where needed.
  61. J

    Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CLOSEING down today 1st May

    Re: Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238 4 DAYS WITH CO2 NEW PICS Coming on great bud... give the grass a heavy trim and it will encourage more runners to create a thick lawn :)
  62. J

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape "This purchased item information is no longer available." :(
  63. J

    Who's entering the IAPLC 2010 (ADA contest)?

    I still feel hard done by after last year :lol: I really don't think they'll appreciate my next effort either as its even more odd ball :lol: Wont be ready in time anyway, still need to manufacture a few custom items :silent: Nelson, not a word to anyone! :shh: :lol:
  64. J

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape I love seeing empty tanks in situ like this, really gets the mind working :D
  65. J

    Why are ADA Products so expensive?

    The books thing I find really hard to justify, considering most aren't even translated :lol:
  66. J

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape That right there is a massive improvement by itself...
  67. J

    Why are ADA Products so expensive?

    People are also forgetting ADA have the huge ongoing cost of the Nature Aquarium Gallery. Compare this with BorneoWild and its easy to understand why the new BorneoWild optiwhite/starfire tanks are cheaper AND better quality. Same with the BorneoWild tools (which sadly are stupidly overpriced in...
  68. J

    Difffused backgrounds

    Go in store - they have loads to choose from :) Put it on with cooking oil - it will peel straight off when you want it to, with no sticky residue, etc.
  69. J

    Andyh's - Dragon Beach

    Yup, exactly how mine started too :thumbup:
  70. J

    Crystal Palace

    What's the biggy next to it then Amy? You keeping something from us? :lol:
  71. J

    Crystal Palace

    Great start Amy, loving the plant choice and tank dimensions :D
  72. J

    Jase's 28l Long/Shallow - "Attrition"

    Re: Jase's 28l Long - NOW PLANTED You're welcome bud... you chose well too, looks ace :thumbup:
  73. J

    Saintly's "purple rain' added HD vid

    Re: Saintly's "purple rain' ? :lol: I wonder if I can dye my plants black?
  74. J

    Saintly's "purple rain' added HD vid

    Re: Saintly's "purple rain' ? Oh yeah, the quality is spot on, and colour rendition is great... They look awesome in limited edition black too :D
  75. J

    Saintly's "purple rain' added HD vid

    Re: Saintly's "purple rain' ? They're not hard to get hold of, but they are pricey with a retail @ £25 for 11w and £35 for the 18w.
  76. J

    10x flow, ok for fish?

    I have 1500lph on a 70 litre tank. Fish or shrimp don't have a problem.
  77. J


    I double dose EC with no problems, and you've seen my blyxa, right? I've not heard of anyone having problems with P. Helferi or Stellata either.
  78. J


    Dude, its not the end of the world :) Nothing to worry about. Either turn the lights off or dose Liquid Carbon as already suggested. Its not ideal or cost effective on a large tank, but liquid carbon works good enough to keep the tank ticking over until you get a new co2 bottle.
  79. J

    Veggie Botia striata

    I've got a 6 or 7 year old almost veggie Botia almorhae. I bought one to go snail hunting with no intention of keeping him long term, but he's such a character I've never been able to bring myself to part with him (same story for my 12" daily gardener plec). Apparently, loaches shouldn't be...
  80. J

    My old 180 rimless redone

    Blyxa will in most cases melt like crazy when first introduced to a different tank. Just be patient with it. LondonDragon is the man for shrimp :thumbup: Beautiful tank, Tom. Loving the carpet :)
  81. J

    Andyh's - Dragon Beach

    Looking good bud, should be another joy to watch it develop :thumbup:
  82. J

    Saintly's UK woodland observations

    Sweet bro :thumbup:
  83. J

    Difffused backgrounds

    Re: TGM backgrounds I'll have a look if I've got any left :thumbup:
  84. J

    Difffused backgrounds

    Re: TGM backgrounds viewtopic.php?f=21&t=8068&hilit=frosted+backing :thumbup:
  85. J

    VW Corrado VR6 Turbo shots

    "Still one of the best drivers cars... in the World" as Clarkson would put it :thumbup: I know so many people who have owned and fallen in love with their Corrados only to have to part with them down to marriage, children, etc. These people were never the same again :( Poor buggers. :lol:
  86. J

    Difffused backgrounds

    Re: TGM backgrounds You can get them cheap in Wilkinsons, starting at £3 odd per roll :thumbup: I used one last year on Brickscape, and Tony also used some on his optiwhite featured in PFK.
  87. J

    Nelson's 35litre play tank

    Looking great Neil :thumbup:
  88. J

    Which diffuser?

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CO2-Carbon-Dioxid ... 120wt_1165 These work really good imo. Similar products are also available on ye olde FleaBay too :thumbup:
  89. J

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    :lol: I've been trying to talk Mark in to doing a Dutch scape, but I have a feeling we'll be seeing plenty of wood next time :thumbup:
  90. J

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    Paulo bud... :thumbup:
  91. J

    Cleaning glassware

    Baby bottle cleaners and a bit o' bleach.
  92. J

    Lazy CO2 injection

    A decent reactor or inline diffuser (on the filter out) gets my vote :thumbup:
  93. J

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    Something to bare in mind with this (and the previous Iwagumi @ MA) is the fact that in both cases the hardscape, and to some degree, the planting was requested by the tank holders. Turtle tank next, with plastic plants and fake wood. Never before done in an OptiWhite, so watch out for it...
  94. J

    Lazy CO2 injection

    Apparently co2 will slowly break down your filters seals, but the biggest issue I find personally is the co2 levels become inconsistent, leading to algae problems. This is down to co2 building up in the filter, then in some cases being released in one go as a big bubble or bubbles. It really can...
  95. J

    Cheching flow rate

    You can check the flow rate by using the filter to fill a measuring jug up. Time how long it takes, then work it out from there. Most filters are way overrated anyway as they are tested without media or hoses attached. You can expect a drop off of up to 40% when running it with media and hoses.
  96. J

    Planting Tutorials

    It depends on the look you're going for, and time you have to grow the scape you desire. Amano plants his stems in tight groups, around 3-5 stems at a time with no space around them at all. You simply cannot achieve a lush thicket of growth any other way.
  97. J

    Daniel's 60l cube

    Cheers Steve :thumbup:
  98. J

    what car are we driving?

    V6.. I only sold it because I saw a '96 Wagon, but then I bought something else totally random :crazy: I'd still like a Series 8 Wagon at some point... Angry looking things :lol:
  99. J

    Daniel's 60l cube

    I like some details on how you modded your psu if you could...