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Andyh's - Dragon Beach


1 Jan 2009
Hey guys.

This is my new journal for my former kitchen tank setup. The theory behind this setup is to create something with Dragon stone and wood and accommodate my Stiphidon Gobies. They like a sand substrate to forage in and rocks to graze the algae off. I wanted to use more of the dragon stone as in my last scape, as i really like the detail of this rock. It got hidden in my last scape because of the successful plant growth, so i want to make more of a feature of it. I also want to introduce some wood and a beach area for the Gobies, should be fun!

So starting from scratch, here is a list of the bits i have got together to make this scape, i actually started scaping yesterday and hope to have some pictures up later tonight! 😵 :thumbup:

60l Optiwhite Tank, 24 long x 11 tall x 13 deep.
Eheim 2324 external filter with built in heater. 750lph
Hydor Koralia Nano 900lph
JBL Pressuised CO2 system with solenoid & inline diffuser (fitted to return on external filter).
Arcadia Luminiare 4 x 24w T5's

Blyxa japonica (Love this plant)
Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides (I liked the Verticillata in my last tank, thought i would give it a ago.)
Glossostigma elatinoides (never had it, thought i should give it a go instead of HC)
Fissidens Fontanus
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'green'
Plus some Moss!

ADA Amazonia Powder, ADA Power Sand Special and few few Tropica tabs thrown in.

Dragon Stone or Ohku Stone
Manzanita Wood
ADA Sarawak Sand
Assorted gravel for Detail

Thanks for looking :thumbup:
Should be good andy, do your gobies get enough food just from the rocks or do you feed algae wafers etc. Were did you obtain yours ? They are a wonderful little fish, especially the colours in this months PFK. T
Hello again,

So here is the new scape which i scaped yesterday evening, water is virtually clear and things settled :

Below, The Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides, and some of the gravel detail i have added, which i am really pleased with.


I really like the detail on this Manzanita wood below, it should look even better once the moss gets hold. Also you can see the Glosso planted bottom right on this pic. I hope i have planted enough stems? I have more but didn't want to over do it.



So the idea is that front bottom right is a lush carpet of Glosso with the background Blyxa. The large branch across the middle has Fissidens tied to it and a few months (pesky slow grower) should look great!

The Blyxa, looks a little sorry for itself but i am sure it will recover.

The thing i struggle with is that i don't like the tanks at this stage. This is because i am a perfectionist and i want people to see what i am trying to achieve from early on! 😵 But i am sure i will get over it! :lol: :lol: :lol: Will keep you updated with a "Warts and All" journal ! :thumbup:

My Routine for this tank:
First week, 30% water change every day, just dosing Easy Carbo and ADA Brighty K. Initially dosed ADA Green Gain to help plants recover. CO2 is high at the moment as there is no livestock.
Nb; I only added a small amount of new ADA Amazonia and i am using a very mature external filter so i expect no real ammonia problems.

Thanks for looking and I welcome all comments!

TBRO said:
Should be good andy, do your gobies get enough food just from the rocks or do you feed algae wafers etc. Were did you obtain yours ? They are a wonderful little fish, especially the colours in this months PFK. T

I kept the Gobies in my previous scape, to supplement there constant Algae grazing i fed JBL Spirulina and Algae wafers. Which they liked, i had no problems at all. They are currently waiting in my spare fish only tank, and i am hoping to get a couple more. Will be adding them in a couple of weeks. Check my kitchen tank journal for pics and info. :thumbup: If you interested in more info, pm me, and i will send you some links as i have found some excellent websites. :thumbup:
Scape wise she's a beauty but I just can't help but feel it need another piece of wood breaking the surface to accentuate and add hight to such a long tank.
Everything else looks amazing and I can't wait to see it grown in. I'll be watching intently!
JamesM said:
Looking good bud, should be another joy to watch it develop :thumbup:

Thanks James :thumbup:
Garuf said:
Scape wise she's a beauty but I just can't help but feel it need another piece of wood breaking the surface to accentuate and add hight to such a long tank.
Everything else looks amazing and I can't wait to see it grown in. I'll be watching intently!

Thanks for your very positive comments Garuf, i am a little limited on sticking wood out of the surface as i have a cover tray on most of the time to stop my emerald eye rasb and gobies escaping. This limits what i can do with wood, i did think about getting a little more wood so watch this space...
CeeJay said:
Hi andyh

He's gone and done it again :lol: . Another cracker.
I'll be keeping an eye on this one 😀

Thanks CeeJay, Lets see if this turns into a cracker! 😵

Gill said:
This looks Amazing, Love the Dragon rock and position of the wood.
Cheers Gill, should look better once it fills out a little more. The dragon stone looks even better in the flesh. :thumbup:
Hi Andy, Firstly let me say how much I have enjoyed watching your previous kitchen scape and your Deep rooted scape develop, a real inspiration.

... as i have a cover tray on most of the time to stop my emerald eye rasb and gobies escaping.
What do you use for your cover? At the moment I am just using a Clearseal condensation tray, but I was wondering if you had something a bit more fancy (aesthetically pleasing)?

Dan Walter said:
Great scape, always good to see something different. Very original :thumbup:

Thanks Dan!
Pixels said:
Hi Andy, Firstly let me say how much I have enjoyed watching your previous kitchen scape and your Deep rooted scape develop, a real inspiration.

... as i have a cover tray on most of the time to stop my emerald eye rasb and gobies escaping.
What do you use for your cover? At the moment I am just using a Clearseal condensation tray, but I was wondering if you had something a bit more fancy (aesthetically pleasing)?


Thanks for you kind words about my scapes! I really enjoy doing them :geek:

I am afraid like you i use the dreaded plastic condensation trays (probably Clearseal ones). I have considered trying to do something sexy, but haven't got round to it. I take them off for photos, and important visitors! :lol: Also stops evap.

stuworrall said:
lovely looking re-scape andy, lovely attention to detail as always. gonna be a corker for sure :thumbup:
Cheers dude !Hows yours coming along?
andyh said:
stuworrall said:
lovely looking re-scape andy, lovely attention to detail as always. gonna be a corker for sure :thumbup:
Cheers dude !Hows yours coming along?

its going well thanks andy. the tanks been totally transformed since changing the light to a solar1. Point source lighting withe ripples really brings the tank into the room. Ive got to do some updated shots as ive now removed the clump of plants I had in there temporarily.
saintly said:
nicely done Andy. I think i've got the rescape bug too :lol:

Cheers Mark!

So everything going well the Glosso already looks like its growing, i am sure there is some new shoots!

The Blxya is melting in a most spectacular way, should i cut away the leaves?
Don't worry, blyxa always does this even when moved around in the same tank it can get upset. I tend to leave it alone and let it grow back, sadly it will look a bit messy for a while. T