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  1. J

    60cm nature scape v2

    Love the stone Sam :) And damn dude, you created a monster with this! Love it!
  2. J

    Discussion: Are we obsessed with circulation and flow?

    Yeah, I think I'd rather an extra inlet and outlet for a second large canister filter over a powerhead though. The added media is a bonus, plus you're adding to the overall water volume.
  3. J

    Discussion: Are we obsessed with circulation and flow?

    Isn't the 10x rule mainly aimed at EI anyway?
  4. J

    60cm Optiwhite - A New Dawn

    Loving the hardscape Dan, gonna keep an eye on this one.
  5. J

    nelson's nano 1

    Looking great Neil... can we get a side by side shot of both tanks to show the contrast between them? Both are really good mate :)
  6. J

    hydor external heater malfunction

    Gutting :( Was there a kink in the hose or something, Matt?
  7. J

    What's the demand for high street planted aquarium shops?

    Re: What's the demand for high street planted aquarium shops btw, are PFK not supporting the planted tank hobby anymore then?
  8. J

    What's the demand for high street planted aquarium shops?

    Re: What's the demand for high street planted aquarium shops Well said imo.
  9. J

    What's the demand for high street planted aquarium shops?

    Re: What's the demand for high street planted aquarium shops Highly unlikely that most local fish shops make their money on the fish, but my local MA do. Aquatics Unlimited (aquatics-online.co.uk) make most of their profit on dog kennels and paddling pools. You can go in to this and lose...
  10. J

    60cm First opti white

    Looking good Albert :) Some people put the surface scum down to not enough co2/ferts, but I've had it even since using co2 and have never managed to get rid of it, even under different lighting, co2 levels, fert levels, substrates, hardscape materials and filters with different rated flow. You...
  11. J

    What's the demand for high street planted aquarium shops?

    Re: What's the demand for high street planted aquarium shops That's what accountants are for! :lol: Seriously though, there is money to be made and there is room in the market for more aquascaping orientated shops. I'd like nothing more than to see an explosion of 10 TGM's, 10 PlantedBox's, 10...
  12. J

    My venture into my new 760 ltr planted tank .

    Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam. Safe journey bud :)
  13. J

    George's Nano Sanzonia

    Very smart cube.. shame you had to change the light.. what was the reason?
  14. J

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 2 weeks £5 on four months and 18 days :lol:
  15. J

    nelson's nano 2.......rescaped.

    Re: nelson's nano 2 Looking very healthy Neil :) [edit] Now don't be afraid to cut it bud, it'll reward you soon after with more compact growth.
  16. J

    What's the demand for high street planted aquarium shops?

    Re: What's the demand for high street planted aquarium shops If you can do this and provide sufficient quantities with the same quality as Tropica or Aquafleur for the same money or less, I will buy from you all day long. Keeping plants is one thing, farming them is another. The space required...
  17. J

    What's the demand for high street planted aquarium shops?

    Re: What's the demand for high street planted aquarium shops They are cheap, yes, but you need to buy at least one 40ft shipping containers worth to make it financially worthwhile. Lets not forget import tax, paying for the container, dock fees, 6 months of waiting, no guarantee for damages...
  18. J

    What's the demand for high street planted aquarium shops?

    Re: What's the demand for high street planted aquarium shops TGM are distributors/importers for the Tropica Aquacare fertilizer program, and not plants.
  19. J

    What's the demand for high street planted aquarium shops?

    Re: What's the demand for high street planted aquarium shops Not for Tropica plants :) Aquafleur is handled by their parent company, Aquadistri :thumbup:
  20. J

    My venture into my new 760 ltr planted tank .

    Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam. The dedication, planning and craftsmanship that's gone in to this is second to none :clap:
  21. J

    Help needed

    For a first scape I think this is quite nice and could fill out with the right plant selection. What you need to ask yourself though Albert, is are YOU happy with it? :)
  22. J

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' I'm thinking of going that way too bud :thumbup:
  23. J

    nelson's nano 2.......rescaped.

    Re: nelson's nano 2 Oooh, how'd I miss this? :shock: Looks great Neil, loving the last one :thumbup:
  24. J

    ADA Seiryu Stone vs Mini Landscape Rock

    100% the same.
  25. J

    Jase's 28l Long/Shallow - "Attrition"

    Re: Jase's 28l Long Looking good Jase :D
  26. J

    HC Melt

    Comparing Java fern with HC isn't going to work as they are very different plants with very different demands. HC loves light, but loves co2 even more. Crank it up, carefully watching the fish don't suffer. 20x flow is plenty, but is co2 and ferts reaching all parts of the tank consistently?
  27. J

    UKAPS @ Vivarium 2010, Holland

  28. J

    plants in the post

    If they are in emersed form there is a chance they'll be fine, but I would have thought any submerged form will suffer badly that long.
  29. J

    sams 12x8x10 opti nano (DIY lilies)

    Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano Looks familiar... you've already done a far better job with it than I ever did though! :lol:
  30. J

    cloudy water after filter clean

    How did you clean the filter/media? Could be a bacteria bloom...
  31. J

    Tidy Cupboards

    That's subliminal advertising. I bet you all donate to the WWF this month without realising! :lol:
  32. J

    Should I rinse aquabasis?

    Hope you've seen this too: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=8445&p=97520
  33. J

    Should I rinse aquabasis?

    I've got a 12"+ plec, 6" plec, whiptail cats, loaches, cory's, etc. No problems with aquabasis clouding or mess, etc.
  34. J

    Should I rinse aquabasis?

    Aquabasis is fine without being capped too :) Actually looks great mixed with plain gravel and a little playsand.
  35. J

    Should I rinse aquabasis?

    Don't rinse it.
  36. J

    Inline diffusers??

    My money is on your regulator being under pressure for the Boyu diffuser. Crank it up a bit and watch the magic :thumbup:
  37. J

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' I've made a mess of myself :o
  38. J

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' Looking good Bob 8)
  39. J

    my first planted tank here goes.

    Plants don't need any more than 6 hours of light.
  40. J

    ADA Mini M - Rescape

    Very nice Viktor 8) Like the video, the music is cool too :D
  41. J

    Blyxa Japonica - Problem

    Well no, but it is prone to snapping under its own weight if not maintained. Remember too, its a stem plant, so trimming the top will encourage bushier growth as two plants grow from the node under the cut. All this will add weight, so you might be better off replanting the top section and...
  42. J

    Blyxa Japonica - Problem

    Replant them?
  43. J

    Carbonated water - would it work!?

    The short term effect wouldn't be worth the cost imo.. It is possible though - this is how the great Amano discovered the benefits of co2 in planted aquariums.
  44. J

    Aqua Medic Ocean light 150 MH pendant - HQI?

    I'd buy a cheap security light and use it for parts...
  45. J

    moss ball carpet?

    Growth will be very slow in a low tech tank. I've got three in a shrimp tank and they look exactly the same as the day I put them in... over a year ago! :lol: Emersed.. not sure. Its a form of aquatic algae from what I know, so I would think they wouldn't do too well above water.
  46. J

    UK Shops for the Planted Tank Hobbyist

    Why the sad face Lisa? Aquafleur have proved time and time again they can compete with Tropica on quality, and their price is certainly much better.
  47. J

    moss ball carpet?

    Jan Ole Pedersen has a great tutorial for a moss ball carpet.. http://www.anubias.com/index.php?option ... 33&lang=en
  48. J

    Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CLOSEING down today 1st May

    Re: Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l updated 24th April I have no idea Chilly.. never tried it.. Have a Google around, I'm sure you'll find something :)
  49. J

    Bending Clear Perspex Tubing

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/48753982@N02/ Not a bad first attempt, but plenty of room for improvement me thinks. Might try a spraybar myself actually...
  50. J

    60cm nature scape v2

    It shouldn't mate :thumbup: Plants love a good trim :D
  51. J

    Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CLOSEING down today 1st May

    Re: Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l updated 24th April Looking good Chilly :D
  52. J

    what car are we driving?

    Ooooh, Mowze, that looks like a lucky escape...
  53. J

    new expert

    John, you're not alone bud... I don't think anyone knows :eh:
  54. J

    Low Light, Low CO2 Nano plants?

    Bullosa tend to stay quite small for a long time, and the leaves lay low on the substrate.
  55. J

    60cm nature scape v2

    That's looking friggin' awesome Sam!
  56. J

    Any Ideas For My Tank Plant Wise

    How long is a piece of string? :crazy:
  57. J

    Bending Clear Perspex Tubing

    The DIY drop checker is awesome!
  58. J

    Bending Clear Perspex Tubing

    Filling it with sand before trying to bend usually helps keep the roundness too.
  59. J

    Tidy Cupboards

  60. J


    Love it, although the bluegrass versions are still my fave alternate versions of Metallica! :lol:
  61. J

    Crypt amicorum?

    Or Google it even :P
  62. J

    Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CLOSEING down today 1st May

    Re: Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l updated 25th feb BREEDING: The caridina japonica larvae won't survive in a fresh water tank. They need brackish water during the first weeks. In nature, they get carried downstream after hatching. This is obviously impossible in a tank, so you'll just have to...
  63. J

    Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CLOSEING down today 1st May

    Re: Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l updated 25th feb They'll need a close to full salt water setup to breed bud... Google is your friend there :text-search:
  64. J

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' Less than a fiver, Chilled :thumbup:
  65. J

    George's 120cm - Nature's Reflection v2

    Nice to see an unfinished scape from you George. Looking pretty good too :)
  66. J

    Tonys 'Peacocks Crypt' - The End

    Re: Tonsers 200L Optiwhite Excellent news mate, glad things are working for you, tank looks much better :thumbup:
  67. J

    my first planted tank here goes.

    Looking good Tyke :)
  68. J

    frustrated or not?

    Time, money, effort, space, the wife... all contributing factors as to why I'm not 'scaping atm, and yes its very frustrating :cry:
  69. J

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' :lol: :thumbup:
  70. J

    60x45x45 Optiwhite

    Looking good bud... what's the plant list you have in mind? Another thing... I think the substrate is banked way too steep for this style of scape - you don't need the extra height as you should get that from planting. Iwagumi's tend to have a steep bank as they need the height to add...
  71. J

    My venture into my new 760 ltr planted tank .

    Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam. I am so jealous right now.. :| That's gonna be one hell of a setup :thumbup:
  72. J

    My First Planted Tank (The End) Juwel Rio 125

    Re: My First Planted Tank "Never Ending Journal" Juwel Rio 1 Aww gutted, sorry Paulo :(
  73. J

    Acicularis 1st trim

    Thanks Clive :mrgreen:
  74. J

    Acicularis 1st trim

    Leave about 10mm at the base, but otherwise hack away. When you're done, net any floating grass and drop your water level a little so you can wipe away any stuck to the glass. Simples :thumbup: Go can easily go lower than I have in these pics. I left a little extra because of the HC...
  75. J

    Low Light, Low CO2 Nano plants?

    Actually, you'd be surprised at what you can grow in low light and no co2. Rotundafolia does fine in my shrimp tank - it even takes on more of a red than under high light. I also have riccia, blyxa, p. helferi, acicularis, and walichii, all of which grow very well indeed. Just a little slower...
  76. J

    Low Light, Low CO2 Nano plants?

  77. J

    Low Light, Low CO2 Nano plants?

    Well, it is a stem plant afterall... viewtopic.php?p=111168#p111168 In a high light setup it will require regular pruning and replanting to get the best out of it.
  78. J

    Low Light, Low CO2 Nano plants?

    There's no real secret - the substrate is nutrient rich so the plant is getting all it needs for the condition its living in. Eventually it will need a small amount of ferts adding to the water column, but I'm sure it'll be fine for a long while. I have some in my low tech 60 litre shrimp tank...
  79. J

    Saintly's "purple rain' added HD vid

    Re: Saintly's "purple rain' ? Every time I see a new pic it makes me want to set my Qube up too :D Nice shots dude :D
  80. J

    Thoughts on my new scape and bad piccies :)

    I can't help but think the whole thing needs to come forward more... could be just a trick of the eye though. Enough space behind for planting bud?
  81. J

    My First Planted Tank (The End) Juwel Rio 125

    Re: My First Planted Tank "Never Ending Journal" Juwel Rio 1 Nice pics bud, great looking fish :D
  82. J

    Don't you just hate some people's luck

    I've a friend who used to work at a local tip - the brand new stuff he came away with was unreal! I even had a new Dyson off him for a tenner! :lol: Most of the new stuff comes from house clearances after deaths or repossessions, etc. The same friend also has a wife who is convinced her brand...
  83. J

    Grasstrack Sidecar Racing

    :lol: Great graphics Dan :thumbup:
  84. J

    Rotala rotundifolia planting advice

    A little rule saintly uses with Rotundafolia when growing from an emersed form is to make the first cut only when the stems reach the surface. Also, try to cut low on the first cut as this will help start the 'thicket' nice and low so you're doubling the plant and getting a bush effect...
  85. J

    Some chap walking his fish.

    Hmm, while I love the concept, I can't see this taking off unless you add some decent shocks and a set of alloys 8)
  86. J

    UKAPS Pico Contest - Results!

    Congrats to all entrants, some very cool tanks :) Extra marks from me to Amy for creativity though :thumbup:
  87. J

    What/who are you listening too?

    Watching Mythbusters :D
  88. J

    F1 GP Who do You support

    Don't forget Jim Clark... and Tom Pryce, who was very underrated.
  89. J

    Saintlys 'wonderful sky'

    Does that mean the nail varnish is coming out tonight Bob?
  90. J

    60cm nature scape v2

    Sam, have you tried just trimming the front inch or so of the lileaopsis? You'll get short growth at the very front, then the larger lileaopsis will still covering the crypt stalks...
  91. J

    Fish welfare vs CO2 levels.

    I think, like with any post we read there different ways of interpreting things. For example, our favourite Founder Dan often calls people 'Pal.' Down here in the BIG END, South Wales, calling people 'Pal' will likely get you a seriously hard slap followed by a long weekend in hospital :lol: I...
  92. J

    Tropica plant catalogue

    The 2007/2008 Catalogue is available online here: http://www.e-pages.dk/tropica/4/
  93. J

    Small shrimp that don't breed in the aquarium?

    I think shrimp have more character than most small fish and I find them far more interesting personally.
  94. J

    F1 GP Who do You support

    Alonso is easily the most complete driver in F1, and its about time he got hold of some good equipment, even if I'm not a Fezza fan, its great to see him on the top step of the podium again.
  95. J

    Walk in the forest

    Even more credit due... I wish I could get my S5500 to take pics like that! :lol: Quality :thumbup:
  96. J

    Honest Ebay Seller (Funny)

    lol, gotta love that :D
  97. J

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2

    Yeah, that's mostly what I did, although the UKAW server was quite fun at times too.. I tried a reinstall but can't remember my password, and the reminder service isn't working :( I'll spend some time on the EA forums later or tomorrow to see if there's a fix.. I feel the need to let off a few...
  98. J

    Small shrimp that don't breed in the aquarium?

    Have a google around for Orange and Green Dwarf Shrimp... don't see them that often, but some Maidenheads get both from time to time, and breeding is unreported afaik :)