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nelson's nano 2.......rescaped.

Re: nelson's nano 2

Great growth, Neil!

This is going to look great once it's grown in fully and you can prune the HC to shape nicely.

Nice one! :D
Re: nelson's nano 2

JamesM said:
Looking very healthy Neil :)

[edit] Now don't be afraid to cut it bud, it'll reward you soon after with more compact growth.
thanks James.

by George Farmer » Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:52 pm

Great growth, Neil!

This is going to look great once it's grown in fully and you can prune the HC to shape nicely.

Nice one!
thanks George.

as i've never managed to grow it before not really sure when to trim it.it is still only a week.

any tips excepted :D .
Re: nelson's nano 2

Savage growth for 8 days! well done. I cant help but wonder if a little green would look good amongst the R hand massif ?
Re: nelson's nano 2

Hi Neil.

Lovely scape.
nelson said:
its still early days.plenty of time for it to die yet .
Sounds like you're having a chuckle.
With growth like that, it looks like that stuff just wants to live life to the max :lol: .
Great job in such a short space of time :thumbup:
Re: nelson's nano 2

nelson said:
not a lot to say.just a pic from today to show how its going.

day 1

day 8

Going well Nelson.

What about adding something in between the stones on your right. This would make the layers stand out further more, giving more depth. Fissidins because its a slow burner just poking up in tiny areas. Or some very fine stem like myriphiliam mezianum would work too. Its very fine and very slow growing. I think if you could suggest more depth with a few additions it would improve an already interesting scape.

Re: nelson's nano 2

TBRO said:
Savage growth for 8 days! well done. I cant help but wonder if a little green would look good amongst the R hand massif ?

by Graeme Edwards » Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:21 pm
What about adding something in between the stones on your right. This would make the layers stand out further more, giving more depth. Fissidins because its a slow burner just poking up in tiny areas. Or some very fine stem like myriphiliam mezianum would work too. Its very fine and very slow growing. I think if you could suggest more depth with a few additions it would improve an already interesting scape.

sounds like a good idea to put something in between the stones to add more depth.will look into it ;) .
i have been meaning to add some fissidens since samc suggested it.will trim some from my other tank.

thanks guys

by CeeJay » Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:44 pm

Hi Neil.

Lovely scape.
thanks chris :D .
sanj said:
Thats a stunning scape, really like the way you have place the rocks, certainly a different approach.
thanks sanj :D .
Re: nelson's nano 2

Magnificent, I think some flame moss in the back right and left would give really nice form reminicent of fir trees. Great growth too, you're clearly doing everything right!
Re: nelson's nano 2

Garuf said:
Magnificent, I think some flame moss in the back right and left would give really nice form reminicent of fir trees. Great growth too, you're clearly doing everything right!

:text-+1: on the flame moss - easily shapeable to suit the scape :thumbup:

Your growth for 8 days is incredible :clap: It looks great
Re: nelson's nano 2

Garuf said:
Magnificent, I think some flame moss in the back right and left would give really nice form reminicent of fir trees. Great growth too, you're clearly doing everything right!
Jase said:
Garuf said:
Magnificent, I think some flame moss in the back right and left would give really nice form reminicent of fir trees. Great growth too, you're clearly doing everything right!

:text-+1: on the flame moss - easily shapeable to suit the scape :thumbup:

Your growth for 8 days is incredible :clap: It looks great
cheers :D .

don't really want to use flame moss.want to try something a bit different.
was only going to use HC and fissidens but will add a stem in the stones,like T and Graeme suggested,as i feel in needs it.
Re: nelson's nano 2

have trimmed the HC.not got the stems yet.also suffering hair algae :( .

Re: nelson's nano 2


Bit of a mess when you trim HC :thumbdown: , plants on the bottom, off cuts on the top, did you scoope the off cuts up with a net :thumbup:

Re: nelson's nano 2

Flyfisherman said:

Bit of a mess when you trim HC :thumbdown: , plants on the bottom, off cuts on the top, did you scoope the off cuts up with a net :thumbup:

yeah,pretty messy.got the net out :D .
Re: nelson's nano 2

not really a lot of change.still battling a bit of algae.

Re: nelson's nano 2

I've been having algae problems and did have to temporarily keep some amano shrimp and apple snails in here.
so they have helped a bit :D .


the snails have wrecked the HC though :(.

Re: nelson's nano 2

Nelson, those intakes look great, where are they from? The tank still looks great, I'm sure it'll bounce back fine. :)
Re: nelson's nano 2

Garuf said:
Nelson, those intakes look great, where are they from? The tank still looks great, I'm sure it'll bounce back fine. :)
they're the standard ones that come with the resun cy-20.
Re: nelson's nano 2

bumcrumb said:
i have that filter on my tank at the min, not a bad little thing is it. :thumbup:
so far i think its ok ;) .

have now realised that my algae problems in 1 and 2 is lack of co2.
have now binned both cal aqua fluids.

excuse the dirty glass :oops: .
added 8 blue pearl shrimp last week.don't see them that much but got a pic of one.

without flash,and how it looks to my eyes


and with flash
