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  1. Tim Harrison

    Statement fish?

    I’d have gone for the angels. If it wouldn’t result in overstocking maybe 6 juveniles would be better.
  2. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS has passed 20,000 members.

    UKAPS has passed 20,000 members. That’s quite a landmark achievement and a strong indication that the forum remains as popular as ever. A very big thank you to all of you for making the forum what it is today, an informative, friendly, and safe space to hang out with likeminded folk 🙂
  3. Tim Harrison

    Dry Start after Dark Start

    Either way, I think the general idea is to at least try and avoid the worst of an ammonia spike and help establish plants easier.
  4. Tim Harrison

    Dry Start after Dark Start

    Do one or the other. Both is not necessary. It's conflating two totally different methods. In short transitioning plants from emersed to submersed growth can be problematic and these methods might help increase the chance of success. Dark start is letting the aquarium run in flooded with water...
  5. Tim Harrison

    Hello from Essex

    Welcome :)
  6. Tim Harrison

    Hello from Minnesota

    Welcome 🙂
  7. Tim Harrison

    A blast from the past

    I had one of those 😁
  8. Tim Harrison

    Hello from Retford

    Welcome 🙂
  9. Tim Harrison

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

    Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, from the UKAPS team.
  10. Tim Harrison

    Help identify this stone

    It looks like some sort of limestone. Does it react with acid?
  11. Tim Harrison

    Hello from Liverpool

    Welcome 🙂
  12. Tim Harrison

    Members Backgrounds

    This is a great thread. Anyone else care to share their background 🙂
  13. Tim Harrison

    Ram Male or Female

    Where did you get it. Most for sale in high street pet stores seem to be male. Females seem to be scarce. Not entirely sure why. But could be they’re held back for breeding, have been selectively bred to look more like males. Or perhaps because of gender manipulation with a bias toward the more...
  14. Tim Harrison

    Hello from Mumbai

    Welcome 🙂
  15. Tim Harrison

    What best plant for lush carpet effect

    There are also these threads 😉 https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/low-tech-lawns.32597/#post-346117 https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/a-low-tech-carpet.26379/ https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/carpet-plant-for-low-tech-no-co2.53757/ And this article authored by Tom Barr might be useful as...
  16. Tim Harrison

    Miles Introduction

    Welcome 🙂
  17. Tim Harrison

    Hello 👋

    Welcome 🙂
  18. Tim Harrison

    Dutchy here...

    Welcome 🙂
  19. Tim Harrison

    Hello ukaps

    Welcome 🙂
  20. Tim Harrison

    Hi from West Wales

    Welcome 🙂
  21. Tim Harrison

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome 🙂
  22. Tim Harrison

    Which Superglue for rocks

    When you finally get the right glue, don’t breathe in the fumes, they’re highly toxic.
  23. Tim Harrison

    Garden standing around…

    Looking great Ady, Love the image of your cat looking in to the tank. Reminds me of our old cat, Scruffy; must be a tuxedo cat thing :) Sadly he passed away a couple of weeks ago. Had a good innings for a cat though, over 18 years old.
  24. Tim Harrison

    School tank

    Well done. I’m sure there are many other sorry looking school aquariums that could do with a makeover and then regular maintenance going forward to keep them at their best. Glad the UKAPS community could be of help
  25. Tim Harrison

    Hello from Scotland.

    Welcome 🙂
  26. Tim Harrison

    New to this forum

    Welcome 🙂
  27. Tim Harrison

    Dutch 110ltr

    Not a great picture so can’t really tell for sure but maybe bacterial bloom or maybe this will be relevant https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/white-fungus-like-dots-on-anubias-making-my-fish-sick.37756/#post-407892
  28. Tim Harrison

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    It seems especially sad this time of year. One of the best Christmas songs ever written.
  29. Tim Harrison

    Slow 60 (ADA 60p low tech)

    and still looking amazing. Beautiful tank 👍
  30. Tim Harrison

    New but old.

    Welcome 🙂
  31. Tim Harrison


    Interesting side discussion, but perhaps we need to get back on topic and answer Georges original question; keep this thread moving in the right direction, so folk new to it don't get confused ;) @_Maq_ If you want to open up another thread with a different and perhaps more appropriate title...
  32. Tim Harrison

    What books are you reading?

    Probably a little more inclusive 🙂
  33. Tim Harrison

    What books are you reading?

    I used to read a lot. But I haven’t had time over the last couple of years. Stephen Leather is an author I’ve appreciated. For fantasy novels you can’t go far wrong with Anne McCaffrey. But over the last few years, when I get chance I’ve delved in to alternative history authors such as Graham...
  34. Tim Harrison

    How/Where did you hear about Ukaps.org?????

    Welcome. Maybe you could help to make it better 🙂
  35. Tim Harrison

    Is silver birch aquarium safe?

    This raises an interesting point for us planted tank enthusiasts and aquascpers. I came to the conclusion a good while ago that not all wood sold by venders as hardscape is suitable. Much of it has been the source of all sorts of scaping woes, mostly BBA and the like. As it rots and breaks down...
  36. Tim Harrison

    The Travails of English...

    That is funny Marcel, and highlights just how mad a language English is, with rules that apply but often don’t. I pity any non-native speaker trying to learn it, even other Indo-European speakers for whom it’s supposedly easier to learn. I still struggle with it despite it being my native...
  37. Tim Harrison

    1m TANK

    Stunning scape :)
  38. Tim Harrison

    Clip on LED Light for Low Tech Tank

    keep us posted can’t wait to see how this turns out 🙂
  39. Tim Harrison

    Miller's Dutch Tank ft. Horizontal Reactor

    Well done. It’s a stunning tank 🙂
  40. Tim Harrison

    Members Backgrounds

    I got thrown out of school with a handful of mediocre qualifications. I wasn’t a very good student and perhaps more than a little disruptive, but didn’t realise at the time I have ADHD and dyslexia. I spent a few years on the dole and in dead-end jobs, including an assistant in a tropical fish...
  41. Tim Harrison

    Members Backgrounds

    Thanks for getting the ball rolling again @seedoubleyou that’s an amazing life story. Glad it’s worked out for you. Train driver has got to be up there with the most sort after professions. Well at least it is for me. I’m lucky to live near the line of the Great Central Heritage Railway...
  42. Tim Harrison

    Members Backgrounds

    Followed a link to this thread, which I’d forgotten existed. Come on everyone tell us about your background 🙂
  43. Tim Harrison

    Fish identification please

  44. Tim Harrison

    Greetings from Germany

    Welcome 🙂
  45. Tim Harrison

    Looking for a Low Humidity Marginal Rheophyte

    @Andy Pierce ’s post has just jogged my memory . I grew several aquatic plants emersed out of the top of a piece of hollow deadwood. They did fine in low humidity so long as their feet were in water. More info here https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/windswept-eternity.37490/page-24#post-485686
  46. Tim Harrison

    Problems with the scientific name in aquatic plant industries

    There is this thread as well https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/plant-names-taxonomy-and-reference-books.72559/#post-729650
  47. Tim Harrison

    Looking for a Low Humidity Marginal Rheophyte

    Does it specifically have to be rheophytes? There are a lot of epiphytes to choose from, or rather plants that will grow epiphytically with their roots in water, including house plants that will cope well with low humidity. Just for the sake of clarity, like Marcel mentions above, a rheophyte...
  48. Tim Harrison


    I struggled throughout school, couldn't really read or write very well; I'm massively lesdyxic. That is until one day my much older brother gave me an aquarium full of platies. I was instantly hooked and have been ever since. And so began an amazing journey of discovery. I had every book on...
  49. Tim Harrison

    Duck Weed eradication

    Or Mollies, apparently...
  50. Tim Harrison

    Ripe for Picking: a Guide to Collecting your own Bountiful Botanicals

    They look like star anise pods.The fruit is a capsule-like follicetum, star-shaped, reddish-brown, consisting of six to eight follicles arranged in a whorl. They’re used in cooking to add an aniseed flavour. I’ve no idea if they’re suitable as an aquarium botanical, but my guess is they’d be...
  51. Tim Harrison

    Planting during startup

    Do a dark start for a few weeks and then plant your crypts. You don’t need to worry about liquid rock London water. They naturally grow in water high in carbonates. You don’t necessarily need to worry about CO2 either, they can utilise carbonates as a source of carbon. But CO2 will definitely...
  52. Tim Harrison

    Amano Shrimp question

    Definitely are social animals and I think live in large groups in the wild. In an aquarium they really should be kept in groups of 6 or more. But you should never leave them to just subsist on algae or scraps. All shrimp need regular additional food, whether that be algae wafers, or freshly...
  53. Tim Harrison

    Thoughts on mini m ?

    I’ve a 45p running at the moment, but in perpetual dry start (it’ll be flooded one day). It’s something of a sweet spot in terms of size, and therefore maintenance. I definitely wouldn’t go any smaller, especially if you want to keep fish.
  54. Tim Harrison

    Hello from Derby

    Welcome 🙂
  55. Tim Harrison

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    Which I suppose could bring us back to this related discussion 🙂 https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/aliens.73252/
  56. Tim Harrison

    Hello from North East London

    Welcome 🙂
  57. Tim Harrison

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    Maybe we’re destined to end up like this. Who knows perhaps we are being visited by our future selves 😁
  58. Tim Harrison

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    Fascinating subject. I agree the evidence does seem to point to some sort of developmental continuum. The mammoth roundhouses certainly show ingenuity In construction , so it’s not such a great leap to imagine them carving and manipulating large stones. Especially since some of the carvings seem...
  59. Tim Harrison

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    This is also an entertaining watch. Even though it's perhaps just entertainment, I think it's also a pretty good summary of how Gobekli Tepe and other similar sites have raised concerns about the current archeological paradigm and the origin of our current civilisation. It also mentions...
  60. Tim Harrison

    Shady woodland stream

    Very nice. One of my favourites atm 🙂
  61. Tim Harrison

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    Haha, this? Graham does wind Hawass up a bit though
  62. Tim Harrison

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    I know it's mad isn't it. The SAA don't need the likes of Graham Hancock to challenge them, they seem to be doing a good job of discrediting their own organisation themselves. But it does make you wonder how seriously they are taking him and his claims and whether there is any validity to them...
  63. Tim Harrison

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    This is entertaining, if you have time to watch the whole thing it's worth it.
  64. Tim Harrison

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    How did they determine the figurines etc were dated earlier? Could they perhaps have been less sophisticated copies of those from Gobekli Tepe? I'm not sure stone can be dated very accurately if at all. I think Schmidt could only date Gobekli Tepe by carbon dating organic material buried within...
  65. Tim Harrison

    Hello from Surrey

    Welcome :)
  66. Tim Harrison

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    I've read pretty much everything Graham has written and also Robert on the subject. I think Graham's contention might also be that the mainstream archaeological view is/was that hunter gatherers weren't capable of such feats. They neither had the technology nor knowhow. How could Gobekli Tepe...
  67. Tim Harrison

    Hello from Scotland!

    Welcome :)
  68. Tim Harrison

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    Not quite what I was getting at, but still quite revealing. I like to think they've perhaps got it wrong and this happened during the Younger Dryas. And it wasn't the more uniformitarian ice dam theory but a catastrophic event caused by meltwater pulse 1B. But it'd be heresy and career suicide...
  69. Tim Harrison

    Hello from Markham

    Welcome :)
  70. Tim Harrison

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    We are the Neanderthals, that is at least us Europeans are. Around 3% of our DNA is H. neanderthalensis, some individuals more. They perhaps weren’t out competed by anatomically modern humans but bred in. They are now thought to have been very sophisticated people, not that dissimilar to us. If...
  71. Tim Harrison

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    I think you’re right Marcel. Take gravity, for instance, the only thing constant about it is that it changes constantly. However that really messes with other scientific calculators so it has been set as a constant by the BIPM. And sure the speed of light in a vacuum is constant but in reality...
  72. Tim Harrison

    Hello from Essex

    Welcome 🙂
  73. Tim Harrison

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    I completely agree. The blocks are locked together like that through and through, not just on the surface. The joints are so tight you can't get a cigarrette paper between them. Some research suggests the blocks may have been melted together or otherwise plasticised.. And their asymmetrical...
  74. Tim Harrison

    Hello From West Sussex

    Welcome 🙂
  75. Tim Harrison

    Howdy from California!

    Welcome 🙂
  76. Tim Harrison

    Distraction action.

    Nice, I’m guessing you put that together in one of AGs dojos. What species are in your big tray of green things?
  77. Tim Harrison

    Feedback A pleasure.

    Not to mention art form. Dave and team are probably among the most gifted and influential aquascapers around.
  78. Tim Harrison

    The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

    Mind truly blown 🙂 Perhaps there have been previous high civilisations that went down a different technological path to that of our own, but we’re wiped out by global disaster. Maybe the Atlantis myth has some validity, for instance, and we are a species with amnesia.
  79. Tim Harrison

    Mystery epiphyte that has appeared in my aquarium

    My first thought too.
  80. Tim Harrison

    Black Background vs White/No Background

    It has to be clear every time especially if you have interesting wallpaper. Post in thread 'Why do you spend so much time on UKAPS' Why do you spend so much time on UKAPS Seriously though I think a plain backlit background always looks best, its borrowed space that can make the tank look...