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Problems with the scientific name in aquatic plant industries

Same thing with plants sold as Trithuria lanterna or Eriocaulon Australia red, which are really supposed to be the Australian grass species Centrolepis drummondiana.
I was looking for a real Trithuria, but nobody seems to have one.
On the plus point i recently bought a plant under the name Cryptocoryne Retrospiralis, i knew it wouldnt be this species but bought it anyway as i needed some more Cryptocoryne Crispatula var Flaccidifolia which usually gets sold under this label, when i recieved the plant it was clear it wasn't var Flaccidifolia either, it was Cryptocoryne Crispatula var Crispatula which was a big bonus as its a extremley difficult species to normally get hold of.
There is this thread as well
