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Thoughts on mini m ?


21 Feb 2022
Rhode Island
I am looking to get a new tank smaller than my 60p but am not sure whether to get a mini m (probably a waterbox mini 6 but pretty much same dimensions) or go up a size to a 45p. My 60p has a Dutch scape and I want to have a nature or iwagumi style scape as well and the smaller tank would house my shrimp population so I can get some fish in my 60p.

For people who have a mini m do you think this tank is big enough to have a decent scape or would I be better served moving up to a 45p. A mini m size tank is appealing for maintenance since I am already pretty busy between kids and work but I would like to have some options as far as the scape goes.

The other downside would be a 45p is about 200 to get it shipped to my house while the waterbox mini 6 is 60 dollars shipped. Any advice from people who have experience with these tank sizes would be appreciated.
I’ve a 45p running at the moment, but in perpetual dry start (it’ll be flooded one day). It’s something of a sweet spot in terms of size, and therefore maintenance. I definitely wouldn’t go any smaller, especially if you want to keep fish.
I love the mini m, to me it’s the perfect size to never fill with water but to grow those plants that like some water but go bonkers above it.

Rotala always does well
My only 'high energy' tank (high light intensity, pressurized CO2, strong flow, EI) is a mini M.

The limited size makes it only aesthetically suitable in my opinion for small leaved plants. In my high energy tank I have Rotala wallichii and R. macrandra pearl, planted in sand.
It doesn't have hardscape, but I imagine I could add a few smaller stones and some fine wood, like Manzanita.

For 'low energy', I would limit plant choices to small-leaved also, such as pearl weed, but luckily, in low energy, the leaves of a lot of plant species stay smaller, so you have a lot more options.
I imagine some driftwood and leaf litter in the front of a mini m, would make a lovely little scape. You could even keep a Dario fish in such a tank.