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  1. castle

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    If I collected sea water how long could I store this for? I would keep it aerated, and kept in darkness?
  2. Aciko

    Journal Vertical Garden Projects

    Sounds like your Edaphotron is buzzing with life again! It's fascinating how the soil fauna has sprung back to action with the warmer temperatures, especially the roaches, isopods, and collembola showing interest in the maple keys over turkey feathers. The foggy condensation on the polycarb...
  3. foxfish

    Lack of insects in gardens

    There is a similar situation with sea fish, our surrounding seas around the British isles have been depleted to such an extent it is beyond shocking! Not only fish but marine worms, shore crabs and rock pool inhabitance are all noticeable by their absence! My question is … ‘who cares’...
  4. Wookii

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    Good question - I've caught some monsters whilst 'crabbing' with the kids in Cornwall. They are incredible escape artists too!
  5. Wookii

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    Awesome little tank! I always said if we ever moved to the coast (we almost moved to Barnstaple at one point), I'd have a little rockpool tank! If you had a sump with a programmable pump it would be fairly easy to vary the pump flow rate and therefore the tank water level. With the current...
  6. castle

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    Really is a nice looking tank. What type of rock is it? Where did you collect? (So I can get my geology on) Why locally sourced rocks, but not use sand from the beach too? Do you have to use a blue light for these? I ask, as native tanks I’ve seen have been under t5s and doing fine 👌 as for...
  7. dw1305

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    Hi all, How big is the crab? cheers Darrel
  8. Aqua sobriquet

    Lack of insects in gardens

    We get severe inconvenience in my area sometimes when the Highways Agency or local council close lanes to butcher the greenery bordering the roads. Some councils have elected to grow wildflowers on borders. They say it’s for ecological reasons but I think they may require less maintenance...
  9. dw1305

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    Hi all, I'm not convinced the <"filter media has that much effect">. In Europe they use <"(Hydro)LECA">, it <"works really well">, but is a cheap product to buy and no-one is going to make much money out of it .......... <"https://www3.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/trickling_filter.pdf"> You need to...
  10. shangman

    Lack of insects in gardens

    It is the same where I work, which is a Site of Importance for Nature and UNESCO award-winning for its biodiverse gardens and environmental education. We still have a wide range of insects, but like... a much smaller volume compared to usual. I grew up going to the same garden and as a child is...
  11. NathanB

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    I've even seen a snakelocks that was out of water in the hot sun and dusted with sand! They also can't close up to protect themselves like beadlets do, so they must be incredibly hardy
  12. fablau

    Nutrient Dosing Calculator

    Good catch! My mistake... now it should be ok ;)
  13. castle

    Cycling advice for holidaying newbie

    Stocking is kind of irrelevant, the sooner you have plants in there, the quicker they will establish. Once established your aquarium will have a lot more resilience. The nitrogen cycle is kind of mute in a planted tank, with regular water changes.
  14. J

    Nutrient Dosing Calculator

    It's working but at first glance the figures for FE are a decimal place out on Complete and Zero.
  15. mrmikemaynard

    Cycling advice for holidaying newbie

    Thanks Castle. Just realised I missed an important point in my plan, that I don't want to stock before start of September as I don't want to be worried about feeding/ not checking water parameters whilst I'm away etc. I recognise that your advice might still stand, but would welcome views on my...
  16. Hanuman

    Nutrient Dosing Calculator

    Before anyone starts saying that Rotala Butterfly numbers and IFC Calculator numbers for APT products don't match, please read below. The IFC Calculator used the PPM values as those were the ones available to the public at the time the calculator was made. I might update the values in the IFC...
  17. castle

    Cycling advice for holidaying newbie

    I would set the whole tank up before you go, get it fully planted and get the light on a timer. Get some floating plants in there too. I don’t see the point of dark starting freshwater aquariums, and the plants will work magic from the start, kind of. You will basically skip the first rough...
  18. fablau

    Nutrient Dosing Calculator

    OK, please test it and let me know if you see it working correctly (they are under the "Premixed" list): https://rotalabutterfly.com/nutrient-calculator.php The above specifics about the ZERO (APT1) and the COMPLETE (APT3) helped a lot in having details about the micro elements. If we could...
  19. dw1305

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    ...Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), trickle filters <"are an easy way of doing this">. The vendors of <"denitrifying media"> etc try to imply that you need "balance", but that is just b*llocks. It is possible to have too much oxygen, but only in some <"very specific circumstances">. cheers Darrel
  20. mrmikemaynard

    Cycling advice for holidaying newbie

    Hi All, I'm very excited to be getting a 36x24x18 tank and cabinet delivered from Aquariums for Life today. It's felt like an interminable wait - only actually 3 months - and I've spent much of that time planning and reading this forum. I kept Tropical fresh washer fish as a teenager, but...
  21. mrmikemaynard

    How/Where did you hear about Ukaps.org?????

    I found it through Google search - looking for advice on filtration.
  22. tiger15

    Perennial dead center question

    It won’t be desirable lawn grass if the species requires periodic division to eliminate dead centers regardless of growing habit. I have mixture of tall and red fescue in my lawn, the former being clump forming and the latter runner spreading. I had blue fescue ornamental grass in my...
  23. Aqua sobriquet

    Lack of insects in gardens

    A quick example if I may. From a well known supermarket. Pork Sausages. “Our sausages are made for us by a family run business who've taken pride in making sausages for more than 200 years. ” No wonder Pandas are endangered, we’re eating their food! :lol:
  24. Bradders

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    Thanks, Darrell. Something else to learn about! :D But just a few questions I have in the back of my head: What is a nitrate factory? Turning Ammonia into Nitrate is a 'process' - i.e., ammonia goes in, and nitrate comes out - assuming any filtration is doing its job properly. So, what is a...
  25. H

    Gas-exchange experiments

    I would expect so based on the previous experiments. The difference might be, that if I had a lid and a headspace under it, the oxygen exchange could be better because of the headspace oxygen. With the duckweed instead, there is no headspace as oxygen reservoir. It is well insulated, and we are...
  26. hypnogogia

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    As @RickyV surmises, the high DOC. You can use any media you want. I used a combination of foam and Tunze Granovit (porous media). These days I’d use only foam.
  27. Andy Pierce

    Gas-exchange experiments

    Awesome experiment. If you cover the tank with e.g. clingfilm or a lid, does that behave the same as the duckweed? It looks like something in the water is net producer of CO2 for you which is trapped in the water by the duckweed layer, and dissipated when you manually exchange gas under the...
  28. dw1305

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    Hi all, @Wookii is right, that is why older sewage works used trickle filters, they have huge bio filtration potential. That isn't right. Even if bio balls are suboptimal, they will still have enough wet surface area to work. It is the area of the gas exchange surface that matters, everything...
  29. H

    Gas-exchange experiments

    I have not, but I would expect the CO2 levels to be even closer to the air CO2 equilibrium. I can try it though in the next few days.
  30. seedoubleyou

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    It’s not uncommon to find anemone completely out of the water and hiding in the shade of a rock. They really are tough inverts !!
  31. seedoubleyou

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    You can actually order NSW and some LFS sell it too. Aquaforest do a “perfect water” but it’s expensive. I always liked ATI absolute ocean as it mixes so well.
  32. sparkyweasel

    Hi from Indonesia

    Welcome! :)
  33. Bradders

    Gas-exchange experiments

    I was interested in that too.
  34. Wookii

    Gas-exchange experiments

    Awesome effort and really interesting results, I take my hat off to you @hax47 an ingenious way of measuring the tank water CO2 levels without requiring an underwater probe! Have you ran the air pump with the duck weed removed to see the effect of that without the surface gas exchange restriction?
  35. Aqua sobriquet

    Lack of insects in gardens

    People want cheap food and investors want big payouts so I can’t see much changing. There are companies that have interests in the chemical industry including pesticides, agriculture and pharmaceuticals. If you get cancer or dementia or any other disease from consuming pesticides don’t...
  36. RickyV

    3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank

    Found out why my dwarf hair grass carpet has been thinning... On the bright side the BBA on the rock faces disappeared, I'm assuming it was them 🤔 I think I prefer the look of the exposed sand.
  37. H

    Gas-exchange experiments

    Parallel Measurements of Air and Water CO2 in an Aquarium Over the past few years since I started maintaining planted aquariums, I have wondered whether increased aeration in low-tech aquariums adds or removes CO2. I have leaned towards the idea that CO2 levels in aquariums are typically...
  38. NathanB

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    I also don't use an ATO, so I guess the slightly inconsistent salinity and topping up with cold water would maybe help simulate some natural rockpool conditions. When the sun is focused on those pools all day it must get so warm, then the cold tide comes back and drastically changes the salinity...
  39. NathanB

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    Frozen Prawns, Mussels, and occasionally some of the granules of shrimp food get stuck in the tentacles too. Im not keen on feeding with the frozen mussels though, they seem to almost disintegrate a bit when first added to the water
  40. NathanB

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    Thanks everyone for the replies! Nope, that would be amazing though to make some sort of tidal setup. I've seen it done in an old youtube video, I think a guy did it for some sort of mudskipper mudflat biotope! But all of these guys are fine in more consistant conditions, they're all found...
  41. seedoubleyou

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    Really cool. Are you collecting water or mixing your own? What are you feeding the nems?
  42. richardcunliffe

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    Is there anything you need to do to as a substitute for the tidal nature, or are all these guys ok in more consistent conditions?
  43. Bradders

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    I think it's a fair point, and something for me to study more on. Maybe my next project over the EHEIM Pro 5 e?! :D I read something about why bio balls are optimal for trickle filters, and K1-type media does not do too well as a replacement. The supposed optimum configuration comes from a %...
  44. D

    Starting a Betta tank

    I'm still looking into the plants, I'm looking at the stuff that Tropica list as "easy". I'm not set on the current hardscape, so things can change. On the area infront of hardscape, I was thinking of keeping it empty. While I would like a nice carpet plant, with basic lights, low flow and no...
  45. Wookii

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    But they don’t have to - I use a plastic media (Oase Hel-X) to very good effect, which also seems to dispers the water well over all the media with a decent strainer grating above. I’m not so sure . . . But very difficult to measure. The fact that the microbes have free access to 400ppm of O2...
  46. S

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    Yes! This is something I’ve fancied doing for a while but time is the main obstacle. This looks beautiful and you’ve done a great job. I’ll save this post in case I ever find myself with time to do something similar.
  47. Federal

    First Aquascape

    Hello, Could you give model name of CO2 injector. Thanks.
  48. Bradders

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    From what I understand of TFs: Great for aeration; in fact, it is very, very good. However..... They typically have to use bio-balls with certain size grooves (which are not good biomedia), and the design means that water flow over the media is hit and miss compared to static configurations...
  49. Onoma1

    Get your garden out

    I have been working on our back garden over the last few years (off and on) starting with planting a long border of shrubs, trees and perennials. It's about about 80 meters long. The first picture is looking down the border. The second is looking up the garden over the same area two years ago...
  50. Wookii

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    Not sure what you mean, they are one of the best filters for biofiltration - many times more efficient than similar quantity of submerged media?
  51. Bradders

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    That makes sense - I had read that TFs are great for aeration but actually not very good with biofiltration without modification. But in a heavily planted tank the biofiltration is not going to be a key focus.
  52. tam

    Perennial dead center question

    Grasses can be clump forming or runners depending on the species. You'd need to identify the ones in your lawn to know which they are.
  53. bazz

    Hi from Indonesia

    Welcome! :wave:
  54. Cazza

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

  55. richardcunliffe

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    Incredible stuff - go Britain!
  56. Wookii

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    Mainly increased average DO levels due to the nature of the filter (particularly where plants aren't saturating during the photo period). Significantly more efficient biological filtration due to microbes free access to air. Both indirectly can produce an environment which potentially microbes...
  57. FrozenShivers

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    You're shots are unreal :eek:
  58. N

    Hi from Indonesia

  59. FrozenShivers

    Hi from Indonesia

    Welcome! Beautiful part of the world you're from :)
  60. N

    Hi from Indonesia

    Hi everyone,I'm Andre Yulianto, and I'm excited to join this forum! I have a keen interest in aquascaping and love designing and maintaining aquariums with beautiful aquatic plants. I've worked with various plants like Java Fern, Anubias, and Cryptocoryne, and I enjoy creating natural, balanced...
  61. N

    How/Where did you hear about Ukaps.org?????

    I found this forum when i browsing on internet for writing my college task.
  62. Bradders

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    That looks really stunning!
  63. Bradders

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    What is it about the trickle filter you are thinking will help with algae reduction?
  64. NathanB

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    Hi all! Thought I'd share some pics of my British rockpool biotope tank! A great way to keep a budget marine aquarium and learn about our native wildlife! I have always been amazed by rockpools, the amount of life in each one can be incredible to see, so this tank is really interesting to me...
  65. hypnogogia

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    I once used a trickle filter and experienced very little to no algae and had good plant growth.
  66. dw1305

    Diagnosis on Java Moss

    Hi all, That one. Have a look at <"http://www.aquaticdesign.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/aquatic-mosses.pdf"> cheers Darrel
  67. dw1305

    Diagnosis on Java Moss

    Hi all, Yes, they just fall off. Moss naming is a real mine-field, unfortunately people just call them what they like and then apportion a fairly random "scientific name" to them. In some cases we know that a moss is sold <"under the wrong name">, but in most cases, when you buy a moss, it...
  68. ElleDee

    Diagnosis on Java Moss

    The sporophytes are ephemeral and will die away on their own I believe.
  69. Bradders

    Diagnosis on Java Moss

    Thanks also, @dw1305 - as you have educated me in the previous posts, if it's healthy, it's all good!! I am bedazzled why they sell it as Java Moss - when in effect it is not?!
  70. dw1305

    Diagnosis on Java Moss

    Hi all, Absolutely fine, as @ElleDee says. In fact it looks really healthy. It doesn't matter at all, in terms of it role in the tank , but that probably isn't Java Moss (<"Taxiphyllum barbieri">) and the reason is...... Java moss very rarely produces spores <"Vesicularia dubyana - Java...
  71. Oldguy

    Dissolved Organic Compounds

    Don't the answer, but I have found that DOC/mulm can trigger black beard algae. Others on this forum have found a similar correlation. Perhaps the large water changes help reduce chemicals released by plants that reduce plant growth in other plants. It seems to me that in simple terms: strong...
  72. bazz

    First Aquascape

    Looking good, keep us posted and keep up with the water changes for the first couple of weeks to keep ammonia levels down and removal of decaying plant matter as they transition.
  73. Bradders

    Nutrient Dosing Calculator

    No, thank YOU for taking this on. Really appreciated.
  74. Bradders

    Diagnosis on Java Moss

    Thanks @ElleDee - I will do nothing! What happens after this spore stage? i.e. do they need a trim at some point or do that change etc? (Sorry for questions - still learning a lot with plants).
  75. ElleDee

    Diagnosis on Java Moss

    Those are moss sporophytes. It's a normal part of the moss lifecycle and it's making spores. I would do nothing.
  76. fablau

    Nutrient Dosing Calculator

    Thank you for the info guys. Let me see if I can make it happen... ;)
  77. Bradders

    Diagnosis on Java Moss

    Hi All, Most of you know my setup, but I included some details just in case below my signature, including lighting and dosing. I added some Java moss on coconut to the aquarium approximately two weeks ago, which was all green when received. There seems to be growth, but it is leggy and brown...

    Lack of insects in gardens

    What a dilemma and let's hope they come up with something soon, l worry about native Crayfish they are predated by the "introduced" European sp. and l haven't read much about how this is can be reversed
  79. foxfish

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Paraguay, you mention Asia Hornets, I was allocated a hornet trap in March. A gentleman knocked on my door and asked if I could monitor a hornet trap for 8 weeks Unfortunately I gave it up after two weeks as the trap was killing to much in the way of bycatch! The trap works like a crab pot...
  80. tiger15

    Perennial dead center question

    It makes sense that some plants and animal commit natural suicide as individual for the survival of the species. Cephalopods and annual are classic example. Technically, developing dead center is not suicide, just partial death, as the plant appears to move out in ring. Eventually, the dead...
  81. tam

    Perennial dead center question

    Irises are one that benefit from splitting and repotting - the most active growing tips are using working their way outwards. Grasses/reeds often benefit from splitting too. Perenial is basically anything that lives for more than a year though which is a very wide group and they grow in...
  82. hypnogogia

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Also plant lots of insect attracting plants such as lavender, digitalis etc.
  83. Onoma1

    Lack of insects in gardens

    On a slightly more positive note does anyone know of any ways in which we can help? My though was to build a small pond. import rotting logs, build insect 'hotels' provide areas of 'rough ground', no mow May & June. I do some of these but clealy need to do more...
  84. Onoma1

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Thank you for all the responses. It's dispiriting to realise that this isn't an anomaly. On a slightly tangential note I have opposed a planning application by a developer who prior to the planning application removed waggon loads of contaminated soil (heavy metals from mining and asbestos)...
  85. J

    Journal on my new 200L low tech with Under Gravel Filter

    Hello hello. Today I came here to share some news on my aquarium I think I have fixed the UGF. I had a old power head laying around, so I fixed it (cleaned and painted it to be black again, it was a really old one) it was labelled as 950L/h. It runs like there is nothing to hinder it. Looks...

    Lack of insects in gardens

    Well climate change is having a massive effect global warming, caused by clearing the rainforests , fossil fuels and loss of natural habitats not for only the natural world but mankind , well @Onoma1 mentioned lack of Bees well we know in the UK they suffer with relentless rain , well we had...
  87. J

    Things you don't see everyday.

    Ish. 😀
  88. J

    I wasn't going to post....

    Thank you 😊
  89. Geoffrey Rea

    I wasn't going to post....

    Of course you are allowed John. Feel your care for him, rightly so. My hope is that this extends to anyone and everyone involved, we’re all just people. No one was operating from a place other than care for this forum. What has happened may have been divisive, but a forum members wellbeing and...
  90. Aquarium Gardens

    Feedback Fantastic & Honest

    Thanks Iain 😊 hope all is well your way.
  91. Aquarium Gardens

    Feedback Fantastic & Honest

    It was lovely to meet you, and a pleasure to help with your new scape 😊
  92. J

    I wasn't going to post....

    Don't doubt that for a second @Geoffrey Rea How's @Tim Harrison are we allowed to at least ask this question, or am I being sentimental?
  93. seedoubleyou

    Things you don't see everyday.

    England won a game.
  94. seedoubleyou

    I wasn't going to post....

    My view, Tim has voiced concerns to the forum (very much warranted) which has forced a few hands. The team are now working through it and I trust them all to resolve it. I’m personally happy to take their word for it that all is well, once they’ve ironed out any issues privately. In the interim...
  95. Geoffrey Rea

    I wasn't going to post....

    Understand the want for answers @castle and the sentiment @John q but, no news actually means we are all working our asses off on this one. Can only ask that everyone remains patient so the community is served with a maximal level of intelligence, foresight and care.
  96. J

    I wasn't going to post....

    We've all seen that Iain, unfortunately in this case no news is bad news. Without being disrespectful, the older members are asking a question, are we not deserving of an honest reply?
  97. J

    Things you don't see everyday.

    Well you don't see a Mustang Gt 350 every day do you 😉
  98. D

    Starting a Betta tank

    What would you say an ideal substrate depth is? I'm using inert sand and there's I've read that it should be anyway from 2-3", up to 10cm! My tanks only about 32cm tall.
  99. richardcunliffe

    First Aquascape

    Nice layout! Keep us posted!
  100. L

    First Aquascape

    Completed my first attempt at aquascaping. Looking forward to seeing it grow in! CO2 and Chihiros light What do you think?