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  1. dw1305

    Aquario Neo Tiny Diffiser kinda sucks [emoji53]

    Hi all, It really, really p*sses me off <"Its a miracle!"> All you can do is what you've done, give an <"honest appraisal of a product">. If all sponsored content and infomercials were labelled as such? It would help. cheers Darrel
  2. L

    Paper packaging

    I take old backpacks / gym bags to the supermarket… had some sniggers from other customers. To me it makes perfect sense to use anything that holds stuff, when you need to hold stuff.
  3. dw1305

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    Hi all, It isn't a nutrient deficiency symptom, the green algae (Chlorophyta) have the same <"basic physiology and photosystems"> as all the mosses, ferns and higher plants (clade Chlorobionta). I would regard them as all <"plants">, you just have "plants you want" and "plants you don't want"...
  4. tam

    Advice from dog owners please

    That is a fair point about ruling out medical causes for behavioural issues. I agree it's less likely if he is fine on the days you are there. The thing that might make it worth it is it sounds like he's not going through the night? As an adult he should be able to sleep through 8 hours without...
  5. Aqua Hero

    Aquario Neo Tiny Diffiser kinda sucks [emoji53]

    Yeah this is the really annoying thing about this sponsorship hype culture in the community. I made the same mistake earlier on when I bought the Tidal 35 filter based of 'reputable' YT Channels. The filter turned out to be an unsightly bulky unit with very poor flow and a silly compartment, but...
  6. S

    Aquario Neo Tiny Diffiser kinda sucks [emoji53]

    With you on that one. I had a Baz and it worked really well. I changed it because i thought well if others are using it.... and purchased from one of our sponsors. I put it in and thought if this does the same thing as the Baz, well thats brilliant? Its was total rubbish from the outset the...
  7. MrClockOff

    Product Review Living with an Oase Biomaster

    Hey there I think no one mentioned before what I’m going to say (hopefully). I used my BioMaster Thermo 850 fully loaded with Seachem Matrix and then just using original media. I found that with original media water looks much much clearer than when I used Matrix. With matrix there was always...
  8. Zeus.

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    You have done the obvious photo period and I would reduce intensity to 50% max. From the pic there seems to be low surface agitation, which makes getting a stable pH drop difficult, do the plants wave about in the flow in the tank? The output of the filter is 1450lph which is a tad low for the...
  9. L

    BGA, Diatoms, Monte Carlo transition? I'm not too sure what i'm doing wrong here but I do know I need help.

    Oh that gives me hope! Gotta say man, the anticipation is what kills me hahaha
  10. L

    BGA, Diatoms, Monte Carlo transition? I'm not too sure what i'm doing wrong here but I do know I need help.

    Thank you for the reply! Ah i see, alright I'll drop the lighting back down and do WC's every other day while removing the BGA. Let me see if my LFS would be willing to spare me some filter juice :D
  11. castle

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    Hey! Your aquarium looks really nice 👍 to be honest I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong. Maybe nitrogen is a little low? As for the algae, I doubt photo period is the cause, and depleted soil shouldn’t be causing this either? You may have introduced a lot of dormant algae spores from...
  12. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    It's going to be alot better once the jungle starts to cover all the hardscaping more. New ferts arrived last night so will start them once the TNC finishes.
  13. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    I've setup a camera this morning to ensure that Son does feed the fish while I'm gone. And have made sure he puts alarms for everyday, thankfully he's only 10 doors down from me. So he can't complain its far too walk to mine. Going to do a big water change and harvest as many snails as I can...
  14. Gill

    Advice from dog owners please

    Actually I have tried pens with him as a puppy. I had to bungee cord them to the rads. Or else he would push the cage around the room. Or he would limb out of them during the day. And then could not get to his bowl or his water. So pens were out. And baby gates were used to contain him to...
  15. K

    Advice from dog owners please

    I'm a veterinarian in the US, and I definitely recommend this dog have blood work done as well as a urinalysis by cystocentesis, so the vet can check for masses or stones in the bladder. Bassets are famous for getting stones in their bladder, which cause a lot of discomfort and UTIs. Bladder...
  16. neofy705

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    Hello all, I'm struggling with some type of hair/fuzz algae that seems to be very aggressive in its growth. It attacks new growth within a day even in fast growing stem plants. There's no specific area of algae growth, everything is affected, from the substrate to near the surface. Some plants...
  17. Q

    60L - After the Flood

    Well the tank is planted…the dark start didn’t go as long as I had hoped but I’m impatient I guess.. Everything came in as emersed or tissue culture so going to take a while till it looks like anything. I’m currently thinking about going with an Eheim 2213 instead of the 2217 that I’m using...
  18. Scaperinc

    BGA, Diatoms, Monte Carlo transition? I'm not too sure what i'm doing wrong here but I do know I need help.

    Just use a small fan , anything is better than nothing. Mc always melts for me some survied and is growing ok now
  19. tam

    I loved Gravel.

    https://hugokamishi.com/cat/gravel/natural-gravels/ Available fairly wide spread. Have a look what your local fish shop has in stock too - they often have bags of 'plain' gravel. You can put tropica substrate (looks like dry powdered mud rather than the soil that looks like brown gravel)...
  20. Scaperinc

    Aquario Neo Tiny Diffiser kinda sucks [emoji53]

    They do mate bought two and they are expensive! both broke/ leaked . I use inline now from aliexpress qanvee ones no issues
  21. S

    I loved Gravel.

    I also have one as my 'test anything on tank' it's currently a BBA battle zone. Quite fun actually. 👍
  22. Aqua360

    I loved Gravel.

    Dennerle 20l nano cube :)
  23. Walt1908

    Delicate sound of Cryptocorynes

    Another new leaf from the spiralis 'tiger'. Only this one is after i inserted some self made fe pills in the sand after a month and an extra twinstar g-line. Left and right are leaves month earlier.
  24. SamTheMan

    I loved Gravel.

    What size tank is that, I really like it!
  25. Aqua360

    I loved Gravel.

    Nothing, just gravel, with Tropica liquid fertiliser dosed weekly! Cheers!
  26. Tim Harrison

    Paper packaging

    Most of the wild caught fish in the hobby are exported from developing nations and the industry is a major source of income in some developing nations, and more importantly some otherwise impoverished communities. Further, involving the indigenous population in fish and plant collecting can have...
  27. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Thanks for the appreciation! The 'land part' is basically purfoam with a thick coloured epoxy resin. Thanks Wookii! Apreciated! The riparium has 4 waterfalls and 3 have internal tubings. Here are a few building pics. Will upload more soon ;)
  28. hypnogogia

    Aquario Neo Tiny Diffiser kinda sucks [emoji53]

    It might need a day or two to run in.
  29. L

    All That Remains - Take II

    Sorry to hear about the arowana. Im liking the tank, and looking forward to seeing it develop.

    Paper packaging

    It's confusing,when supermarkets started not free anymore now the pay for plastic shopping bags ,we thought they would work on a biogradeable alternative, hessian based or similar biodegradeable. But a few years on it seems just the same if not most plastic bags sold(someone's making a mint) l...
  31. hypnogogia

    I loved Gravel.

    I used to get excellent plant growth with laterite, river sand (a fine gravel) and minimal co2 (just topping up what was used by the plants).
  32. S

    I loved Gravel.

    I do remember the mulm, yes. Im going through that now with my Tropica soil after 3 years and bba is creeping in. So i am trying to clean it up using the 2hr Aquarist method of poofing the soil with a poofer (turkey baster) whilst getting rid of the crap at the same time. Guess its okay to lock...
  33. Aqua Hero

    Aquario Neo Tiny Diffiser kinda sucks [emoji53]

    So in my 7 gallon I've been using an old bazooka diffuser I got from Ebay years ago and it works great. Creates a fine mist and I can have my co2 down to 1.5bps and have my drop checker lime green in 2 hours. I saw a couple reviews and hype over these aquario neo diffusers where people state...
  34. hypnogogia

    Little 20l AIO

    Beautiful shrimp 🦐
  35. hypnogogia


    I’m sure a quick google search would lead you to an answer. For example… https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11503062/
  36. G


    It is important for me to understand whether bacteria eat the decomposition products of glutaraldehyde..
  37. MichaelJ

    Paper packaging

    Okay those are very different companies btw... but anyway, what do you specifically suggest they should do? ... the reason why I am asking is because in this day and age companies that claims sustainable production methods, delivery etc. often turns out to be offering nothing more than...
  38. neofy705

    Filtration, flow, turnover and in-line CO2

    Thank you both for your input. I did upgrade to a fluval 407, removed the dense sponges and flowrate seemed more than adequate.Unfortunately I think the reason my first tank was algae free was the sheer amount of plant mass. This one is not doing so well.
  39. richardcunliffe

    Paper packaging

    I hear what you are saying and have an interest in 'international development' but this comment is getting off topic really. The point is that an industry which so readily harks on about replicating and enjoying nature does very little to distinguish itself from any other industry. I've just...
  40. Heelllooo

    BGA, Diatoms, Monte Carlo transition? I'm not too sure what i'm doing wrong here but I do know I need help.

    With BGA, I would reduce lighting back to 6h, do more WCs than usual while siphoning the most BGA I can, keep fert the same and wait to see how it goes. If you can find filter stuff or a plant from an other hobbyist with an old/established tank it could help also.
  41. S

    Paper packaging

    I have almost given up with trying to save the world with my recycling bin. Have a look after one week what you put in that thing. Its bloody insane. Honestly, do you know what happens to that? How on earth do you think that it gets turned into anything useful, but more packaging at absolute...
  42. Mike Singh

    BGA, Diatoms, Monte Carlo transition? I'm not too sure what i'm doing wrong here but I do know I need help.

    The high temperature could be an issue for the Monte Carlo. Place the drop checker on the glass opposite your CO2 diffuser.
  43. Mike Singh

    Attaching in-vitro anubias

    I saw a video today from GreenAqua where they put the glue on the hard scape then pressed the Anubias onto the glue.
  44. MichaelJ

    Paper packaging

    I agree. While there are more environmentally sound ways of packaging stuff - recycled and/or biodegradable plastic, cardboard etc. - a big part of the problem as I see it, is that we tend over-package everything excessively - be it our groceries or the packages we get from Amazon (an ironic...
  45. Wookii

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    All of it would be great to see, especially the waterfall build! Fantastic tank incidentally!
  46. J

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Any of it! How did you build up the “bank?” Is it stone? Wood? Foam?
  47. Andy Pierce


    More important than what happens to it is how much gets added. I find this blog post from JBL to be persuasive that even with the highest level of glutaraldehyde you could realistically add without getting a lot of toxicity, and factoring in some probably wildly overly optimistic assumptions...
  48. Gill

    Advice from dog owners please

    Porch Pottys arrived and so did Netraliser. I mopped and scrubbed the floors today and have laid the pottys in the kitchen area. Hopefully he will use them when back from the boarders after the 19th May.
  49. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Don't Worry Guys, There are plenty of Forums still plodding along for Monster Fish Keepers. Though they are not as Articulated/Polished as UKAPS. In understand why it was locked and removed etc. I was just being upfront about letting it takes its semi natural course and not removing the smaller...
  50. Tim Harrison

    Paper packaging

    Substituting plastic with paper and cardboard isn't really a realistic solution. . . 'I'll just put these wet plants in a paper bag for you, should be fine for a few minutes.' Neither is it necessarily greener. . . Paper requires more energy to produce. It is also heavier resulting in higher...
  51. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    I have lots of building pics., thanks for the interest! Any particular part of the process?
  52. G


    Perhaps you can write in more detail what happens to glutaraldehyde when it gets into the water? What elements does it break down into and by whom (bacteria, plants) can these substances be consumed?
  53. Aqua360

    I loved Gravel.

    I had basic gravel in my nano recently, no soil or sand, was pleasantly surprised at the plant growth
  54. Tim Harrison

    Green Gut

    Decided I'd better plant those plants I bought from AG nearly 2 weeks ago at our annual meet up. Been too busy, but with the temp increase lately I didn't think it wise to leave them in their plastic bags any longer. I had a bit of a maintenance session and cut back the stems at the back of the...
  55. dw1305

    Transitioning Aquarium Plants from Emersed to Submersed (Immersed)

    Hi all, Not really, but I only have <"Hygrophila corymbosa"> and normally they've gone from submersed to emersed, before flowering and dying. I've always had a few still submerged, and they seem to tick over from year to year without any problem. I bought the original plant ~20 years ago. I...
  56. L

    Little 20l AIO

    Shrimp going nuts over their mineral junky bites:
  57. L

    Best mineral supplements for inverts?

    Have given a mineral junky bite just now, this is the chaos that happens. There is often none left by the time the snail finds it.
  58. DudeFromPantanal

    Transitioning Aquarium Plants from Emersed to Submersed (Immersed)

    Have you faced problems with transitioning hygrophilas emersed to submersed in non co2 tanks @dw1305 ??
  59. J

    Blackwater tank 80cm

    "Eh, close enough"
  60. Sarpijk

    I loved Gravel.

    I have grown to dislike gravel in favour of sand. The main reason is the undesired mulm and debris that is trapped over time under the gravel. This isn't a problem with sand and additionally sand locks in the nutrient rich substate that one may use to grow plants.
  61. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Thank you so much for your compliment. Thought so it didnt had to do with a fire ghehe :)
  62. bazz

    Attaching in-vitro anubias

    If you haven't bought them already I'd also hang fire for a month or two until your tank is a little more mature and any risk of a high ammonia level has been removed.
  63. S

    I loved Gravel.

    Last night i said to my partner "hey remember that tank (we) I had with gravel and one big bit of bog wood with some moss"? We had one lovely Shubunkin and a little internal filter. Probably 30 litres. I got all that stuff from a small shop in Holborn London back in the day, 25 years ago. Loved...
  64. Ady34

    Paper packaging

    Those dennerle boxes then have the gravels in plastic bags inside, I’ve used a few.
  65. A

    Attaching in-vitro anubias

    Thanks guys 🤗
  66. SamTheMan

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    to clear anything up, burn is a scottish word for stream or spring, not fire. it looks really good
  67. J

    Blackwater tank 80cm

    No not including the extensions. See picture below to the point I'd reference to. I did try measuring the fish through the glass, which isn't easy with these jerky moving fish, I'll retract my 70mm previous guess and say this fish is 65mm to the point in picture below. Good to know about the...
  68. J

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Do you have any build photos? I’d love to see how you built up the part above the water. Really beautiful tank.
  69. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Thanks! Forest burn? Mmm... that would really add an extra dimension ;)
  70. dw1305

    Superfish 50 high tech

    Hi all, <"Definitely"> cheers Darrel
  71. dw1305

    Odd and unusual fish you find in your local fish store

    Hi all, That is the problem. Because of where I live (hard water and not many fish shops) I don't often get <"temptation placed in my path">, but if Pier Aquatics or <"Aqualife Leyland"> (Aqualife Leyland | Leyland) were close to hand............ cheers Darrel
  72. lurcher

    Algaecides (not Glutaraldehyde)

    Well said JPC.
  73. dw1305


    Hi all, Thank you, that is perfectly explained for me. cheers Darrel
  74. Conort2

    Attaching in-vitro anubias

    Same as @Tim Harrison i shove them in where I can. Cable ties loosely holding them down works well too, it’s unsightly but they can be cut off once the plant attaches itself.
  75. Conort2

    Odd and unusual fish you find in your local fish store

    I’d end up spending a fortune if I went there!
  76. SamTheMan

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    That looks so natural, if I didn't know it was in a tank I would have said it was a forest burn or something!
  77. Tim Harrison

    Attaching in-vitro anubias

    Whenever I can, I shove epiphytes into hollows in the hardscape, and tend to design my scapes with that in mind. Although I sometimes use gel type super glue when that's not possible, I definitely wouldn't use it on fragile in-vitro plants. I lost a whole load of reasonably mature epiphytes...
  78. Andy Pierce


    You can think of glutaraldehyde as short strap with velcro-grabbers on both ends. This double-sticky strap wanders around and grabs onto stuff tying it all up together. It turns out there are lot of biological molecules that don't really work if you tie them all up together so that's how it...
  79. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Tried to capture my two biggest waterfalls in one small gif.
  80. SamTheMan

    Attaching in-vitro anubias

    I would keep them in tank with little to no flow and grow them there until they toughen up, then attach them to something. a bit of overkill, but for some of the rarer varieties id say its a must
  81. SamTheMan

    Superfish 50 high tech

    that's weird then. Call it a feature of the scape!;)
  82. Scaperinc

    Superfish 50 high tech

    Yes its not like biofilm which i can siphon off its tough have to use wire brush to get it off and comes back slowly after few weeks
  83. SamTheMan

    Superfish 50 high tech

    Does it grow back if you siphon it off? that's weird if not
  84. SamTheMan

    Blackwater tank 80cm

    Is 70mm including the tail/fin extensions? also the red anal fins on the female show that she has "lost her virginity", and that they have spawned in your tank!
  85. SamTheMan

    Blackwater tank 80cm

    I haven't found good info about checkerboards online, some say 3-4cm some say 3-4 inches!
  86. SamTheMan

    Fauna for a black water tank

    I just set up a 120 x 14T x 30cm rio negro tank, currently it has 7 checkerboards in there. they are very cool fish, like somewhere between a tetra and a personable apisto, I recommend them. Tank is on Instagram---sam_theaquascapecorner
  87. Scaperinc

    Superfish 50 high tech

    Hi Sam , have ammanos nerite snails , bba is under control now , its the mold on the wood which wont go away , rest i am very happy. Yes 2nd one but if you saw the 1st one you'd say thats not an aquascape 🤣 I tried to do what MD does (low tech diy co2 at some point when i realised with my...
  88. dw1305

    Low tech cobbled together 33/27l aqua one nano cube

    Hi all, You need <"some dKH"> (carbonate hardness) for your Cherry Shrimps <"and Snails">, but you can ignore anything you read or are told about <"pH stability"> or <"nitrification and pH"> etc. These are written by people who don't know what they are talking about or <"have a product to...
  89. SamTheMan

    Superfish 50 high tech

    That is a really nice tank, maybe try some amanos or chemicals for the bba. Incredible tank, and that's your second one?!
  90. dw1305


    Hi all, It definitely has "disinfectant" properties <"Liquid carbon dosing">. Stronger concentrations are used as a general biocide in hospitals etc. <"Stability of Glutaraldehyde in Biocide Compositions">. @Andy Pierce may be able to shed more light on its mode of action? I assume that is...
  91. Scaperinc

    Superfish 50 high tech

    Cryptocoryne Beckettii Petchi i think
  92. G


    Can I read document of this observation?
  93. Ibz10

    Odd and unusual fish you find in your local fish store

    Maybe we should organise a car pool and make a day of it. Ive now decided that I should have 6 instead of 4. Will post some pictures once Ive received delivery next week.
  94. Tim Harrison

    What's this fern?

    I had one a long while back. I kept it in a pot sat on a tray filled with wet gravel along with two other different ferns placed on a north facing window ledge. It seemed to like the humidity, and as far as I can remember it wasn't particularly demanding. And yes it's a house plant.
  95. L

    BGA, Diatoms, Monte Carlo transition? I'm not too sure what i'm doing wrong here but I do know I need help.

    I see, thank you very much. I'll go ahead and remove the algae manually and increase the water changes. Unfortunately, without a chiller (which is quite above my budget), the temperature in Singapore has been really bad lately. For the lighting changes I recently made, (from 6hrs to 8hrs)...
  96. L

    BGA, Diatoms, Monte Carlo transition? I'm not too sure what i'm doing wrong here but I do know I need help.

    Unfortunately, that's the ambient temperature in sunny Singapore at the moment. Chillers are quite pricey and will blow my monthly utility budget :(
  97. L

    BGA, Diatoms, Monte Carlo transition? I'm not too sure what i'm doing wrong here but I do know I need help.

    I will be installing a drop checker this weekend. On that note, I've read some people suggesting to place it as close to the substrate as possible. Would that be best? Yes, at the moment I have hygrophila stricta which has spread its roots out and is showing about 4 inches of new growth...

