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Guppy grass


6 Aug 2024
Hi all
Ive never heard of Guppy Grass, does it have another name and is it easy to keep and generally available?
Hi all
Ive never heard of Guppy Grass, does it have another name and is it easy to keep and generally available?
It`s Najas guadalupensis. It is easy to grow if you like a sort of a floating plant. Shipping can be problematic as it tends to fall apart during transport.
Do not plant this unless you want a duckweed type plant.
Its great for growing very quickly and bushy and fry love to hide in it. and as its so fast growing its gives alot of hiding places for more timid fish.
near the lighting it goes a nice reddish brown colour, as stated its very brittle and breaks apart with the slightest touch

I just chucked out a whole bucket of it this morning.
Hi all,
Najas guadalupensis
Seeing that the OP @Riley is from S. E. England, one advantage would that Guppy Grass (Najas guadalupensis) grows very well in hard, alkaline water.
Shipping can be problematic as it tends to fall apart during transport.
Its great for growing very quickly and bushy and fry love to hide in it. and as its so fast growing its gives alot of hiding places for more timid fish.
It does, Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) <"performs a similar role">, and has similar growth requirements, but it is slightly less prone to dissolving in the post.

cheers Darrel
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ive left it to cover the far left side of the tank. And its now the shrimp side. teaming with them. its a free for all when in pull out clumps as the fish pick off any stragglers.
Thanks might give it a miss. lol
Have to admit, I've never seen a display tank use it, but a friend uses it to breed Celestial Danios and Panda catfish - in London tap water - and as the only plant in the tank, it actually looks really attractive. Small tanks, medium intensity warm coloured lighting and very gentle filtration. He does nothing to 'look after' the plant. I keep thinking of an easy hard water tank with Vallis, crypts, guppy grass and hornwort, but I think I am a sucker for hard work. What's not to love about CO2, reducing KH, weekly trimming and having to play about with fertilisers!
Hi all,
breed Celestial Danios
Useful to know, somebody told me that they did better in hard water. I'm still considering an unheated hard water tank, but just for Cherry Shrimps and <"fancy snails">.
and Panda catfish - in London tap water
Panda Cory (Hoplisoma (Corydoras) panda) is the only "hobby bred" "Corydoras" that <"I ever see locally"> and it breeds in our tap water, about 17 dGH and 17 dKH. It is a really smart fish, when its happy, and stays relatively small.

cheers Darrel