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Small crustaceans in planted tank

8 Dec 2023
I’m considering adding some live small crustaceans such as daphnia and copepods to my planted tank, primarily as a live food source for my livestock.

I wondered if there’s any benefits or drawbacks to adding these to a planted tank that I’m unaware of? I tried to find information but couldn’t find much. I thought they might work as a food source that stays fresh (I.e. alive) if we are away for a while and if they’re successful I could breed/culture them outside the tank for regular feeding.

I’m anlso interested in worms or very small invertebrates which may also work.
Hi all,
I’m considering adding some live small crustaceans such as daphnia and copepods to my planted tank, primarily as a live food source for my livestock.
You would need some-way of keeping them and the fish apart (like <"a refugium"> etc.). They tend to fall foul of the filtration as well. The only small crustaceans I've had survive in the tank are Ostracods, and that is because they <"aren't very palatable"> to all fish.
I’m anlso interested in worms or very small invertebrates which may also work.
When it warms up a bit I can send you a <"starter pack">. I'll add in @Onoma1, they've had a starter pack of "wee beasties" recently and can tell you how they are getting on.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

You would need some-way of keeping them and the fish apart (like <"a refugium"> etc.). They tend to fall foul of the filtration as well. The only small crustaceans I've had survive in the tank are Ostracods, and that is because they <"aren't very palatable"> to all fish.

When it warms up a bit I can send you a <"starter pack">. I'll add in @Onoma1, they've had a starter pack of "wee beasties" recently and can tell you how they are getting on.

cheers Darrel
Thank you, that’s very kind. 👍🏻 My idea was to have something living in the tank so while I’m away for a weekend, the fish have food to catch. If they’re just going to end up in the filter though, that won’t work. I’d still like to give them live food though so maybe a little cultivation set up would be fun to do.

A sponge or fine mesh cover over your filter inlet should prevent that.

Aside from the obvious predation, I've always found that daphnia etc don't tend to last very long once put in a tank - a few hours at best. I'm not sure exactly why - sudden changes in water parameters, too high a temperature, shock/stress - but I'll rarely see any in the morning if added to a tank the night before - even the big ones that are too large for my fish to eat.
Agree with Wookii, never been able to keep daphnia in my tanks long term, copepods maybe
I cultivate daphnia in a shoebox style Tupperware feed yeast or green water in the summer

Have u tried black worms
Haven’t tried anything yet but just trying to get some ideas. The daphnia cultivation idea interests me though. Can you cultivate black worms easily?