My gargoyle has not been a big eater since late january. As in, more or less not touched food. It seems to be changing, I hope, he/she emptied a bowl a couple of days ago, so I hope we are back to normal. Shedding has been normal, though, and aside from being a bit slimmer, it seems like s/he's fine. Tbh, s/he was in chubby mode before.
I'd say s/he's approaching skinny now, so still slightly worried; although being skinny should rule out egg binding. Anyway, hope eating picks up, or it's the vet,
The big vivarium has grown in well, I'm awaiting a bunch of orchids to pop in, I've started getting my fruit fly game on; and hope to get some citizens for frog town this spring/early summer.
This is the current look. Crap phone pic with feet.