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Another cycling video from the Aquarium Co-Op

Sure aquariums are so much more than nitrification and i don’t see the need or the possibility of finding one single term that describes a green light in every possible aspect of a system. Having a cycled tank tells me about a specific thing. If needed, one can check that both parties have the same definition for cycling. Knowing a tank has been set up for 5 weeks, 2 months, 3 years tells me a lot less.

Personally, I find conflating cycling with ammonia uptake by plants a bit misleading. Water changes also remove ammonia (for most people). Nobody says that’s cycling your aquarium. All of them achieve the same thing in the end, but in my mind cycling has a pretty straight forward meaning. It’s a great sport.

Hi all,
If needed, one can check that both parties have the same definition for cycling. Knowing a tank has been set up for 5 weeks, 2 months, 3 years tells me a lot less.
Agreed, you could have a tank that has been set-up for three years and is still realistically a "new tank".
Having a cycled tank tells me about a specific thing. If needed, one can check that both parties have the same definition for cycling
I'll be honest I'm much keener on the <"Seasoned Tank Time"> concept, for the reasons that Stephan Tanner outlines in <"Aquarium Biofiltration">.

As I've said in other posts <"I'm deeply cynical"> (with traditional apologies to @Miss-Pepper) about the products and advice offered by the "Aquarium Industry" and I'm pretty sure that their business model aims to keep aquarists constantly staggering from disaster (perceived or real) to disaster, just so that they can <"sell them a product">.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,
Some of the stuff he comes out with seems ok and trustworthy. He also did a video about feeding fish. I have always been cautious about how I feed my fish but Cory over feeds his!
It is definitely "pick and mix" with his videos, some are good and some not so good

Cheers Darrel
Hi all,It is definitely "pick and mix" with his videos, some are good and some not so good

Cheers Darrel

I think this is partly because he has to act like a business, so needs to be an "expert" in all areas for his public image even if it isn't always the case. He seems a genuinely nice bloke though.

I like his "buy our crap" tag line.
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Hi all,
I think you are right to some degree, there are only a limited number of things you can talk about.
...... It is not going to work, as I' said a while a go I haven't made <"thirteen thousand posts">, I've made the same three posts recycled ("carefully curated") <"four thousand times each">. If I was a busker I'd only have one song and <"I wouldn't be very good at that">.

It is one of the many reasons I couldn't have a <"YouTube channel">, after two episodes in I'd have run out of content........
I also think why he sounds so world weary is that <"he has criticised "cycling">, and I know (from <"personal experience">) that this leads to <"a lot of abuse">.

As he is fairly high profile, I assume that the tsunami of online abuse he will have received is many orders of magnitude bigger than my own personal <"trickle of hate mail">.

cheers Darrel
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Hi all,
Not a paper this time, but another <"Seasoned Tank"> cycling video from Cory at the Aquarium Co-Op. He sounds a bit world weary on this one, and <"I know that feeling">.
I feel his pain, and yours too Darrel.
You really should think about it now though. It'd make a very welcome addition to the Articles/Tutorial section.
In the context of a planted tank, I think its much wiser to talk about maturing a tank instead of this cycling business that always seems to spur a lot of controversy. Plant densely from day one and include some fast growing plants including floating plants. Add botanicals (such as almond leaves). Fertilize from day one. Do regular water changes with sustainable and maintainable water parameters right away - avoid changing things too rapidly along the way.... Wait for plants to settle in and some new plant growth, appearance of mulm and some algae (not too much though, if so, dial down the light, fix CO2 etc.) ... Voila! Your tank is ready for the races... by then you can slowly add livestock! as the tank stabilizes and matures, algae (Diatoms and BGA in particular are associated with immaturity) will go away...

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I think the term " cycling" became a way of describing the process as it's easily explained with a circle showing the process. What is often overlooked(depending on the knowledge)what to do when a system goes wrong after a tank for whatever reason fails. I thought l saw something in a pets at home saying do wait one day before adding fish. ? The shelves full of good bacteria supplements wonder products.