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New look? and a bargain


7 Apr 2008
nr Bath
Hi all,
@LondonDragon do we have a snazzy new look? I'm on a different type of device to normal but we appear to have gone green (which is always a good thing)?

Also following on from @GHNelson find of a <"bargain Cryptocoryne"> and @sparkyweasel 's lamentations about not having purchased further copies of <"Takashi Amano's books">, while I was looking back through the "what do you feed your fish?" questions, I've just found I own a <"bargain book">:

Mike Hellweg's <"Culturing Live Foods: A Step by Step Guide for Culturing One's Own Food for the Home Aquarium">.

I'm open to offers

cheers Darrel
Hi all,
I am testing something 😉 hope you guys like it
Love it.

Specifically for @Hufsa (and @pat1cp) , the new look is pukka and reminded me of Percy, Lord Percy.
Stop teasing darrel,
You are right, this could be the seed money for "Pump in a Bucket by Luddite".
I was trying to calculate if he would be able to buy a cup of coffee with the bit of money left over
Not in Norway would be my guess.

cheers Darrel
I love the slick new look, but spare a thought for the dyslexics who can read much better with a pale coloured background like it was before rather than white/pale grey. That's one of the reasons I really liked the site tbh
You could invest some of your capital into this, sounds the perfect species for your low tech tanks.

Lol that takes the biscuit! 😂
You could invest some of your capital into this, sounds the perfect species for your low tech tanks.

Looking at the feedback, we’re late to the party Darrel’s already bought some! 😂🤣
