So a little update:
Plant growth is still going well, the monte carlo is still leaving a lot to be desired. It seems to slowly but surly be getting pulled up an removed once floating if anything. I added another carpet plant in the bottom left, i forgot its name, which in all honesty i prefer, so hopefully that will grow in easier....
My only issue at the moment is that i have some black beard algae starting. It's latched onto the rocks and a few plants, but i did purge some of the plants leaves that were bad. Iv'e been adding in "SEACHEM FLOURISH EXCEL" to try an combat it. Not sure what else to try... I have some water lettuce on order that will be going into the floating tube ring you can see at the top, try and help.
I think its partly down to me overfeeding, and perhaps my c02 not being 100% dialled in. I did try to turn my c02 up slightly, then ended up loosing one of the angel fish the next day (which i'm putting down to that) so thats put me off messing with it slightly. My issue with feeding is that the tetras especially are all over the food, my rams are a little slower, an one especially that likes to hide a lot seems as though he's getting no food. Which then makes me want to put more in until i see him eating. I'm my own worse enemy at this point i think, how do you guys judge it? If you don't actually see the fish eat, and the flakes seem to all but be gone before they come out, will they starve, or will they still find food?
Iv'e only had one other death, which was a small Cory i found yesterday, no idea why... i did siphon one up yesterday during a water change, put him straight back in the tank who was swimming absolutely fine, i then found the dead one within 5 mins, could it of been the same fish??
Trying to follow the advice on here and not to use the test kits, i did check it yesterday though during my water change (after finding the cory) an the levels were all "ok".
Other than the BBA and the few fish deaths i'm still pretty happy with my progress, just gutted to of had those few set backs...
Also, the air pump is on only because i turned the lights on for a picture, there only on during night time.Since my last post i have added 3 angel fish(one died) and also added a trio of small gold killi fish.