Thank you for the replies. I was inspired by this guy featured on PFK: http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/readers-tanks/articles/2016/8/18/your-tanks-kris-oddy
Anyone recognize the species?
Nice picture.. I guess he also has the same isue and is strugling with this plant.. The purple coloration of the leaves is for many orchides a sign of getting to much light and air to dry. If to long in this condition it will turn necrotic (yellow and black) and the leaf will die. I think this picture was taking rather very short after planting it and i wonder if he could keep it long term. 🙂
That's why i decided to go with a small Bulbophyllum, they are among the smallest. To keep it as close as possible to the humid bed its tied uppon.. But i still failed..