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What's your Favourite

Hi all,
C. pontederiifolia is my current favourite, its broad leaves produce nice little shady spots
I like this one as well, it isn't a very quick grower, but will grow in very gloomy conditions. .

It looks different grown submersed, compared to when you buy it having been grown emersed.


Emersed (from Flowgrow )

cheers Darrel
Wow this is really hard!

Probably needle leaf java fern. Looks awesome when its all bushy, looks kinda prehistoric and definately like it belongs in a jungle. Also personally it has to do well in a low tech for it to be my favourite.

Lace plant is a close second, although mine isn't doing too well in the tank I've set up. I think its in the wrong position but nothing I can do now other than feed it and hope for the best!
Hi all,
I like this one as well, it isn't a very quick grower, but will grow in very gloomy conditions. .

It looks different grown submersed, compared to when you buy it having been grown emersed.


Emersed (from Flowgrow )

cheers Darrel

Well i'm very pleased that mine has seemed to have held onto some pattern after 6 months, they are very pretty!


Sorry to derail the thread somewhat 😉
