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As for the spread, it seems to spread light across the tank a lot better than the 1000ND too

Good to know, if your 1500 gives a good spread I may end up just getting the TMC brackets and one 1500 instead of worrying about making a rail and getting two 1000’s which is what I initially planned
Good to know, if your 1500 gives a good spread I may end up just getting the TMC brackets and one 1500 instead of worrying about making a rail and getting two 1000’s which is what I initially planned

Hey Richard,

I've just got back from the metal workers. He is ringing me regarding a price for my light hanging rail.

Then i will Just mount the tile on there with the MMS system. I will be getting rid of my brackets when that time comes.

As for the spread, it seems to spread light across the tank a lot better than the 1000ND too, possibly eliminating the need (but not want!) for a second 1500. I did, however, when upgrading, intend to purchase 2 1500's but one at a time.

Seriously considering upgrading to these - do you think 2 would work above a 120cm?
Seriously considering upgrading to these - do you think 2 would work above a 120cm?

Hmm possibly, at a push. I'd go with 3. Set at 400 centres. But considering the cost of 3, your better off with an ATI sun power!
Looks sweet mate. Can really see the love that's gone into it. Well done buddy.
Are you leaving it open fronted or have you got a door/doors in mind

Hello Al,
For now, open fronted, but will be one door( i think) eventually. Shaker style with top/bottom rails and stiles.

whats the situation with your tank now? Whens it due back ?

Thanks mate 🙂

Real nice cabinet mate, top craftsmanship 🙂 are you going for a rescape when you move the tank across ?

Hey Tim,

Thanks buddy!

Yes I will be doing so, but what Im yet unsure of, will take my time before I flood it though. So i can get it right/ maybe try DSM. Will see 🙂


Its scary how much that cabinet looks like one i've been planning for ages 🙁
What style will you be going for then, or do you just have an idea in your head ? I always think about how well an island style scape would work well in a tank with these dimensions. If you fancy trying some new plants I'd be up for swapping some for some of that Staurogyne 🙂
Haha i worry sometimes when i look at something like your cabinet and can't stop think how sexy it looks lol
Just in the middle of building two mdf cabinets and i was really chuffed with them til i saw yours 😉

I think you should paint it grey haha so all us jealous watchers will stop turning green 😉

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Hey guys,
Been switching stuff around completely most of the afternoon and up until 10.30.

Knackered now, but definitely worth it :geek:

Expect excited giddy childish updates tomorrow 🙂

This is far from finished. There is still the lighting rail, which will transform it again totally. This Should be made soon, will go and see how the metal working is getting on, on Monday.

For a couple of weeks (Or until I devise a new layout!), I will run the tank as it is, it has been more or less stripped down with most of the substrate removed (approx. 25mm / 1" left covering the whole tank).I've left the Eleocharis 'Mini' growing in the front, as when disturbed, takes quite a while to get going in comparison to other plants.

I'm keen on having a go with an Island type layout in the centre, but with a tank of this dimension, its hard to achieve the 2 thirds rule without it overspilling to the sides.

I apologise for the quality of the photo, I will get some with the compact later 🙂

I've just noticed how many of you are following me on my little adventure, Thanks to all of you!
Hi Nath,
Looks great, but I'd definitely add a door 🙂
Look forward to the rescape too....it also seems there is a current trend towards uber minimalist, super neat inner cabinets....grr, should see the state of mine, I even had the wife's birthday presents in it a few weeks ago!!
Hi Nath,
Looks great, but I'd definitely add a door 🙂
Look forward to the rescape too....it also seems there is a current trend towards uber minimalist, super neat inner cabinets....grr, should see the state of mine, I even had the wife's birthday presents in it a few weeks ago!!

take it she would never look in there then lol 😉
Hi Nath,
Looks great, but I'd definitely add a door 🙂
Look forward to the rescape too....it also seems there is a current trend towards uber minimalist, super neat inner cabinets....grr, should see the state of mine, I even had the wife's birthday presents in it a few weeks ago!!

and i agree will look even better once a door on 🙂 but still amazing craftmanship as is


Hey guys,
Yes I definitely am with you with the door. Will try have a bash at it this weekend 🙂

Cheers for your ongoing support/opinions!