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Your views on euthanasia

I euthanased an Oscar fish using clove oil. I'd had it for 9 years so was pretty upset . I basically put it into a bucket half full with its own tank water. Adding clove oil very gradually over the space of 15 minutes the fish passes away. Because its gradually done, I don't believe there was suffering, no gasping etc. An Oscar is obviously a huge fish, possibly with a smaller community fish, the process will be quicker?
Having said that, I don't think there is a right or wrong method, it's always sad.
All the best Nigel
The poor Molly is still there. Just sitting in the hutching box. He doesnt go to the surface to it. Eats when the food sinks.
Just sits there. I really dont know what to do
The poor Molly is still there. Just sitting in the hutching box. He doesnt go to the surface to it. Eats when the food sinks.
Just sits there. I really dont know what to do
Aw man you've had such bad luck starting out!! All that bad advice from the LFS and diseased fish 🙁 Remember that you did your best and it's not your fault, you tried everything to look after and save these fish. It isn't always this harrowing! There will be times where it's not stressful at all and is a joy with no sad decisions to be made. Sadly it sounds like maybe the molly should be euthanised (though eating is a good sign), it's understandable that this is hard to do, this thread has talked about the best methods, but no matter the method it is emotionally hard to let your fish go and be the one to do it when you tried so hard to keep them alive and thriving. Sending you lots of good vibes ❤️
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The poor Molly is still there. Just sitting in the hutching box. He doesnt go to the surface to it. Eats when the food sinks.
Just sits there. I really dont know what to do
If it’s eating it may just be a swim bladder issue. Normally if fish aren’t eating you know there’s a problem.

I’d release it into the main aquarium, those breeder boxes are not good for anything other than the smallest of fry. It can live quite a happy life if it’s just a swim ladder issue. Looking at the picture of it, it doesn’t appear to be in bad shape.
The problem is that when she/he is in the bottom of the tank she doenst come up to eat and she would get not food as the rest of them eat everything before it sinks
@shangman has kindly helped me to upload the video https://streamable.com/l6ny4w
I hope it works
This is what the Molly has been doing for the last three weeks
That's my pharmacy withhalll the things I've tried (+ esha NDX not in the pic)
I've tried the pea diet too


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@shangman has kindly helped me to upload the video https://streamable.com/l6ny4w
I hope it works
This is what the Molly has been doing for the last three weeks
That's my pharmacy withhalll the things I've tried (+ esha NDX not in the pic)
I've tried the pea diet too
Hmm this link won't work, but I found the original link and it does, even though it is the same link? Super weird. I'll try posting here...
Hmm this link won't work, but I found the original link and it does, even though it is the same link? Super weird. I'll try posting here...

Looks like a swim bladder issue, I’d give it a chance in the main aquarium.

What are you feeding at the moment? A slow sinking granule may give it a better chance of getting some food.
forgot to mention, this is something you can’t cure. But as long as the fish is eating I can’t see why it won’t have a decent life. I’ve had a few fish over the years with such issues and they’ve got on fine.
Looks like a swim bladder issue, I’d give it a chance in the main aquarium.

What are you feeding at the moment? A slow sinking granule may give it a better chance of getting some food.
Tetra Min Flakes
Aquarian Flakes
Probiotic Tropica Granules