Nooooo don't doooo it don't flood it big clown ....... 😉 haha
All the best 🙂
I will be keeping an eye out for updates if you do flood your tank , my dsm is currently going as steady as she goes ,
Hc still growing and spreading looking healthy, currently doing a time lapse of it which I will upload soon .
Staurogyne is growing brilliant and getting very bushy and the hair grass has started to pick up really well , so far all looks good and no signs or slowing growth or deterioration (touch wood).
I'm interested to see what happened with Terry's Mini flood .
I think I'm just going to leave it for as long as I can and maybe fill on or around 8 weeks , the more it has grown in the better.
But all aspects of a dsm has so many variables its silly to compare other tanks to one another .
I'm looking forward to flood and getting things sorted, I just hope I dont end up ruining 8 weeks of preparation .
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