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Would this be too much stock in a 180l?


18 Apr 2012
Considering closing my Trigon and just running my Rio 180 as a single tank. I'm not sure if I'm going to be pushing the limits on stocking though...

At present the Rio has moderate planting, 6 amano shrimp, 3 Oto's, 20 glowlight tetra, and probably 50 red cherry shrimp. Twin JBL e901's are running it.

The Trigon has a high plant level (which I'll move into the Rio), along with 6 amano shrimp, 10 red cherry shrimp, 3 botia striata (zebra loach), 4 white cloud mountain minnows, 2 Oto's and 10 cardinal tetra's.

Totals therefore would be...

12 amano shrimp
60 RCS
5 Oto's
30 small tetra
4 white cloud mountain minnow
3 botia striata.

Moving to one tank would also mean I can stop faffing with maintenance on the Eheim classics which I'm really not a fan of!
That was my hope/reasoning too, but I'd rather check first!

It's going to make that Rio a real jungle tank, but I've had enough of the Trigon flow issues, and the Eheim filters are a pig to clean.
Looks very reasonable to me the only thing I would say is the botia striata, ive read many many posts about them eating shrimp, but ive also read many that say its not an issue so it might be worth keeping an eye on them
Cheers Mark - I've not noticed any misbehaviour in the Trigon, but I guess I'll only really know that when I come to move the RCS out of there that I added a month or so ago - if there's 10 in there then we're ok!
Hi all,
and the Eheim filters are a pig to clean.
I can stop faffing with maintenance on the Eheim classics which I'm really not a fan of!
Give it to me!

Seriously I'm really surprised, I only take mine apart about every 3-6 months, and even then it usually doesn't need it.

I put a sponge on the intake, and then I only have something that won't clog like any combination of PPI10 sponge, ceramic/glass rings, "Eheim coco-pops", floating cell media, Alfagrog etc in the filter body. I clean the intake sponge most weeks, but because I don't have floss etc that would clog in the body of the filter, the filter rarely needs cleaning.

The hoses need a clean a bit more frequently, but I've put double taps on them, so that each section is shorter than these "Burette cleaning brushes" < Burette Cleaning Brush 16mm Long Wire Handle Glass Laboratory Lab Pipe Tubing | eBay>. I can then take each section (and tap) off one at a time for cleaning without draining the filter.

When I've finished cleaning, I just suck on the outlet hose, let the filter fill up under gravity, and then switch it back on. When I clean the filter, I make sure that I put some silicon grease on the head seal, and it usually slides off pretty easily when I open the filter.

The only problem I have with them is that I keep on dropping and breaking the ceramic impeller shafts, but you can't really blame the filter design for that.

cheers Darrel
The only problem I have with them is that I keep on dropping and breaking the ceramic impeller shafts, but you can't really blame the filter design for that.

Cheers darrel
breaking these never even crossed my mind till i read this.

The nearest one i could find was 12 miles from me and it took 3hours driving. Gutted
Lesson learned spare impeller set ordered