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WK: Great Balls of Fire

That's one magnificent rock.. 🙂 Near me nowhere to find.. Very expensively can order it by the 30 kilo, insane shipping costs and without knowing what to get. I guess 30 kilo aint a large pile. 🙁
I know... 🙁

Here, you can only order a bunch of 20 kg and you don't know what you will get in the end.
It's easy to get some nice looking small ones, but I'm still looking for good BIG Mainstone for a 120P.

Everythig you can get here is way too small or looks ugly as hell :what:
Yeah, probably they keep the beauties them selfs and sell the crap via internet.. im not going to take my chances.. But seeing your scapes.. Still verry stunning with what you got out of it and not knowing what will be send... Especialy that awsome crack and this one too.. :clap:
How is this getting along? Any new pics? 🙂

Lähetetty minun GT-I9305 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
Wow, that has really grown in! Looking forward to your next project 🙂

Lähetetty minun GT-I9305 laitteesta Tapatalkilla