Hey flygja...well for a start it's an old Besta unit which is much sturdier than the new version. But basically I've added an extra top piece (see the image above) and brought some extra Besta shelves and used them to reinforce the back (on the outside) to stop the cabinet parallelogramming, and sides (inside) to stop it bulging (see below). All stuck in with no nails type stuff.
oh wow. im liking the layout.I decided although I liked the hardscape it wasn't what I was after this time around...so...I changed it...
The plan so far is to have Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba' running up the valley with Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini' adding the occasional highlight. Utricularia graminifolia flanking the valley amongst the rocks. And predominantly Hemianthus micranthemoides at the back along with Ludwigia sp 'Mini Super Red' adding a splash of colour here and there.
Haha...ultimately that's what I thought as well, the planting would have enhanced it a bit but it wouldn't have kept my interest for long....the previous one had great textures but in the end it was just a mound
Thanks for the suggestion🙂 I did have a small rock forming a point on the last rock on the right, I may put it back....I'd be tempted to joint the two at the back with small rocks to complete the V. Or maybe have a tiny crooked opening at the back for hc.