these cover a 45cm x 45cm area quite nicely (decent PAR over that area, though you will always have a curve distribution of PAR if looking at a cross section, obviously most intense directly under the light source, then decreasing as move away from the source, manufacturers have lessened this effect by moving to standard ~120* lens rather than the initial ~90* lens)In addition I don't think 1 Radion is enough to give the light coverage needed to promote healthy and even plant growth
This drives mebuy another Radion, plus hanging rail etc
🙁 have you had it awhile?the stump has been disintegrating,
Haha...thanks for that - I just like the fine mist it produces😛[jerk mod ON] "Twinstar: the most innovative technology to inhibit green algae"
[jerk mod OFF]
I really like your scape! Amano shrimp will provide great help against your algae. 😉
Thanks alto. It was a toss up between the Radion and the Kessil. I decided on the Radion because of the greater controllability - but knew I'd be pushing it for coverage. One of the original rock scapes was concave to take this in to account, I glossed over that issue somewhat with this scape.Commiserations on this project ... seems it's been determined to test you
(obviously the rescape will be a dream)
these cover a 45cm x 45cm area quite nicely (decent PAR over that area, though you will always have a curve distribution of PAR if looking at a cross section, obviously most intense directly under the light source, then decreasing as move away from the source, manufacturers have lessened this effect by moving to standard ~120* lens rather than the initial ~90* lens)
Kessil A160 also does a nice 45 x 45 cm area (I have 2 on my 90cm tank) ... I've seen some recommendations for these on 60cm tanks, even 60cm cube tanks but you'd want to be planning a rather low light scape 🙄
Kessil A360 does that 60 cm coverage with decent PAR (Ecotech doesn't offer a FW version on their Pro or 30W series)
This drives me- light costs are $$$$, then you get stuck paying more $ - $$ just to mount the light ... at least Kessil you can just suspend without paying out more (though tank mount arms are obviously $$ - you can see them in George's new eaReef journal)
🙁 have you had it awhile?
- invest in a Python type water change system, you can do daily water changes in 10min 🙂
Despite everything tank still looks amazing (& that giant Amano should have everything tidied up in a few 😀)
Thanks Marcel, that's kind of you to say so.Hang in there Tim, it is a beatifull setup, would be a pitty to give up and break it down.. I'm somewhat in the same boat with my low tech.. Running since november, first 12 weeks diatoms, and since the summer started BBA, same story 5 kilos of wood raging organics through the tank. And not the organcs i need at the time, plants holding back and if i put ferts in the BBA blooms all over. But i'll be darned i'll wait it out even if it takes a year, i need and want to get this beast under control. Also an open top and stands under a roof window, have no tank lights at all at the moment, a natural lit low tech, if i dare to switch a light on i hear the BBA blowing a horn. 🙄
Hang in there, you can do it.. 🙂
Thanks for the encouragement Chris🙂Yo, a real rip roarer this one, how did I miss it!
Hang in there mister....the lowest ebb is the turning of the tide..
Tanks!! Only thing i need is time, switching off the lights did the trick and bba is decreasing.. Only thing is naturaly lit tank, got to go with wath i get, cloudy days less sunny days a lot. But now in summer time it's a lot of hours daylight. Can't anticipate with the intensity, never had an open top under a roof window.. Looks rather cool on sunny days.Hope you get yours under control sooner than later😉