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Window sill emersed glass mini tank! (310 x 200 x 170 mm)

Morning all.
Added ................" Copi susu " & " Brownie Phoenix " ....plus some Mini Pellia Coral Moss to the Lava Rock!
May purchase some more Bucces to fill in the gaps....plus some Java or Fissidens fontanus moss!
Received the new led light!
I'm not fully happy with it....remove the bracket and reverted back to laying the light onto of the glass lid for the time being!
Its a bit gimmicky...flashing multi - coloured fading lights and all that Jazz!...for £20.00 its not a bad little light!

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Hi Roy....thanks🙂
I was thinking that....about Fissidens...there have been reports it grows outside but very slowly!
I think your right.....Java it is!
I want this to look really mature in a short space of time.
Definitely looks that way Roy!
I will leave it for the time being....there is also a Cryptocoryne albida 'Brown' top left😉
I'm receiving some more goodies soon...so may move it then.....more up dates to come!
Indeed do love the leaf structure on this Crypt!
May trim it a try and keep it low to the substrate!....😉
Great looking crypts. Wish you luck with that. Is it only me or the crypts really grow different coloured leaves emersed vs submerged? I have observed this with the wendtii tropica brown. The leaves are brown only underwater; emersed they're dark green. I might be mistaken or confused- please do not mind.


Crypts can be look different from emersed to submerged in leaf colours!
Different parameters.... fertilization/lighting/Co2 will also have a affect on the appearance of Crypts!
Ooh, crypyocorne bullosa looks really nice emmersed! I saw it on freshwater shrimps website - it's so unusual...

Another ukaps member Fox fish used a heat pad to maintain higher temps within the tank to promote condensation & reduce need for misting - would this be possible for the species you are growing?

Hi Roy....thanks🙂
I was thinking that....about Fissidens...there have been reports it grows outside but very slowly!
I think your right.....Java it is!
I want this to look really mature in a short space of time.

AniBui observed a local moss very similar in appearance locally - I wonder if you could grow something similar?
Hi Manisha
It could be a possibility......we are going into Autumn/Winter now...this little tank is above a radiator so this may help keep the moisture up when I switch the Central heating on!
This radiator is seldom used!
I may re-place the Amzdeal light with the TMC Tile soon this will help to increase the temperature and induce condensation!
Its a bit of trial and error sometimes.