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Will getting a bigger tank scratch the itch?

an aquarium had to fit and suit the space. It can’t be the largest thing in the room (for me) neither can it obstruct a space.
Agreed. I think I was focussing too much on the frontal aspect when I was imagining a 6 ft tank in the space, but the depth is typically 2 ft for a tank that size which is more than the width of the door to the room!
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the solution for me to have a smaller tank that I can experiment with, set-up and breakdown on a whim, and even if its left empty for 6 months whilst I plan the next rescape, it doesn't really matter as I still have the main tank to enjoy, so the pressure is off.
I've also decided to adopt this approach for now. Only a couple of months ago, I had only one tank set up and two in storage in the garage, and I thought one tank would be enough for me. Then I got triggered, and I am back at three tanks again and still feeling twitchy. I don't think a bigger tank will do anything for me long term - for me, it's more about always having something to work on and an ongoing 'project tank' might just be the way to go.
My aim in the next few years is to have 2 good-sized long-term tanks, one tropical freshwater and one tropical macroalgae marine which will be designed to be low maintenance and evolve-able over time - no hardscape which is all glued down and hard to change so if I need to change something I can easily. In my freshwater tanks by collecting and using different botanicals things naturally change a lot over time as new are added and old decay, and in my marine tank a different seaweed takes over and then dies off every month or two so it's always evolving. That evolution is what I find really satisfying and keeps things interesting, and by avoiding anything glued down if I get a bit bored I can swap out hardscape and plants too. Personally large-scale rescaping stresses me out and is so much work, so messy, I'd rather design things so I can change it all up without all of that mess.

A nano or two always helps to do something quick and fun... I let the nano on my desk dry up but now it's Autumn and there's going to be so much less green outside, I want to set it up again to get through the winter with a nice lil project.
by avoiding anything glued down if I get a bit bored I can swap out hardscape and plants too
Me too. I've never once used glue in any of my set-ups - way too much of a commitment! I'm so easily triggered by watching YT videos or looking at blogs/forums etc. to try and incorporate/imitate what I've seen into my own tanks.
I have a 6 foot tank (Having had 4 x 110 - 300 litres plus multiple fry tanks).
I can only keep fish that can tolerate London tap water. (I used to have Altum angels and bred farlowellas)
It takes 4 hours to do a water change - even using a python and draining straight into the front garden.
When it goes wrong -algae, plants not growing, being destroyed by the clown loaches - it's so big and depressing I have to avoid the livingroom!
But when it goes right it's great!
for me, it's more about always having something to work on
For inspiration, perhaps? I've been running permanently some experiments. They've taught me a lot on this hobby, and from time to time, the findings are of interest for the community. These keep me busy (even when laziness grips me tightly 🙂).
Interesting thread, I have a similar issue. I only started in the hobby around 1 year or so ago, within that time I bought...

40x25x25 (25l)
60x30x30 (55l)
60x35x35 (73.5l)
90x40x40 (144l)

Until recently I was running all but the smallest, I'm now running only the two largest. But as soon as I was finishing settling up the 90cm, I was already making a "dream list" of kit for a 120cm - 180cm tank (which I know I won't have anytime soon as my GF doesn't want any in the living room. I enjoy the planning process etc so much, I'm similar with other things I have an interest in though, like building PC's etc.

Eventually I'll probably only run 1-2 tanks, I'd love to have 1 large tank between 120cm-180cm as my end goal though....or so I think haha!

Edit - My 90cm tank defo gives me the most enjoyment, the extra length etc really does help.
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