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Wild P. scalare 'Rio Nanay'

Re: Wild P. scalare 'Peruvian'

Thanks for the info, Matt.

There's lots of conflicting reports about whether it's tannin-stained or not.

Here's an interview indicating it is...

http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthrea ... 6faa8e06b6

Is it a blackwater river?

Yes, the water in the Nanay River has a tea or coffee color and, sometimes, completely black in color. It is ironic that we are always worried about having clear water in our tanks when discus, in fact, come from water with little or no visibility
Re: Wild P. scalare 'Peruvian'

nice angels, i have often seen pictures of fish like these called peruvian altum or peruvian scalare, i think one of their features are the black spotting on their sides, as posted by someone else 'Finarama' is THE web site for advice on angels, plenty of very experienced fanatics there!
Re: Wild P. scalare 'Peruvian'

Thanks for the info.

The fish have settled in great.

I've added 30 Petitella georgeiae (false rummynose tetra) to act as dither fish. They've also settled in great, shoaling up and down the tank.

All fish are eating dry foods well - Tetra Prima and Tetra ProCrisp Colour. Also feeding frozen brineshrimp (Omega-3) and bloodworm.

Really, really chuffed with the whole experience so far. It's refreshing to focus on the fish and not the plants for a change.
Re: Wild P. scalare 'Peruvian'

Glad they are settling in their new home and making friends already :lol: must be time for a video soon! Whatever their ID, think they will make a great centre piece and a interesting talking point.Mind is going soft and don't know if this has been posted already and if yes I do apologise but been on so many different sites the mind is twisted
http://www.finarama.com/tba/chronicles/ ... calare.htm
Whatever they turn out to be at least they are not wallflowers and would grace any tank.Enjoy them George and I must start saving up for a trip to the UK if they do spawn 😉
Re: Wild P. scalare 'Peruvian'

Thanks mate.

I did a photo shoot on the tank today, as the fish have settled properly and I need to get the biotope feature complete for PFK before I go back to RAF work next week.

This shot shows off the fish quite nicely.

Note the different in colour rendition after I've added tannins...

angel resized by George Farmer, on Flickr
Lovely colours. Could the colour improvement also be due to the fact that they are more settled in now? Or did you notice a change considerably when the water was more tanned?
Fred Dulley said:
Lovely colours. Could the colour improvement also be due to the fact that they are more settled in now? Or did you notice a change considerably when the water was more tanned?
Probably a bit of both, Fred. Thanks.
They are looking swell, certainly a big improvement in colour. Fill us in about water conditions that they are enjoying at the moment ,whether you are adding adder cone or beech leaves or a commercial product, or are the tannins from bog wood.Just need the information in case I ever get the chance to 'liberate' them 😀 Also great photo of said fish, I'm worried now that the powers that be might recongize these fish if they ever makes it to my tanks :lol:
I'm using approx 95% RO, 5% tap. pH 6, conductivity 20µS/cm, temp 28C (82F)

The tannins are created via Indian almond leaf sachets - basically big tea-bags full of shredded Catappa leaves.

I put 3 sachets into a litre jug of boiling water, let it stew for 24hrs, then added to the tank.

The sachets are these. I got mine from Aqua Essentials but not sure if they stock them anymore - http://www.aquariumproducts.com.au/cata ... rodID=3454

I checked the tank 30 mins ago and I think they are spawning... Chasing each other around whilst a couple are nibbling at vertical pieces of wood.

It's really quite exciting!