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Why isnt vallis nana growing?


19 Feb 2008
worksop, nottinghamshire
I have had it about 2months now i think - i got it from Mark, and it hasnt grown 1cm yet and i dont know why?

60l tank
2.7wpg / 36w PC T5
pressurized CO2 - limeade drop checker
fluval 205 (11x turnover - good circulation)
5ml TPN+ daily.
JBL aquabasis capped with sand.

Anybody have any reasons why?

maybe, its a long shot and a guess but, it might be that might old tank parameters are completely different to your saaron. maybe its a shock for the plant and is re establishing its self.

i had ph 6.5 and a kh 4/5 (i think)

ive moved the same vallis from the same tank into another tank and it grew like mad again....same water conditions

just a thought
I have to admit I experimented with some spare on my my wifes community tank and it is growing lush and strong- I have to really hack it back every week. The strange thing is - it is in pea gravel, no added ferts, no CO2, 1.2wpg, GH 3, KH 1, pH 7 but it is a heavily stocked tank. I have switched some shoots off to my Malawi tanks and those that don't get nibbled too heavily do well there too so I'm also at a loss for how it's not growing.
Then I'm stumped. Sorry.

Me too.

I have never heard of vallis go through a period like this - if it was a crypt then i could understand... Strangely last November, i tried straight vallis, and that never grew ffor a few months either, although i put that down to my setup as it wasnt a planted tank at the time...
Maybe it is just me?


Thanks anyway. 🙂
funny you bring this up. I had vallis nana up until about last week. It was in the tank from set up, high light, co2, ferts..the lot and it just didn't grow, everything else went mad, except that, which just kind of sat there, not dying, but not particularly growing. Then, after a few months it sent out runners everywhere, which soon overtook the growth of the original leaves very quickly.

Strange 🙄
I am currently readind Diana Walstad's "Ecology of the Planted Aquarium" and a very good read I must say so far but she has been talking in the chapter I'm reading now about Allelopathy, where the plants are basically releasing chemicals into the water "for protection", some of these can affect other plants and have apparently been seen to even kill some plants.

Wonder if you have another plant which could be affecting it. There is a quote in the book where they were not able to grow Vallis in a tank which contained a combo of Amazon sword, Anubias Nana, Limnophila and some crypts.
The allelopathy theory has been around for a while, but I don't think there's any actual proof it exists in freshwater plants. It's just an idea thought up to explain why some plants don't grow well together.
beeky said:
The allelopathy theory has been around for a while, but I don't think there's any actual proof it exists in freshwater plants. It's just an idea thought up to explain why some plants don't grow well together.

I too am sceptical about allelopathy, but while you mentioned it:

hemanthious micranthemoides
Microsorum pteropus narrow.
I was sceptical when I started reading but the more I read, the more it's opening my mind to possibilities. They latest section I read was a clinical experiment involving eleocharis coloradensis that visibly prevented the growth of pondweeds, potamogeton nodosus and P. pectinatus. That's just one experiment, there are others in the chapter, so I for one am no longer sceptical.

Although this may not be the reason for your problems here though Aaron

Could it be something as simple as that combo is using up one nutrient too quickly for the vallis to be able to cope. I know with EI we're dosing extra but I've a tank I've added extra Ca to and the plants have come on quickly again. I was feeding the same dosing rates for EI on my main tank but things seemed to go backwards.
altaaffe said:
I was sceptical when I started reading but the more I read, the more it's opening my mind to possibilities. They latest section I read was a clinical experiment involving eleocharis coloradensis that visibly prevented the growth of pondweeds, potamogeton nodosus and P. pectinatus. That's just one experiment, there are others in the chapter, so I for one am no longer sceptical.

Although this may not be the reason for your problems here though Aaron

Could it be something as simple as that combo is using up one nutrient too quickly for the vallis to be able to cope. I know with EI we're dosing extra but I've a tank I've added extra Ca to and the plants have come on quickly again. I was feeding the same dosing rates for EI on my main tank but things seemed to go backwards.

I am going to give it another month, and if nothing happens, i will add some calcium sulphate, if there is still nothing happening, then I will use cryptocoryne balansae - although i was trying to stick with smaller leaved plants.

Thanks everyone. 🙂