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Why isn't this working?

Martin cape

21 Dec 2012
Hi guys.

I can't seem to get any CO2 out of the atomiser.

I have the easy aqua regulator with solenoid connected to a FE. Then to a rhinox check valve, then a bubble counter (which works) then another rhinox check valve. Up to that point I get bubbles. But it won't come out of the atmiser. After a while the working pressure seems to drop but I am yet to get anything g out of the atomiser.
Well the ceramic kind.

Pressure starts at about 50 psi, then drops to about 35 then goes back to 50 again.
Have a look for a leak with soapy water round your bubble counter ect

Takes a while to get it right just start slowly and gently increase

Hi guys.

I'm struggling with this.

I can't get the bubbles were second sorted. If I have it on about 2 bar, I have to fully open the needle valve to get about 1 every 8 seconds.

Then I have to increase the working pressure then it goes mental for a few seconds then slows right down again.

I dunno if I'm doing out wrong.
Get abit of soapy water in a spray bottle if you have one and spray all the joints and around the reg

What's happening is the working pressure jumps up, the bubbles go mental, then gradually slow down.

Then it jumps up again.

If it were other way round I would think of a leak or a check valve. Can't find any leaks.
Sounds like the working pressure is building up against the spring in the check valve in the bubble counter, and then pushing it open and releasing the gas all at once. Might want to check that it's not sticking.
How do I check that?

The regulator is only on hand tight to the fe as my adjustable was too small. Couldn't detect a leak though.

I have a check valve before the bubble counter too. Is that necessary?
Or just run a pipe from the reg to some water and see what it does are you using a solenoid
