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Why is Fissidens Fontanus unavailable everywhere??


8 Feb 2012
As the thread title says, anybody any idea why Fissidens Fontanus seems to be unavailable everywhere in the UK apart from ebay, which seems really expensive as well for what you get, and is obviously people growing on and selling their own supply.

Is there a disease issue or problem with it and what does everybody else do for their tanks or is it something not many people grow? Just interested as wanted some for a new tank for this weekend.
Hi all,
or is it something not many people grow?
I'd guess that it has fallen victim to the realities of <"commercial plant production">.
which seems really expensive as well for what you get and is obviously people growing on and selling their own supply
That is the issue really, it is a slow growing plant and companies can make more money elsewhere.

cheers Darrel
I know @Aquarium Gardens website is saying they are out of stock but I saw 3 or 4 packets for sale when I was there at the UKAPS meet just over a week ago, might be worth giving them a ring.
If not, in the interim why not consider trying Riccardia Chamedryfolia to satisfy your immediate yearning until Fissidens becomes available again, I know the texture is very different but nevertheless it's a beautiful plant with which you can achieve a similar aesthetic.
I know @Aquarium Gardens website is saying they are out of stock but I saw 3 or 4 packets for sale when I was there at the UKAPS meet just over a week ago, might be worth giving them a ring.
If not, in the interim why not consider trying Riccardia Chamedryfolia to satisfy your immediate yearning until Fissidens becomes available again, I know the texture is very different but nevertheless it's a beautiful plant with which you can achieve a similar aesthetic.
Ah ok, I have emailed them to see if they have any available. And thanks for the recommendation, I may give this a try if I struggle with the aforementioned or just give it a go anyway as it sounds a nice plant.

Hi all,

I'd guess that it has fallen victim to the realities of <"commercial plant production">.

That is the issue really, it is a slow growing plant and companies can make more money elsewhere.

cheers Darrel
I know its slow growing but with the price this is going for on Ebay you'd think they could make a decent profit from it as its a very attractive plant.
Hi all,
you'd think they could make a decent profit from it as its a very attractive plant.
It is a shame that @Filip Krupa had to shut his big tank down, he was growing it <"in industrial amounts">.
I always have little bits of it growing, often just above the water line.

cheers Darrel
I'm happy with that. Please give me until Friday to see what comes in the post from Roland before letting any of it go.

Thank you.
No problem, it kind of reminded me where I got it from... It came as a hitchhiker on another plant I got from someone on this forum in April and you can see how far little of it goes in just few months 🙂

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