I know for a fact that high doses of phosphate and nitrate in a heavily planted, well lit CO2 enriched tank do not cause algae issues. The thing I'm curious about is why?
From what I have read everyone says that in a high light setup as long as you have plenty of ferts (EI for example) and plenty of CO2 algae wont grow. The thing I don't understand is why? logic would seem to say that if you are dosing more than the plants can use then the left over is going to get used by algae? I know this isn't the case though from my own experience.
The reason I'm trying to understand this is I have a marine reef tank as well. Everyone who has planted tanks says that phosphates do not cause algae but in my reef tank as soon as my phosphates start rising I always get an algae outbreak (and know its time to replace the phosphate remover).
Does it just work different in a marine environment? Obviously the reef tank doesn't have plants but in an EI planted tank its not the plants using all the nutrients that is stopping the algae (as they are dosed to be in surplus) so is it the plants themselves that stop algae growth?
From what I have read everyone says that in a high light setup as long as you have plenty of ferts (EI for example) and plenty of CO2 algae wont grow. The thing I don't understand is why? logic would seem to say that if you are dosing more than the plants can use then the left over is going to get used by algae? I know this isn't the case though from my own experience.
The reason I'm trying to understand this is I have a marine reef tank as well. Everyone who has planted tanks says that phosphates do not cause algae but in my reef tank as soon as my phosphates start rising I always get an algae outbreak (and know its time to replace the phosphate remover).
Does it just work different in a marine environment? Obviously the reef tank doesn't have plants but in an EI planted tank its not the plants using all the nutrients that is stopping the algae (as they are dosed to be in surplus) so is it the plants themselves that stop algae growth?