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Why are these moss a hairy algae magnet?


6 Nov 2024
Columbus, GA
I don't use moss that often. But in one of my aquascape I used Christmas moss and it starts attracting hair algae. Picture 1 you can see bit of hairy algae above those mosses, picture 2 after removing the algae. Removing those algae can hurt the moss, I had to put I out with bit of force



1. Size of tank. - 37L (17.5 X 12 X 12) inches
2. Age of the system approximately. - 3 months
3. Tap water parameters. - Hard water with medium hardness and calcium
4. Filtration and Media. - Stock Filter that comes shipped with Eheim Classic 250
5. Lighting and duration. - 8 Hours
6. Substrate. - Platinum soil however the moss is glued on the hardscape
7. Co2 dosing or Non-dosing. - Pressurized Co2 for 8 hours
8. Drop Checker. - bluish green
9. Fertilizers used + Ratios. - Fertilizer, Micro nutrients, macro nutrients, K++, Phosphate 10 ML every week
10. Water change regime and composition. - 30-40 % every week
11. Plant list + Invitro/Emersed. -
1. Background Plant - Rotala, Bacupa, Dwarf amazon sword,
2. Foreground Plant - Pearl weed, Dward hair grass and Crypt Parv
3. Rhizome plants - Anubias coin leaf, Java Fern, Trident Fern, Bucephelandra, Christmas moss
12. Inhabitants. 2 baby angel fishes, 3 reticulated millstream loach, 3 Cory panda, 7 baby rasbora, 1 mystery sail, 3 assassin snails. 1SAE
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It's a temporary home they will eventually move to my 55 Gallon tank. Right now they are babies, with width and height not more than an inch. They were constantly bullied by their elder siblings in the bigger tank.
Too much light and high organic matter in the aquarium.....equals = Green Thread Algae.

These algae only attach to moss? Sometimes I wonder if these are algae or some parasites that uses moss as a host to extra nutrients
These algae only attach to moss? Sometimes I wonder if these are algae or some parasites that uses moss as a host to extra nutrients
No, too much light, plus moss accumulates particles of organic waste very very quickly which causes Algae.

Use an old toothbrush to remove the Thread algae.
Trim the moss.
Use a small soft paintbrush to clean the moss after trimming and regularly use the paintbrush to dislodge crude/detritus.
Do the above routine before a large water change.

Add fine filter floss/pad to the Filter to help remove microscopic waste particles.