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Why are there no "monster" planted tanks ?

As far as I have seen in the above links, monster size doesn't necessarily mean better or more beautiful. I also dream of a large tank but to be honest I'm afraid of getting tired of a very demanding maintenance.

I also dream of a large tank but to be honest I'm afraid of getting tired of a very demanding maintenance.

I think an alternative method to keeping very big planted tanks with fewer water changes is still to appear. I know you can just keep a low tech tank with little water changes but I mean a method with a bit of injected CO2.
And everything explained in detail. I know this can be done now but there is a bit of testing and iteration involved.
Had a 240x60cm tank and trimming a 2.4m carpet takes a looooong time. Never mind the costs of ferts and lights also substrate was aquasoil costs quite alot of money and maintenance on a high light fast growing tank like this just takes the fun out of it
From my own experience with a 125 gallon ...
First would be cost if you wanted a nice looking high tech
second would be maintenance.
When a Giant planted tank goes of balance. For example if you had a algae outbreak, it could take a complete tear down to fix and start over.
Another is I have to use Liquid carbon to combat algae and supplement the injected co2,this is because of poor water conditions and it takes massive amount of injected co2 to get my tank balance .
If I had a 1000 gallon tank the costs to add the chemicals Co2 and power for the massive filter and water exchange system would be the same as my mortgage :wacky: and surely my wife wouldn't be to pleased.
Ive had larger tanks with predator fish(member of MFK for over a decade) and they are so easy compared to my planted tanks 🙂
You guys have almost put me off my plan to build a 2000 L (1.7x1.7x0.75m) high tech planted tank! I've built the stand already, getting the acrylic soon.
I'm still going ahead with it, if the maintenance becomes a chore, I have alternative plans that will keep me busy for years!
Why don't we not seeing massive planted tanks on this forum ?

Friend of mine has an 800L that's about a meter deep - I look at it in one light and think "damn! That would make a brilliant planted tank" then on the other I visualise myself having to aquascape and maintain it. I'm 6'3" so have the reach to get to the bottom of most tanks, but this one would be so inconvenient it wouldn't be worth it as I'm in my tank doing something most days.