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Who in the stoke area can take in some fish?


30 Oct 2007
Hello, So there's some confusion over whether or not I'm allowed my tanks, the man on the phone said "yeah sure, just don't go about singing about it" where as the woman said "there's a strictly no pets, it says so in the contract they cause allergies". Not knowing who to believe I think it's best if I bend the rules and take the tanks but not the fish.
I have 11 ottos 11 embers 5 neons and 2 lampeyes that need re-homing if anyone can help out.
I'd rather not take them all the way then have them say no you have to get rid.
When I lived in rented (2 bed flat and 4 bed houseshare) I queried this and they said "fish are OK".

The council whom I now rent said the same.

They mean by Pets animals that smell and moult etc. which give a house an aroma plus having hair in every nook and cranny.

That's what the guy on the phone said, but then when we asked again to make sure some woman was all "NO NOTHING OR I'LL EAT YOUR SOUL". Only not that dramatic but you get the idea.
I'm gonna take them and run the risk, hell, worst they can do is say get rid surely?
I'm in rented and made sure that it was on the agreement between us that Fish are ok. It went on all the forms between us so that they can't kick up a fuss about it when they come and do their quarterly inspection.

All the agencies I spoke to where on about smelly pets, like cats, dogs, mice, hamsters etc. They can mess up the house plus leave smells and stuff which people are allergic to.

The only concern would be insurance wise should any problems happen with the tank.