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White spot and temperature for corys

Great stuff - OK, you are maximising your chances by doing all these things.

If you dont mind, could you send us a complete tank shot from the front? Would be good to get a visual of things as they stand.
@Bradders yes of course- I’ve moved my aquael filter over and put the crappy swell one in the shrimp tank as I was concerned they had no surface movement. I’ve got two air stones at full blast and the aquael filter has a great bubble output so 3 lots of aeration in the problem tank (55litre in case I hadn’t said). I’ve ordered a fluval u2 filter which will hopefully be here tomorrow and I’ll run the aquael one alongside it until it’s matured enough. I’ve only got a few shrimp (although hundreds of shrimplets) so their bioload should hopefully be ok with the crappy swell one. Please see pics from the front and the side.


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Excellent! We have visuals! 😀 OK, so you are maximising your chances there, so great news. Stay strong and ride it out.

OK, so you have a new filter coming. I just had a look at the U2, and here are my thoughts on the media.
  • 2 Foam Pads - good, although I am unsure what PPI they are.
  • 2 Poly/Carbon Cartridges - OK, although these will need replacing at some point (due to the carbon depletion) + you can't use them with current medication as carbon reduces effectiveness.
  • BIOMAX Biological Rings - Not so good, as BIOMAX does not provide great bang for buck in terms of effective surface area. If you can open that cartridge (and you can be bothered), I would remove the BIOMAX and replace it with HELX-13.
Once you get it, I would give some mature media gunk into the Fluval sponges/media to help kick-start. Make sure it remains wet (with de-chlorinated or old tank water) and then stick it in and let it mature for 2-3 weeks.

Do you have to do all the above? Well, no - it will be OK out of the box bar the carbon cartridges due to medication. But I am fanatical about filters in a low planted aquairum. I am just that sad. O so sad.