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White Rock Mountain - Wabi Kusa


20 Oct 2014
Yesterday I started my first ever wabi-kusa project! I bought a second hand Dennerle Nano Cube 30L from a friend of mine and ordered some ADA Aquasoil Africana, hemianthus callitrichoides "cuba", rotala sp. "vietnam" and rotala sp. "gia lai" in-vitro plants.

I also used some cuttings of staurogyne repensis, hydrocotyle tripartita, hygrophila polysperma "rosanervig" and ludwigia repens.

Here is a quick picture from yesterday, straight after set-up.

I could'nt find any spaghnum moss from nearby stores, so my friend brought some wild spaghnum moss from a swamp near her summer cottage. I hope this will not be a problem. It was really difficult to tie up the moss balls with africana inside them. I had to use a quite thick layer of moss to keep the substrate inside. As a fertilizer I used a couple Tetra initial sticks per each ball.

The stones I got from my father who collected them from the shores of the arctic ocean.

Lähetetty minun GT-I9305 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
Great start really like the use of the sand area to create contrast between full and empty space
That looks promising Evita, love the stones and the composition! The moss ball - usually in the kokedama world, they use some clay to keep it together. But if you have managed to tie the ball, should be ok, as long as you don't move it, replant in it too much.
Thanks to everyone for your kind words and feedback 🙂
Nelly9, the one next to my new wabi is actually just a houseplant (soleirolia soreilorii) planted in a glass bowl. It seems to like this place:

Lähetetty minun GT-I9305 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
Nice start AvitaL. You have actually started at a very high notch. keep up
I must say I was a little tempted to do a planted tank in this one as well, but had already promised the Mister that two tanks is enough 😀 But I really enjoy following the growth in this emersed setup aswell 🙂

Lähetetty minun GT-I9305 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
I noticed yesterday that there are some mystery plants appearing from the moss balls. Interesting to see how they will develop. Might be some seeds that came with the moss from the swamp?

Lähetetty minun GT-I9305 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
Hi all,
mystery plants appearing from the moss balls. Interesting to see how they will develop. Might be some seeds that came with the moss from the swamp?
It looks like a member of the <"Ericaceae">. It won't be from seed, but possibly from a vegetative fragment.

Cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccus) maybe? It is a small plant.

cheers Darrel
Great!! :clap: Have you also noticed how fast they grow?? I wouldn't be surpriced if they are the fast growing organism on the planet. 🙂 I once noticed a compleet mushroom growing in less than 10 hours and only live about a day..

One Morning
DSCN1137 (Kopie).JPG

Same evening.. 🙂
DSCN1140 (Kopie).JPG
Hello there,

This is a very nice thread; I would keep a close watch on this. Keep the updates coming.

