Woah that's a lot of information to take in, lol.
Although I said I don't like iTunes I do appreciate the info on the iPhone 5 and as contracts are normally for 2 years I don't mind waiting to get a decent phone. I'm not anti-apple, I just hate iTunes and I much prefer windows media player prior to the windows 7 version. I'm not a major techy so I'm not going to bother jailbreaking or installing new roms. I'm not going to continue an android vs apple battle BUT apple phones only use one app at a time (I think) where as I can have a few things running at once which is handy...
Problems with android phones? Like I said it thinks I'm swiping a direction when I'm not. So trying to do most things with it drives me mad, although this fault is intermittent. This might sound like a minor bugbear but I go to write a text, the cursor needs to be in the box. The phone swipes to the right and selects send, I don't notice, try to type and it doesn't do anything. Or I'm typing, it swipes up, and suddenly I'm typing on the wrong line. Or, best of all, I type it swipes down and it goes to the first text message in that conversation. It keeps all the texts so in the case of my Mum I then have to scroll through 1000 text messages just so I can press the send button, AAARGH!!!

I know Steve and Paulo had desires without problems, I'm interested to know someone else having problems too.
I did check out the HD7 but that's only available on O2. I would prefer moving to Vodafone as they have the best coverage from experience. I find that O2 and Orange say they have signal, then you got to make a call or use the internet, oh what a surprise there isn't a decent signal. Whatever happens I will be leaving Orange.
That Xperia is very interesting. I used to have a waterproof camera which I loooooved, it does help if devices are Lisey proof generally smartphones are not.
What I want from a phone:
:arrow: To be able to text and make calls (you may laugh but the HTC hero wouldn't make calls within 6 months)
:arrow: Listen to MP3s (good storage capacity or takes memory cards preferably micro)
:arrow: Take good quality pictures
:arrow: Good flash (I use my phone as a torch all the time, the desire is a million times better than iPhone 3GS at this)
Things I like about my phone:
Generally decent apps are free. Google maps with sat nav, I use this with GPS and it works pretty well. I can change my homescreen to have whatever widgets and shortcuts I want. Before I install an app it asks me if I'm ok with what the app needs to function, some apps need some questionable permissions so I choose not to install them. I keep the internet and GPS switched off the battery will last 2-3 days. If I listen to music all day/make long calls it'll still last a day.
Things I dislike about my phone:
The swiping problem. The opening the wrong text issue. The fact I can't get certain apps to work (BBfoc + msn messenger).
Thanks so much for all the info guys

, please do give advice on phones you have owned as it's really good to know if phones are actually any good in practise. 8)