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which Bucephalandra?

That is a really nice sized Buce, unfortunately getting an ID is going to be hard. There could be many names for just one. I think some experts are starting to nail down specific names now.
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I have several types of Bucephalandra and if there is anything that I have learned is that currently the naming system is anything but well defined. Its seems most are just variants of a few species, but that may well prove wrong when taxonomists get round to properly identifying them all. There are a few distinct varieties... you can't easily get a dark Achilles wrong, but many are visually only slightly different from other types. Your plant has a nice look and form, but I could not say what it is with certainty. Can you ask the people who sent it or was it a long time ago?
I dont think thats a buce at all. The growth pattern is wrong. Buces grown similar to anubias. Their leaves are also covered in iridescent spots.
That looks to me like a small crypt. Possibly cryptocoryne flamingo in the midst of changing forms
Better quality of photo might help, but as I can tell it's definitely bucephalandra, not a crypt. And probably that bucephalandra is not ordinary and cheap one, because of pink new leaves.