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Where to get CO2 Cannisters and Refills

You need to remove Guildford Calor Gas from this list. It changed hands in July and is now run directly by Calor Gas. They do not do Co2.

Unfortunately, if you already have a bottle from here and were charged a hefty deposit, as I was earlier this year, you have lost it.
Outrageous....that's why its better purchasing your own cylinders!
Can you add -

NFS Fire Protection Ltd  
Fire Protection Service
Address: Morton St, Middleton, Manchester M24 3AN

Got a 2kg FE fully rebuilt and filled for £28 with £5 fill ups.

I know we have a middelton for the NW but not sure if it's still upto date.
one to add,
phone: 08001694222
1 Morton Peto Estate
Great Yarmouth
NR31 0LT
£6.00 for a 2kg refill

one in ipswich
01473 257627
(refill equipment was broken when I called last week)

I found a couple of the fire protection services that would do refills. Haggle on price I got them down from £12.00 to £6... pricing seems a bit random.


I can confirm that Firepower in Foxhall Road Ipswich Do refills
You can purchase a 2kg bottle from them for £10 + £8 for it to be filled and consequent refills are £8
M+S in Glasgow who I spoke to today quoted £5 for a refill of a 2KG CO2 extinguisher or £25 for an exchange . I didn't ask about refilling any other CO2 bottles like PaintBall bottles but I will when I go to get my extinguisher replaced .

They doing rent free, food grade co2.
6.35 Kg. (14lb) about 830mm high X 150mm wide. £45 Bottle+£20 for Gas.
3.00kg bottle 550mm X 150mm. 55 icluding Gas.
Reffil £20.

17 Queens Road,

01302 366332

Co2 Refills in Sheffield
234 Holme Lane
Sheffield S6 4JZ
0114 285 2477

Someone using them?
The following may be useful for folk in London:

Postcode E8 3DE, by dalston junction station.
Matt 07805166123
Mention UKAPS or say you want CO2 for your fish tank.

Out of guarantee full 2kg CO2 FE £5
Out of guarantee full 5kg CO2 FE £10 (limited supply)
New 2kg CO2 FE £15
Hey all, I have been looking for a place near Banbury for C02 tanks be it Pub with screw top or FE however the closest place CTC is/has closed down so anyone know any suggestions.


Hey all, I have been looking for a place near Banbury for C02 tanks be it Pub with screw top or FE however the closest place CTC is/has closed down so anyone know any suggestions.



Adam, closest I've found is the Goldfishbowl in Oxford. Pretty reasonable prices.
Adam, closest I've found is the Goldfishbowl in Oxford. Pretty reasonable prices.
Hi.. Banbury here also! The closest place at the moment is hobby fish near stony Stratford..it's a great fish shop! I ended up using fire extinguishers because it was just easier to get hold of

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Can anyone tell me where to get Co2 FE's in either North Herts or South Cambs please? A few years ago I used a guy over Hitchin way I think but can't remember his contact details.