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Where to buy in the Midlands.

Re: Re:

john starkey said:
Dave Spencer said:
CO2 Supplier: Bryland Fire Protection ltd.

Location: Unit 3, Peartree Lane, Dudley, W. Midlands, DY2 0QY. tel. 01384 573301.

Service: They charge £25 for a full 3kg cylinder and £30 for a full 5kg cylinder. A 3kg refill costs £5.20.

Hi all,
popped here today and got my two 3kg cylinders refilled cost has changed slightly £5.65 each which i think is very good,
they also gave me a new price list,if you buy a new one already filled and lightweight aluminium,
2kg and 3kg £20
4.5kg and 5kg £30,
these cylinders are actually made for aquarium use,aparently normal fire extinquishers have an inner tube inside and if this is not removed the co2 is delivered in liquid form not in gas form,worth remembering,
regards john.

I just phoned them up and got quoted £8+VAT for a 2kg refill :crazy: 😵

If anyone is interested I have some redmoor wod for sale. At the moment I have about 8 roots in my offer but I will have much more in a couple of weeks.

The longest/ biggest one that I have is 61 cm (24 inches).

Please see some images and prices below.

Lenght 60cm Weight 1200g Price L15

Lenght 49cm Weight 700g Price L18

Lenght 50cm Weight 514g Price L10

Lenght 61cm Weight 425g Price L7

If you want I can send on your e-mail pictures of everything that I've got. Just send me pm with your e-mail address. Payment on collection or I can post it via Royal Mail.

Many thanks,
I'd like to give Blue Lagoon a shout who are located Nr Matlock, Derbyshire.


I got the wood for my new tank from there and at a fantastic price compared to others in this region :thumbup:

They have a good selection of tropical fish, including the unusual/oddballs, marine section and also a pond section. Decent sized dry goods section too.
Is there anywhere around the Birmingham/Bromsgrove/Halesowen/Kidderminster areas that has a good stock of Aquatic plants? So far I've tried the following:
- A&D - very few
- Pets at Home - very few
- Algo Scottish (Codsall Garden centre) - seem good, although expensive, but low stock due to new year
- Sedgley Aquatics - Decent plants, but selection doesn't change much
- Doolittles - very poor
- Maidenhead Wolverhampton - quite poor (maybe because new year though)
A revive on this thread:

Shirley Aquatics....a reasonable selection of nano fish and shrimp, the usual plants but nothing out of the ordinary. Some planted tank stuff including disposable co2 kits etc...

Angel aquatics ..selly oak....good selection of fish for planted tanks and very keen to support planted tank enthusiasts. Great for Marine/Reef fans too. Plants, reasonable selection but nothing unusual. One of those shops that would get anything in that they don’t have.
Name : sweet knowles aquatic
I found the most amazing shop yesterday a lil hard scape not loads some nice woods and rock sands but not loads

The thing I loved was the fish just amazing so well looked after by Dan he loved them.all and knew so much about each species a good plant selection too 1-2 growpots $4.99 submerged plants £5 or 5 for 20
I brought 5 emder tetra and 6 neon yellow rasbros thing is there all baby's they only sell younger fish so they know there ages roughly check.out the Web site for fish stocks it was so.strange driving in the middle of no.where down dirt tracks through a farm to a old farm out house to walk in and find the fish selection was just jaw dropping I did take some pics with permission Il.up.load them when when my misses sends them.to me 20180430_224623.jpg
Just a quick.pic of them.settling.in
Some more


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Has anyone been to pro shrimp in Mansfield?
I was planning on visiting aquarium gardens but it's closed on Monday

I haven't been to Pro Shrimp in person but often order shrimp, plants and other supplies from them. They've always been very helpful. Would love to hear what the store is like.
Hi everyone, I'm looking to get some plants in Nottingham and noticed that this thread hasn't been updated since 2018. What would be the best local place to get some plants?
People mentioning Pro Shrimp... They are in an industrial unit on an industrial estate, it's not a massive unit and is fitted out for an online business that just happens to let in visitors (Intense use of space, no shop dressing, harder to browse than a conventional shop).
However a lot of us know them online first and how they can be competitive price wise for some things. If you are after shrimp livestock (no fish livestock if I recall correctly) or you know they have plants you are interested in (by looking online first) then it is definitely worth a visit in person. They had no immersed plants if I remember correctly but loads of open air pots, vitro and blister packs from Tropica, Aquafleur and a couple of others. I think it was the biggest range of plants I have seen in person. I didn't pay enough attention but I also think I noticed their hardscape stock was extensive, another area where browsing is ideal.
I went to Wharf Aquatics immediately afterwards (about 30min drive west) and I'm guessing everyone already knows how good Wharf can be for fish livestock. They also had a decent range of immersed potted plants (Tropica).