Re: Re:
I just phoned them up and got quoted £8+VAT for a 2kg refill
john starkey said:Dave Spencer said:CO2 Supplier: Bryland Fire Protection ltd.
Location: Unit 3, Peartree Lane, Dudley, W. Midlands, DY2 0QY. tel. 01384 573301.
Service: They charge £25 for a full 3kg cylinder and £30 for a full 5kg cylinder. A 3kg refill costs £5.20.
Hi all,
popped here today and got my two 3kg cylinders refilled cost has changed slightly £5.65 each which i think is very good,
they also gave me a new price list,if you buy a new one already filled and lightweight aluminium,
2kg and 3kg £20
4.5kg and 5kg £30,
these cylinders are actually made for aquarium use,aparently normal fire extinquishers have an inner tube inside and if this is not removed the co2 is delivered in liquid form not in gas form,worth remembering,
regards john.
I just phoned them up and got quoted £8+VAT for a 2kg refill