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Where can I buy wood in the UK?

My local LFS had loads of Redwood, the issue I had was they were mostly large, and I had to buy one and chop it up a little for the tank, local as in Wholesale Tropicals in Bethnal Green, loads of rock too
Hey didn't really wanted to make a new thread regarding pretty much the same question but slightly different. Can't see the sale section just yet and don't want to spam my way up so maybe someone could help me 🙂

I've been looking around pretty much the same sources with no luck on the type I'm looking for. I'm trying to find a trunk/root base log to be the main attraction for a Juwel Vision 260. So fairly big. Any people got any recommendations or is it possible to gather my own cut it down and treat it etc?

Thank you and sorry for some watch hi-jacking the thread 🙂
I'm stating the obvious here but if folks put up their location it would make it a lot easier to give topical advice. There are loads of bits of wood in LFS in my area ...
I personally live in Basingstoke (Hampshire) area and my LFS (garden centre & Main head Aquatics) have selected bits and bobs but nothing really "big" that I'm looking for.
There are quite a few Maidenhead Aquatics stores within traveling of you (been to quite a few myself 🙂 ) why not give them a call and ask if they have what you're after?

Last big piece I bought was at Squires GC Aquatic store in Twickenham but that's quite a way from you.