Don’t add any extra food for several days - not until you have some idea of the issue or at least it resolves and shrimp are happy and active again
Then add very small amounts of food - you don’t want to trigger a moult when water conditions may be questionable
(during moult and after, shrimp are very sensitive to any questionable water parameters, the moult process itself carries a certain level of risk especially if shrimp are not well prepared, it’s also very energy expensive)
Shrimp are hiding due to stress etc, definitely don’t try to force them out into easy viewing
If shrimp die, they often become more visible as the current will move them (unless they’ve gone under wood/stone)
Did you add any of the shipping water?
Lots of rain perhaps - if tap water source is affected by rainfall/storms - or any roadworks?
In addition to the daily water changes, I’d add a good amount of marine grade activated carbon (Seachem is fine if available), also maybe some Seachem Purigen ( these will tend to bind different compounds)
If shrimp seem to do better after a water change, I’d likely continue with 40-50% but you’re the only one that can actually see what’s happening
Dead snails are usually much more an issue, so monitor these closely