Hi, back home again... I'm not sure if this change in the pH measured is due to any combination of low bps, surface agitation, etc. or just a matter of the measurement accuracy (I use a pro pH meter which is stupidly accurate). Moreover I borrow only from time to time this pHmeter from work, but I continuously change the configuration (i.e. I increase the bubble rate when I have more biomass).... so the pH profile is just a way of ensuring that I am more or less on the right track or to corroborate what I can see with my eyes. Therefore I'm not really sure if the curve is exactly like this or if there is a variation in the pH of 0.05-0.1Im doing this in order to not get any fluctuation during photoperiod, which induces algae supposedly. Its very hard for most people to have co2 stable like Parotets case because you need a lot of surface agitation and a lot of bps
My ph is very stable at 6.0 during the photo period. I religiously top up my tank to the exact same height every night at lights out. If I don't do that my ph will be off by about .1 the next day.
Yes try lowering light until problems get better. Using CO2 does not mean you need higher light, and using low light does not mean you dont need co2. In other words, the lower light is with co2 the easier it will be to manage while still obtaining great growth.Should a go under 40 par? Maybe try 30 or so? But then I'm getting down to such low light levels I probably don't even need co2.
Not necessarily true! my dc never changes back to blue overnight and I only have a ph drop of .5 ph from gas on to lights on but if i take a sample of tank water and leave it to de gas for 2 days I get a 1.3 - 1.4 ph differenceIf your CO2 isnt completely degassed through the night then you probably havent got enough surface movement/ flow in the tank. Have you got any surface film?
Not necessarily true! my dc never changes back to blue overnight and I only have a ph drop of .5 ph from gas on to lights on but if i take a sample of tank water and leave it to de gas for 2 days I get a 1.3 - 1.4 ph difference
why its a waste, if your fish arn't gasping what's the point in de gassing it some people run co2 24 hours a day with less issues than people who use a solenoid